Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 511 Imperial Green Jade
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Chapter 511 Imperial Green Jade

"You mean, Finn is weird?" Chase looked at Cedric with a weird expression.

"Not sure, but I don't think he is remarkable." Cedric shook his head.

"Master Zhang, what do you think?" Chase turned his gaze to Travis again.

He saw Travis frowned: "It doesn't make much sense to discuss these now. Tomorrow is about to start

the gambling fight. We just need to wait and see Finn's true strength."

Seeing that Travis seemed to be a little unhappy about mentioning Finn, Chase hurriedly agreed: "You

are right, we don't need to care whether he is weird or not, we just need to do our business."

At night, the ML Island was as bright as daytime.

There were groups of tourists everywhere on the beaches of the coastline.

After finding a hotel with Wu and others, Finn went to the beach alone.

At this moment, on ML Island, there were only tourists on this beach.

Therefore, Duke and others were most likely to appear here.

The sand on the beach was soft, and you can even hear a crisp sound when you step on it.

The oncoming salty damp sea wind could also relax your body and mind.

Finn hasn't been so comfortable for a long time. Since leaving Chen's Family, he has endured

humiliation and hardly had any chance to relax.

This trip to ML Island gave him a chance to take a break.

Unfortunately, this cozy comfort did not last long.

After a few more steps, two groups appeared in front of Finn.

Among them were several familiar faces for Finn.

Hinds, Gaspar, Sonya, Eveline, and Sharon, he met her on the cruise ship before.

Finn didn't understand how Hinds's family met Sharon, but at this moment, his family was confronting

Sharon with red ears.

Eveline was holding a broken emerald bracelet and shouted at Sharon, "This broken bracelet is worth

five million yuan? Are you crazy?! "

"Why it's not worth it?" Sharon sneered at Eveline with her arms around her chest and said, "You such

a bumpkin, Mr. Miyamoto's bracelet is a rare imperial green jade, and five million yuan is just the lowest

price I estimated. If Mr. Miyamoto takes it to the auction house for auction, it will be more than 8 million


"Therefore, I asked you to pay Mr. Miyamoto five million yuan, which is giving you face, so don't be annovelbin

ungrateful wretch!"

Mr. Miyamoto? Why did it sound like a people from Country J?

Finn frowned, he glanced at Sharon and immediately found that beside Sharon stood a middle-aged

man in a kimono.

This middle-aged man's skin was fair, he looked refined, and he looked like a people from Country J.

There was a high probability that this middle-aged man was Mr. Miyamoto, whom Sharon said.

But why did Eveline break this Mr. Miyamoto's bracelet?

"I don't believe what you said. I can also say that my bracelet is imperial green jade!"

Eveline took her bracelet off her wrist and shook it arrogantly in front of Sharon.

Sharon sneered, "I knew you would say that."

"If you don't believe that Mr. Miyamoto's bracelet is imperial green jade, you can look at the

identification document. Besides, there are so many people watching here. There must be people who

know about it. We can ask them to come out to see if Mr. Miyamoto's bracelet is imperial green jade or


Sharon sneered again, and she was quite confident.

Looking at her like this, Finn couldn't help but shook his head. This so-called Mr. Miyamoto's bracelet

was indeed the imperial green jade.

"This bracelet seems to be imperial green jade, its color is uniform, and through the green, there is also

a blue color."

Soon, a well-dressed passerby stood up to identify it, but before he could finish his words, he was

roughly interrupted by Eveline: "Shut up! Are you one of them?!"

"I am not..." The well-dressed passerby blushed and denied it.

"Then why do you help her?!" Eveline sneered, "I think you are a group! You are hustling my money!"

"Bumpkin, are you determined to keep pestering?!" Sharon's face turned cold. She did not arrange this

well-dressed passerby, and she did not need to do it.

It was because Yuichi Miyamoto's bracelet was indeed imperial green jade.

"Bitch, who did you say? Do you believe I will tear your mouth?!"

Eveline blustered, and when she spoke, she moved forward.

At this moment, Yuichi Miyamoto, who had been silent, waved his hand suddenly.

Immediately, two young men in samurai uniforms walked out and coldly stood in front of Eveline.

After seeing these two young men's cold expressions, Eveline showed some restraint: "What are you

doing?! Do you want to beat me?!"

"I warn you, I am from Country C, if you dare to beat me, Country C will let you bear all the


"Miss, people from Country C don't need to take responsibility when they make mistakes?" Yuichi

Miyamoto said lightly. His words were distinct. If he were not wearing a kimono, others would think he

was from Country C.

"The people of Country C have to bear the responsibility when they make mistakes." At this moment,

Hinds stood up and said in a deep voice.

He looked at Yuichi Miyamoto and said, "Mr. Miyamoto, first of all, I apologize for my wife's damage to

your bracelet."

"Besides, if Mr. Miyamoto's bracelet is imperial green jade, then no matter how much it is, I will

compensate you according to the price. Please don't worry."

"Compensation according to the cost?!" After hearing this, Eveline's expression changed drastically,

and she hurriedly pulled Hinds aside.

She lowered her voice and said: "Hinds, are you mad? If the bracelet was the imperial green jade, we

need to pay him 5 million yuan!"

"Five million yuan! This money is enough for us to buy a house in City Z!"

"Did you break the bracelet?" Hinds frowned and looked at Eveline.

"Yes, but I didn't mean it..." Eveline admitted reluctantly.

"Whether you did it on purpose or not, now, his bracelet is broken. In other words, it is our fault first.

Therefore, we must pay for this money." Hinds said in a deep voice.

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