Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 497 A Slap
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Chapter 497 A Slap


Hearing Holly's request to break their leg, Leah panicked.

"My son-in-law is very powerful. If you dare to break our legs, he will kill you."

"Kill us? How will he kill us?" Yves sneered again and again. Leah was desperate to this point and even

dared to threaten him. She's making her death wish.

"He is a member of Chen's Family!" Leah blurted out in desperation.

Grant's expression changed drastically: "Leah! Don't talk nonsense!"

"What nonsense? That's it! What else can I say?!" Leah glared at Grant, and then she looked at Yves:

"I'm not talking nonsense, I'm sure my Son-in-law is Chen's Family member."

"Chen's Family?" Yves frowned: "Which Chen's Family?"

"Which Chen's Family could it be?" Leah snorted and said proudly: "Of course it's Chen's Family from

City Y."

"City Y Chen's Family?!"

Yves took a breath: "That is bullshit!"

"Why is it bullshit?" Leah sneered and asked.

"How could someone from Chen's Family from City Y become your son-in-law?" Yves looked

suspicious, but Leah's face tells the truth, but How can someone from Chen's Family become their son-


"I know you don't believe me, but you only need to wait ten minutes. After ten minutes, my son-in-law

will come over. At that time, you can personally verify his identity." Leah calmed down. Yves was

frightened by the name of Chen's Family. At this time, the calmer she was, the more scared Yves would


"Okay, I'll wait for ten minutes." Yves glanced at Leah coldly: "After ten minutes, if your son-in-law does

not show up nor from the Chen's Family, Then I will make you live in agony!"

Yves had a brutal look in his eyes. But he can still afford to wait for ten minutes.

If he finds out that Leah lied to him, then Leah will be fucked up!

In less than ten minutes, eight minutes to be precise, Finn and Maura appeared at the ward's door.

Finn's face suddenly turned cold when seeing the blood-red slap prints on Grant and Leah's faces.

At this time, a sharp voice sounded in the ear:

"Brother, the bastard is here!"

Finn glanced at the sound source, only to see Holly looking at him with a sour face.

"It seems that the lesson I just taught you is not enough!" A cold light flashed in Finn's eyes. He thoughtnovelbin

that breaking Holly's leg would give Holly a long nightmare, who knows, Holly came to find him again.

"Brother, kill this bastard for me! This bastard broke my leg!" Holly looked at Finn grimly. She didn't care

about Chen's Family whatsoever; all she cares about is that bastard Finn broke her leg and made her

life miserable.

"Brother, do it now."

Seeing that Yves was not moving, Holly couldn't help but urge again.

This urge finally woke Yves from the shock.

"Shut up!" After slowing down, the first thing Yves did was to scold Holly and make her shut up.

He couldn't even think of killing him. The one who broke Holly's leg is surprisingly Finn, who he met at

Chu's mansion that day!

"Brother..." Holly looked puzzled. Why did Yves ask her to shut up?

"Mr. Finn, why are you here?" After taking a deep breath, Yves took a step forward and put on a

flattering smile.

At this moment, he is 100% sure that Finn is a member of Chen's Family!

Leah did not lie!

The fact that Finn is a member of Chen's Family can explain a series of unreasonable points in the

information he investigated before.

"The wound on my dad and mom's face, you did this?!"

Finn had a cold expression. He did not expect that the one who helped Holly is Yves, whom he met

several days ago.

Seeing that the first thing that Finn asked was that question, Yves instantly stiffened.

"Mr. Chen, there may be some misunderstandings between us..."

"Misunderstanding? What Misunderstanding?" Leah sneered and walked towards Yves, and looked at

Yves playfully: "You guys were planning to break our legs and kill us, how is that misunderstanding."

"Auntie Leah, Please let me explain..."

Yves smiled awkwardly and wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Leah mercilessly: "I don't want to

hear you explain. I want to know how are you going to pay for the slap that you gave me? ?"

"Aunt Leah, how do you want me to pay?" Yves smiled. Leah is a woman with a grudge. If he can't

satisfy Leah today, then Finn will not let Yves escape.

"A slap."

Leah glanced at Yves, the corners of her mouth raised: "Slap your mouth."

"Slap?" Yves was stunned. He didn't expect that Leah would make such a request.

"You won't?" Leah frowned.

Yves hurriedly shook his head: "Yes, yes."

With that, Yves raised his hand and slapped his face several times.

It seems that Yves didn't hold back, he used a lot of power, and when he slapped his face, the entire

left half of his face became red.

But Leah did not plan to let Yves go, she smiled: "A slap is not enough."

Wasn't a slap enough?

There was a furious look in Yves's eyes; he gritted his teeth and raised his hand again.

Bang bang ......

Within a minute, Yves gave his face several slaps, and his entire face swelled in a blink of an eye.


Holly was terrified. She never thought of the day that Yves would throw away his dignity in front of

others. Yves did all this is because he wanted to protect her.

Another minute has passed, Yves stops slapping his face. He looked at Leah and forced a smile from

the corner of his mouth: "Aunt Lin, is that enough?"

"Huh, it's good now." Leah snorted coldly. Yves's knowledge was somewhat beyond her expectation.

She originally planned to take a layer of skin off Yves, but Yves has already put on such a humble

attitude, it'd be too much if she asks for more.

"Mr. Chen..." Yves smiled and looked at Finn. Although he did everything, Leah asked, but in the end,

it's all up to Finn, and he hasn't said a word yet. He only smashed his face, which is useless.

"Get lost."

Finn spoke lightly. People like Yves are typical dogs that bite and do not bark. Even he is showing

respect towards Leah now. One day, once he has enough power to revenge, then he will inevitably

return the humiliation he suffered today to Leah by a hundredfold.

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