Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 421 Have No Choice
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Chapter 421 Have No Choice


A crispy fracture sounded. Zoey Guan's mouth corner froze before it's malevolent smile blossomed.

Because Finn Chen handily expelled a fierce man like Tiger away.

Besides, it seemed like Finn had broken one of his legs.

Zoey wasn't sure whether the fractured sound he just heard was from Tiger's leg.


The next second, Tiger screamed.

Hearing it, Zoey trembled. His heart became furious, Finn indeed broke Tiger's leg!

The click sound not only frightened Zoey but also scared the others in the field.

No one thought that the extremely delicate Finn and the fierce beast Tiger would have this ending!

A move!

With only a move!

Finn broke Tiger's leg!

What an unlikely outcome!


A lot of people took a fresh breath; they're all scared.

A few students who had just come to Finn and were ready to vent their anger on Zoey's behalf were

even paler.

Fortunately, they hadn't moved. If the students did, they should be laid on the ground screaming at this


"Rubbish! Rubbish!"

"It's rubbish!"

Zoey was utterly frustrated that he couldn't even think of killing Finn. The majestic Tiger who scared the

whole audience until everyone's silent was useless!

"What are you doing! Tell them to go on!" Zoey turned his eyes to manager Huang again; he must

retrieve this venue today.

"Go on?" Hearing Zoey's words, manager Huang almost burst into tears. Tiger was once the northwest

special combat brigade's ace. Although he had decommissioned, his skills stayed still.

Only Tiger could fight in the whole JM Hotel.

Now Finn knocked Tiger down with only a move. Let alone hitting Finn, he didn't even know if they

could bump into Finn or not.

"Young master Guan, I think it's better to call the police, my fellows aren't equal to that guy at all..."

Manager Huang said with a sour face that he didn't want to provoke Finn anymore. He couldn't

instigate anyone who could break Tiger's leg with a move.

"Call your F@#$ police! Keep calling people for me!" Zoey was mad with anger. If he called the police

at this time, where should he put his face? He's Guan's Family's young master.

"Young master Guan, all the JM Hotel's securities are here." Manager Huang said with a sad face.

"F@#$!" Zoey was so angry that he frankly burst to swear words, he turned his eyes to the dark youth

who wanted to help him out. Before he said anything, the suntanned young man stepped back and said

with a smile: "Mr. Guan, I'm not equal to him either. Please ask someone else..."

Zoey was so angry that he almost fainted. He didn't expect that these students were so good at judging

the situation when they saw that Finn was a tough guy; they didn't even dare to do anything.

Compared with Zoey's exasperation, Finn was very calm at this time. He raised his wrist to look at the

time and smiled: "Are you calling backup? I can give you 15 minutes to call the best fighter, call as

much as you have."

Call as much as he had?!novelbin

Finn's words once again surprised the crowd.

What was arrogance?

It was this!

It's not that the crowd had never seen the big scene. Still, it was the crowd's first time seeing someone

asked the other side to call backup instead of running away after beating the other side's subordinate!

Zoey's face was burning with pain. There was no doubt that Finn was provoking him, it's like Finn

placed his face on the ground and stepped on it!

"Are you sure you want me to call someone?!" Zoey's eyes were red, and a craziness spread in his


As matters stood, even if he became foolish, he should realize that Finn wasn't as simple as he looked,

and Finn was likely to have some background!

But he wouldn't resign it!

He must retrieve this venue back!

Even if Finn had any background, he had to meet force with Finn once!

"Sure." Finn smiled lightly. That sentence, trifling Zoey, he did not take it to heart. He asked him to call

backup was to store a one-time fear in Zoey's thoughts.

If he left this time, Zoey would surely be angry with Joe Li later.


"Don't regret!" Zoey bit his teeth and took out his phone. His previous guess was right, Finn also had

some background.

The situation now was the Eight immortals crossed the sea; they had to see who's magical power was

more vigorous.

Zoey phoned somebody with a dark complexion. His base camp was in the east region of YT River, but

on City Z, he also knew a lot of top-notch young master in this circle.

Although it's humiliating to ask these top-notch young master to make a move, he couldn't manage to

stay still.

He would do it as long as he could eliminate Finn.

A few minutes later, Zoey hung up.

After hanging up the phone, the crowd could see that Zoey's confidence had risen.

"Son of a b!@#$, do you know who I called?" Zoey sneered and turned his eyes to Finn. He was a bit

nervous before he made the call because he called someone who had higher status than himself. His

dignity was not enough to invite that person.

He gave it a try, but unexpectedly, the man agreed to his request.

For Zoey's hoot, Finn was too lazy to pay attention to it. He could trample to death with a kick anyone

Zoey called.

Finn thought that Zoey would be quiet if he ignored Zoey, but he forgot a saying 'becoming proud and


The more he ignored Zoey, the ecstatic Zoey became.

"Son of a b!@#$, are you afraid?"

"Haha, kneel now if you're afraid, knock your head three times, and then drill through my crotch to

make me happy. Maybe I can let you go today..."


Before Zoey finished speaking, a teacup flew over and hit his face.

Scalding tea flowed all over in a flash, splashed above Zoey's wound.

Zoey covered his head with his hands, and a miserable howl burst from his throat.

His howl scared the whole private room's crowd until no one dared to breathe loudly.

Looking at Finn, the crowd frightened.

How come this lord didn't say anything.

He splashed the scalding tea without coming up with any argument!

Finn shook his head; he was somewhat helpless. He didn't mean to splash him with it, but Zoey was

too noisy and disturbed his peace.

He had to make a move.

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