Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 492 Don’t know how to appreciate_
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Chapter 492 Don't know how to appreciate_

Apart from Qin Mathew, there are still many rich men in this restaurant who planned to send Maura


But after seeing the wine sent by Mathew, these rich men hurriedly called back their wine.

They didn't dare to snatch the girl that he liked!

"How is Chen's Family?" After ordering, Maura put down the menu and asked calmly.

"Chen's Family, there is nothing wrong for the time being." Finn smiled and answered after a short

pause. Actually, Maura didn't know much regarding Chen's Family. That question should be asking

about his safety. In other words, She asked if Chen's Family has done anything to him.

Maura slightly nodded and immediately said: "Did my mother tell you about remarriage?"

"she did."

"Well, don't take her words deeply. Don't worry about this remarrying thing." Maura said softly. Rachel

had already explained everything to her. As long as Chen's Family's threat wasn't lifted, she and Finn's

remarriage will only become a burden to him.

Chen's Family is likely to find a breakthrough from her.

Don't worry?

Finn gave a wry smile. How could he not worried? If he didn't remarry Maura in one day, there would be

more to be concerned.

Counting days.

It is not a trivial matter that he abolished Irene. Chen's Family will give him trouble sooner or later. They

are tolerant of him because Jason has not left the customs, once he leaves the customs, they will bring

this problem up again.

"By the way, what is your relationship with Aunt Qin?" Maura suddenly thought of something and


"She is my stepmother," Finn answered truthfully. The Aunt Qin Maura mention is Rachel.

"Why, all of a sudden?" Finn asked.

"Nothing, just out of curiosity." Maura shook her head. Then she continued: "Aunt Qin is very kind to me

and has taught me a lot of business skills, but I don't know about your relationship with her....."

"She is a trustworthy person for the time being." He knew what Maura was going to say, so Finn

interrupted and smile. Maura's meaning was straightforward. She didn't know if Rachel was Finn's

friend or foe, so she can't keep her friendship with Rachel.

However, as Finn said, Rachel is trustworthy for the time being because Finn and Rachel have the

same enemy, Bowie!

"Rachel used to have a son. To be precise, her son is my younger brother..." Finn sighed. He didn't

want to talk about the past incident, but now that Maura Asked, So he naturally wished to let Maura


The story was very simple. Rachel used to had a son, but died before he was even five years old.

He died in an accident.

At least that's what Chen's Family said.

However, inside Chen's Family, many think Bowie has something to do with her son's death.

Rachel has investigated this problem. Although there is no obvious clue, Bowie is indeed verynovelbin


Since then, Rachel has been keeping an eye on Bowie.

There is nothing that a mother who has lost her son cannot do.

From the very start, Rachel had the idea to die with Bowie, so she could stand beside Finn, which is

still solving her problem related to Irene and silently helping his fight against Bowie.

There's a possibility that Irene acted all this up...

Finn also thought about it, but in the end, he rejected it. He didn't think that Rachel could've acted for

so many years.

"It turns out that Aunt Qin has this kind of past..." Maura was a little silent. Rachel always gave her the

impression that she was a strong woman, but she did not expect that there was such a sad past behind

the strong woman.

"About Rachel, you can get along with her as you like..."

"Hello, Miss."

At this moment, a beautiful waiter came over with a tray with a bottle of Lafite: "This is the wine

Mr.Mathew gave you."

At this moment, the beautiful waiter took the Lafite that worth more than 30,000 from the tray and put it

on the table.

"given wine?" Maura and Finn were taken aback for a moment, then followed the beautiful waiter's

gaze, only to see a handsome young man wearing Armani smiling and nodding, beside the young man,

there were six or seven Both men and women beautifully dressed. At this moment, these men and

women are looking at Finn and Maura playfully.

"Sorry, I don't know him, please take it back." Without any hesitation, Maura directly declined his



The beautiful waiter frowned: "young lady, Mathew is rarely this enthusiastic. You are the first woman

he asked to deliver wine to. I hope you can accept it."

"As I said, please take the wine back, I don't know him." Maura remained calm.

The beautiful waiter's brows frowned even tighter: "Miss, i'll tell you, He is the young master of the Qin

family, one of the four major families of City Z. you might know who they are, I don't know how many

women wanted him but they don't have the connection.

"Today, Mathew directly gifted you this wine. You should at least accept it."

The pretty waiter frowned and looked at Maura. In her opinion, Maura was purely ignorant, the one who

gave her red wine, it's no one but Mathew!

One of the top rich second generations in City Z's rich people circle!

Even now, when he hasn't inherited the Qin's family asset yet, Mathew's himself already worth more

than ten billion.

At the restaurant entrance, there's Bugatti Veyron that cost more than 20 million yuan, and it is

Mathew's car.

A handsome and rich man like Mathew is arguably every woman's dream type, but Maura dares to

refuse his kindness. If this isn't ignorant, then what is it?

"Are you deaf? I said, take the wine back!"

Maura's voice was icy, no matter how patient she was, she couldn't bear the attitude of this beautiful


"Take the wine back. She doesn't like to drink." At this time, Finn spoke lightly. He didn't come forward

to stop her at first because he and Maura were no longer married. So if Maura didn't speak up, he

couldn't either.

But now, Maura has expressed her opinion. He naturally has no scruples.

"She doesn't like to drink?"

The pretty waiter scowled and glanced at Finn. She wasn't sure about the relationship between Finn

and Maura. If they are a couple, but why they didn't look like one. It can be said that the two are just

friends, and they acted differently, too...

But no matter what their relationship is, it is none of her concern.

This is supposed to be Mathew's concern.

Even if the two are a real couple, Mathew surely will find ways to dig in.

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