Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 419 The Arrogant Zoey Guan
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Chapter 419 The Arrogant Zoey Guan

“Joe, I see you are a bit dishonest. I heard whom you called Brother Finn from the outside.” The young

man’s face hardened. He seemed a little unhappy.

“He is Brother Finn, is he not?” Before Joe Li could speak, the young man turned his eyes to Finn

Chen. After all, Finn was the only other man in the room.

“Yes…” Joe was a little embarrassed.

The young man was Zoey Guan. He was a typical rich person’s son, and his family was powerful, so

Joe couldn’t afford to offend him at all.

“Well, since Brother Finn is your friend, he is also my friend. Now let’s have a meal together, alright?”

Zoey seemed to be talking to Joe, but he did not even glance at him.

Before Joe could react, Zoey moved a chair and sat down.

“Hey girls, do you mind if I join?”

Zoey smiled and rolled up his sleeves, revealing a Vacheron Constantin on his wrist.

He believed that they should be able to understand the meaning of his action.

Celia Hu smiled faintly, took a sip of the red wine, and ignored Zoey.

Nora Xiao frowned and turned to Finn. Everything depended on Finn. Although Zoey’s impolite, but if

they drove him out, they would disrespect Joe.

“Zoey, let’s eat together another day. Brother Finn doesn’t like to eat with strangers.” Joe mustered his

courage and spoke.

The relationship between him and Zoey was not very good. Now that he had bothered Zoey from

picking up girls, Joe was worried.

But he had no choice. If he did not speak up and let Zoey continue, his relationship with Finn might


“What if I want to eat today?” Zoey’s voice fell cold. He thought Finn would be the first to oppose. Joe,

this trash, how could he disrespect him?

Joe was stunned. He did not dare to answer Zoey’s question.

“Brother Finn, right?” Zoey turned his gaze to Finn again, he asked with a provocative tone: “I want to

have a meal with these beauties. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No.” Finn smiled slightly.

“No?” The corner of Zoey’s mouth rose: “You are quite sensible.”

“Brother Finn?” Joe was surprised. Finn was not the kind of person who’s easy to subdue. He even

dared to challenge Gaspar Li, why didn’t he respond to Zoey?

Zoey didn’t know what Joe was thinking. In his opinion, it was only appropriate for Finn to subdue to

him. After all, anyone could tell that he was no ordinary man.

If he wanted to pick up some girls, Finn should obediently send the girl to him.

“Are you all students?”

Zoey chuckled after observing Nora and Celia.

Nora frowned, there was a slight disgust in her beautiful eyes, but she didn’t answer.

On the contrary, Celia, pretended to be interested in Zoey and said, “How did you know?”

Seeing Celia’s response, Zoey’s eyes brightened.

Although he was very excited, Zoey didn’t show it on his face.

As a veteran in this field, Zoey knew that he must be calm at this time, and to keep a sense of mystery,

so that the girls would stay interested.

“Don’t worry about it. Just tell me if you are.” Zoey’s tone was arrogant.

Celia grinned: “Yes, I am.”

Zoey nodded and turned his gaze to Nora: “Then are you also a student?”

“Does it have anything to do with you?” Nora glanced at Zoey coldly. Disgust clearly showing in her


Zoey was taken aback for a moment, and then he joked, “You seem to have some temper, hm?”

“But…” Zoey continued to move his gaze down.

When he saw the two slender legs under Nora’s short skirt, Zoey grew even more excited.

Zoey suppressed his desire and continued, “But I like girls with a temper. The greater the temper, the

more I like it.”

“Go away!” Nora snorted coldly in disgust.

However, Zoey didn’t care about it in the slightest. After a joking glance at Nora, Zoey scorned: “Hownovelbin

about this? State a price. How much for one night? No matter how much, I can…”


Nora slapped Zoey before he could finish speaking.

“Go fuck yourself!” Nora stared at Zoey and insulted him.

“You dare to hit me?”

Zoey couldn’t believe it.


Nora sneered, and before Zoey could not respond, she slapped Zoey on his face again.

This slap pushed Zoey into a rage.

“You bitch! I will kill you!” Zoey grabbed the wine bottle on the table and swang it at Nora’s forehead.

Nora was startled. Although she slapped Zoey before, she was only a girl. It’s irrational for her to fight a

man like Zoey.

Just when Nora was about to step back, a red wine bottle flew and hit Zoey in his head.


After a scream, Zoey covered his head and fell to the ground in pain. The blood on his forehead

couldn’t stop flowing out of his hands.

Of course, Finn was the one who threw the wine bottle.

Finn wanted to respect Joe and ignore Zoey’s bullshit, but how could Finn bear it after Zoey started to

pose a threat to Nora?

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