Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 436 A Little Conflict
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Chapter 436 A Little Conflict

“You troublemaker, have you offended someone again?!” As soon as Gloria Lin pressed to answer, anovelbin

roaring voice came from her mobile phone.

Gloria quickly denied: “Darling, what do you mean? I’m at home now.”

“Nonsense!” Yates Tang was furious: “My hotel has been closed down, you still say you didn’t offend


“What?! ” Gloria was flabbergasted.

The only thing her husband had was that hotel. If the hotel were closed down, her family would have

nothing left.

“Darling, what’s going on here?” Although she had a premonition, Gloria still didn’t want to believe that

it had something to do with Finn Chen.

“How should I know?!” Yates explained: “A group of people suddenly came up to me and said that

there was something wrong with the hotel in the afternoon, but then they closed it down without saying

a word…”

“Darling, what about the Zhang Bureau? Have you looked for them? ” Gloria couldn’t help asking.

There was never any major problem at the hotel in the past. When there was a problem, Yates would

bribe the Zhang Bureau.

In the officialdom of City Z, although Zhang Bureau was not the top group, it had also occupied a

position in the middle and upper class.

In general, as long as it’s not too big of a problem, the Zhang Bureau could take care of it.

“Of course! How could I not?! ”

“I always call the Zhang Bureau as soon as possible. No matter how busy they were, they usually

would answer my call. I have made dozens of calls today, but Zhang Bureau has not answered any of


Listening to Yates’s rant, Gloria realized the seriousness of the matter. Zhang Bureau did not dare to

answer the phone this time.

“Darling, how about you call them again? Maybe the bureau was too busy. ”

Although she already knew that this matter must have had something to do with Finn, but she still didn’t

think that Finn could have such power.

“Are you an idiot?! You think they had no time to answer a phone call? ” Yates scolded Gloria.

It was clear that someone had set up their family, and that person’s power was so formidable that

Zhang Bureau didn’t even dare to help them.

It was only after dozens of phone calls that Yates realized the problem.

But after thinking thoroughly, he couldn’t figure out whom he had offended. He had been laying low


Since he didn’t offend anyone, it was between Gloria or Raina Tang, but he suspected that it was


After all, he was her husband. Yates knew his wife’s behavior. She could easily offend anyone.

“Darling, I had a little conflict with someone today…” Gloria knew that she could not hide it, so she

began to confess.

“You said your niece is now the president of KM Group?” Yates was stunned after listening to Gloria’s


“Yes, I don’t know how that slut got that lucky.” Gloria’s tone became both jealous and resentful when

talking about Maura Shawn.

“Idiot! You are an idiot!”

“She had become the president, so why would you provoke her?!”

Yates was raging like a bull. He did not expect that the reason it happened was because Gloria went to

provoke Maura intentionally.

Gloria seemed aggrieved: “Darling, I’m doing it for our Raina…”

“Nonsense! You fool! If you thought about Raina, you wouldn’t go there and provoke Maura! ”

“Make her the vice president?! How could you talk like that?! You’re acting like you don’t know Raina!

She might not even do well as a small supervisor! ”

“Do you want me to die from anger? ”

“No, I don’t mean that…” Gloria tried to explain.

She still didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with what she had done.

So what if Raina didn’t deserve to be the vice president? There were a lot more people who didn’t

deserve their position. Maura was a living example.

Maura could become the president, so at least her daughter could become the vice president.

Of course, Gloria only dared to think about it. She didn’t dare to say it out loud.

“I don’t care what you mean. Go and apologize to your niece now.” Yates ordered angrily.

“Darling, I don’t think apologizing would be enough…” Gloria answered in a low voice.

She had told Yates about offending Maura, but she didn’t say that Karen Liu and Kyle Wu came after


Judging from Karen and Kyle’s message, Finn must be the one who’s behind all this.

“Did you offend another person?” Yates was furious again. If he were there, he would have slapped

Gloria in the face.

“No, it’s the slut’s ex-husband, Finn Chen, the live-in son-in-law I mentioned to you several times

before. ” Gloria informed.

Since she married Yates, she had rarely contacted Leah, but she had always been observing Leah’s


“Live-in son-in-law?”

“Finn Chen?”

“What does this matter have to do with him?”

“Just now, his two underlings came to our house…” Gloria began telling about Karen and Kyle.

“A loose tongue spells trouble?”

Yates instantly understood everything, and he immediately hated Gloria with a passion.

From the very beginning, Gloria knew whom she had offended, but she kept circling around the topic.

“Darling, I have seen that garbage in City C several times. He is a real loser, but he suddenly had great

power after that dinner in Leah’s house. I had always thought that things were strange.” Gloria frowned.

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