Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 442 Found It Out
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Chapter 442 Found It Out

"Yes or no?!" The black shadow's tone was even more dissatisfied. As Chandler Zhao said, the other

side was 8 to 9 out of 10 to be a transformed period's martial artist.

He immediately took a look at Chandler with some dissatisfaction: "How can it suddenly turn out to be a

transformed period's martial artist?! Don't you do an investigation before the assassination?"

"I did." Chandler's tone was full of anger. "Before the assassination, I sent three groups of people to

check his identity. As a result, those fools only found out the surface, not the depth."

"I initially wanted to check it myself, but who knows, Chu's Family's girl went to him that day."

"I worried that he would leak information to Chu's Family or testify for them. So I asked Chu Sun to

contact a Country J's swordsman that he knew a few years ago to get rid of him as soon as possible."

"But unexpectedly..."

At this point, Chandler's face was full of remorse. Ultimately, he was too anxious; if he settled it steadily

and waited for a thorough investigation of Finn Chen's identity, he wouldn't be in such a situation.

"Unexpectedly?" The black shadow frowned. He was more curious about what happened later because

Chandler's words showed that Finn's identity was not simple.

"He's from Chen's Family." Chandler sighed.

"Chen's Family?! That City Y's Chen's Family?!"

The black shadow couldn't help but surprise, and the shock in his eyes almost burst his eyes.

"Yes, that City Y's Chen's Family." Chandler was somewhat helpless. There were innumerable Chen's

Families in Country C, but only City Y's Chen's Family could make them felt such fear.

Chen's Family, which once had two masters!


"What a moron!"

"Why did you provoke Chen's Family?! Don't you know what Chen's Family means to us?" The black

shadow growled, and his eyes were red with blood.

His chest moved up and down incredibly. He was angry when he heard that Chandler provoked a

transformed period's martial artist. But he completely lost his temper after hearing that Finn was Chen's

Family's Transformed Period's Martial Artist.

"Listen to me first." Chandler frowned. "That guy is from Chen's Family, but his relationship with Chen's

Family is not like what you think."

"What do you mean?" The black shadow looked at Chandler in a bit of disbelief.

Chandler said in a deep voice. "He is an illegitimate child, Chen's Family doesn't welcome him, and

now many Chen's Family members want him to die."

If Chen's Family welcomed Finn, and Finn was an earnest Chen's Family member. Chandler would

have to compensate Chu a death as Golden Armor Sect's leader.

That's the only way they could appease Chen's Family's anger.

It's a pity that Finn was not. Finn was just an illegitimate child, and he had offended most of Chen's

Family members. Now, there were many Chen's Family members who hoped Finn to die.

The reason why the Warriors' League let go of the Golden Armor Sect so quickly also had something to

do with some Chen's Family's members.

The black shadow relieved after Chandler finished the story.

He didn't expect it to be so complicated.

He initially wanted to assassinate Chu's Family's princess, but unexpectedly, he implicated Chen's


"Chen's Family hasn't made a statement for the time being. They don't intend to intervene in this

matter, and even encourage us to fight Finn." Chandler continued.

"Well, it's beautiful speculation!" The black shadow snorted: "Chen's Family doesn't welcome Finn, and

so many Chen's Family's members want him to die, but he hasn't died."

"This shows that there must be someone behind him to protect him. And the people who protect him

are influential within Chen's Family, even to the point where no one dares to have any opinions." He


"Yes, we can see it when Chen's Family wants to use our hands to kill Finn." Chandler nodded.

"Well, they want to use us as a gunslinger, some people are good schemers." The black shadow

snorted coldly.

He shortly looked at Chandler again and told him in a deep voice: "Don't mess with Finn. Chen's

Family's internal forces are too complex. They can destroy us if we're not careful."

"I understand."

"By the way, what did the Warriors' League say?" The black shadow asked.

"They...decided to abolish Chu's whole body cultivation and deport him." Chandler's tone was a little

heavy. This decision was a relatively big blow to the Golden Armor Sect; they only had four Martial Arts


Chu had the best relationship with him, and he was the strongest one beside him.

Now that they abolished Chu, his control over the Golden Armor Sect would be half smaller before.

"Take care of his family, and don't let him terrified." The black shadow sighed. If Chandler were more

careful and did not use Country J's swordsman, Golden Armor Sect wouldn't be in charge, and Chu

would be safe.

However, it was a bit hindrance to talk about that. On that day, Chandler used Country J's swordsman

to clean things up and avoid letting the Golden Armor Sect to get involved. Who could have thought

that Country J's swordsman would have a disadvantageous?

"What about that man's whereabouts? Have you found out about it?" The black shadow asked without

thinking the matter through.

"Yes," Chandler spoke in a deep voice.

"Where has he been?!" The black shadow's look became dignified.

"City C!" Chandler slowly spat out two words.

"Nineteen years ago, the man went to City C once, and he stayed in City C for more than a month."

"He went to City C again ten years ago. This time, he had stayed in City C for five days."

"After that, he mysteriously disappeared. No one knows where he went until now."

"Is the source of information reliable?" The black shadow asked calmly.

"Reliable, it's an elder from the Martial Arts' League's monitoring department." Chandler.

"Check! Check as soon as possible! Find out as soon as possible who he had been contacting in City

C! This will decide whether our plan will succeed." The black shadow looked excited. After waiting for

five years, he finally got the news he wanted.

Once they found out what that guy had left behind, he could go to the world!

"I'll have someone to check it out as soon as possible." Chandler nodded.

"Don't arrange people, check it yourself! I don't trust anyone else except you." The black shadow said


"Well, I'll go by myself." Chandler was a little helpless. Only the man in front of him could make him ran


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