Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 508 Seeing Eveline Again
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Chapter 508 Seeing Eveline Again

Seeing Chastity looked sullen, Finn couldn't help but say: "Actually, if you want to learn how to use

swords, you don't have to be my apprentice."

Chastity's eyes brightened: "You mean..."

"I can teach you some entry-level swordsmanship first. If you are interested in swordsmanship, I will let

you see my master in the future and formally be my apprentice." Finn said. Garrett has accepted three

disciples in his life, and he was the youngest one, also the last disciple.

The senior apprentice Thorn has been around with Garrett all year round and didn't care about the

secular world like Garrett.

Cooper, the second apprentice, wandered around the world, fighting with people all year round to

improve his cultivation skills, and it was almost impossible to see him.

Garrett only had Finn, who was relatively settled.

Therefore, the task of inheriting should be done by Finn.

"Really? Then thank you first." Chastity's pretty was happy first, and then solemnly thanked him.

"It's too early to say thank you. Sword, it's not as easy to learn as you think. It is a hard job. If you give

up halfway or fail to meet my requirements, I will not take you to see my master." Finn smiled. Chastity

had talent. She has been developing in the entertainment industry these years and had little time to

practice, but she has also come to the middle stage of the Obvious Period, and it seemed that there

was a high probability that she would break through to the late-stage soon.

The late stage of the Obvious Period was almost at the same as the geniuses of some sects.

However, in martial arts, talent was not the most important thing.

The most important thing was hard work.

Those who were talented but didn't work hard would eventually become mediocre.

"Hee, hee, don't worry. I will work hard." Chastity chuckled. She didn't care much about cultivation

before. She was at the middle stage of the Obvious Period because of her family's request.

But after the last assassination, she changed her thoughts.

The last assassination made her understood that strength talks.

A person without strength was duckweed without root. They couldn't even have the right to decide their


Besides, there was another reason, which was also the driving force for her to practice. This reason

was the magnificence of the martial arts world.

A series of things made her understand that this world's real appearance was far from being as simple

as she had seen.

In this world, there were a series of unthinkable things like walking on the walls and catching bullets

with bare hands, etc.

She wanted to see what the world really looked like.

After the cruise ship arrived ashore, many tourists began to line up, waiting to disembark.

And Finn and other VIPs, they didn't need to line up with ordinary tourists. They could take the VIP

passage and disembark.

After Finn boarded the pier, on the third deck, a middle-aged woman in a loose dress with red curly hair

was stunned. Her eyes were filled with a surprise: "He is that crap. Why is he here?"

"Eveline, what are you talking about? Who is here?" At this moment, Gaspar walked towards her.

"Gasper, I have bad eyesight. Can you tell me if that person is Finn?" The middle-aged woman with red

curly hair pointed to Finn suspiciously.


Hearing his name, Gaspar was shocked at first, and then hurriedly glanced in the direction Eveline

pointed. With just one glance, Gaspar's pupils suddenly narrowed.

"It's him!" Gaspar looked terrible. If Eveline pointed at others, he might misread. But for Finn, he would

never make a mistake. Whatever Finn became, he would recognize him.

"Why is he here?" Eveline frowned. "Did Hinds tell him about our trip?"

"I don't know." Gaspar shook his head distractedly, and then he said again: "Looking at him, it seems

that he has bought a VIP ticket on the top floor. Otherwise, he won't land in the first batch."

"VIP ticket?" Eveline's forehead knotted in a frown: "The VIP ticket is thirty thousand yuan each. How

could he afford it?"

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

As soon as Eveline finished speaking, Sonya walked over.

After seeing Sonya, Gaspar suddenly panicked in his heart, and he subconsciously tried to stop

Eveline speaking. But Eveline had opened her mouth: "Sonya, guess who else is on this ship?"



"Who???" Sonya was stunned suddenly.

"Finn," Eveline said casually.

"Finn!" Sonya gritted her teeth, "Where is he?"

"He is over there." Eveline pointed in the direction of Finn. At this moment, she was a little confused,

"Sonya, what is wrong with you? It is just Finn, and you have seen him before. How come you react

like this?"

Sonya's changed her expression, but she didn't say anything. Eveline didn't know about Finn had been

raped with her before. Of course, she didn't plan to tell her.

"Eveline, it's nothing. She hates Finn too much. That's why she reacts like that." At this time, Gaspar

stood out in a cold sweat to mediate. Of course, he knew why Sonya had such a big reaction.

After Sonya was raped by Kaede Matsushima and Yves last time, he told Sonya that it was Finn whonovelbin

raped her.

Now that she saw Finn again, it could be strange if Sonya did not react so much.

After pulling Sonya aside, Gaspar was about to speak. But Sonya had clenched her teeth and said:

"Gasper, I'm going to find that beast!"

Hearing Sonya's words, Gaspar suddenly panicked, and he hurriedly said: "Sonya, don't be impulsive.

That beast is with Miss Chu now. If you find him now, Miss Chu will not let you go."

"Sonya, why do you want to look for that crap?" At this moment, Eveline emerged from behind them,

asking with confusion.

Seeing Eveline coming out quietly, Gaspar was startled in a cold sweat. But he hurriedly agreed: "Yes,

she is right. What are you doing with that crap? We are coming to travel. Don't bother to find that crap

and find trouble for yourself."

"Moreover, that crap is riding on Miss Chu's coattails. If we find trouble for him now, we might be

ridiculed by him.

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