Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 413 President Maura Shawn
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Chapter 413 President Maura Shawn

Leah Lin, who was cheeky, got into the car with Maura Shawn. Leah was about to ask Maura what

happened, only to find that a beautiful woman was wearing a black OL dress with delicate facial

features and good temperament on the co-pilot.

This beauty was the secretary of Maura, Lucia Fang.

"Hello, Aunt Lin." Lucia smiled and greeted Leah. Although Leah and Maura didn't get along with each

other, after all, Leah was Maura's mother. As Maura's secretary, Lucia couldn't lose her etiquette.

"Hello." Leah stammered and didn't react to what happened.

"Aunt Lin, I am Lucia Fang, the secretary of President Shawn. You can call me Lucia."

"Lucia." Leah nodded with a forced smile, and then couldn't help but turn her eyes to Maura. She

wanted to know how Maura became president of that company. Didn't Maura come to City Z to find a

job? Why did she suddenly become a president?

Maura didn't notice Leah's confused look. She was looking out the window in a trance, thinking


"Maura!" Seeing that Maura kept silent for a long time, Leah couldn't help but speak.

But after opening her mouth, Leah saw the cold eyes of Maura.

Leah instantly silenced. Somehow, Maura was completely different from before.

In the past, Maura was weak-tempered so that Leah could treat her at will.

But now, the imposing manner on Maura made her faint with fear.

"Miss Shawn, are we going back to the company now or not?" Lucia tried to ask, she had been

following with Maura for some time, and she generally understood Maura's temper.

She could feel that today's Maura. After coming out of HY Club, she was emotionally unstable, which

Lucia had never seen before.

"Go back to the company." Maura lightly replied.

Then the vehicle turned around and headed for KM Group.

A few minutes later, Lucia couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Zhang, How to take this road today instead of

the BJ Bridge?"

The middle-aged man, known as Zhang Shu, looked honest and straightforward. He replied in a

muffled voice: "A car accident happened at the BJ Bridge, and now the road is blocked."

"A car accident?" Lucia subconsciously asked.

"I don't know. It seems that a man and a woman were walking on the Bridge, and then a car suddenly

went out of control. The woman was hit by a car to save the man." The driver casually replied.

"Is that woman all right?" Lucia couldn't help but ask. The woman was an emotional creature. Hearing

this kind of thing, she unavoidably felt worried.

"The woman's situation is not so well. According to the people at the scene, the causing-trouble vehicle

was directly crushed and scrapped. In such a tragic accident, the person who was hit was improbable

to survive." Uncle Zhang analyzed it truthfully. He was an experienced driver. He had seen hundreds of

car accidents over the years, so he knew how tragic the accident would be.

"Oh, I hope that girl is safe." Lucia couldn't help but sigh. From Zhang's description, that man and that

woman might be in a relationship. When the accident happened, the woman gave up her life to save

the man.

Lucia thought the woman must take great courage to so that. If she were that woman, she would never

have made that decision.

"Go to BJ Bridge!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the car.

Lucia looked back unexpectedly and looked at Maura. She asked inexplicably," President Shawn, why

are you going there?"

"No more questions. Just go." Maura suppressed her uneasiness and said.

Somehow, after listening to what Zhang said, she always had a feeling that the lovers were Finn Chen

and Wendy Lin.

Finn and Wendy went out together, and besides, BJ Bridge was not far from HY Club, so they could

walk away from HY Club and turn left in less than five minutes.

Moreover, if there was a car accident, Maura believed that Wendy would go all out to save Finn.

The way Wendy looked at Finn was precisely the same as how she used to look at Finn!

That was the real reason why she lost control of her emotions today.

Another woman appeared by Finn's side!

This woman's love for Finn was no less than hers for Finn.

"Uncle Zhang, go to BJ Bridge." Although Lucia didn't understand why Maura made this decision, as a

subordinate, Lucia could only obey it.

Only Leah in the car vaguely understood why Maura made such a decision at this time.

But after understanding it, Leah couldn't help but think of an absurd idea--So coincidental?

That loser and that coquettish fox were hit by a car as soon as they went out?

Five minutes later, the silver Maserati appeared on the Bridge.

After opening the door, Maura took a deep breath and then walked outside the warning line.

Maura was relieved when she found that there was no Finn there.

However, after seeing the Land Rover rotted into scrap metal, Maura's pupils suddenly tightened.

This Land Rover was not destroyed!

It's more like being bombarded with violence!

Maura felt more and more worried.

Of all the people she knew, Finn was the only one who could use violence to smash a Land Rover into

scrap metal.

So, the man and woman Zhang referred to were Finn and Wendy!

Maura stepped back uncontrollably and turned pale instantly.

What happened at that time?

Why was the scene so tragic?

Was someone trying to hurt Finn?

And Wendy, was she still alive?

At that time, countless tumultuous thoughts flooded into Maura's mind.

"Miss Shawn, what's wrong with you?" Lucia asked with concern. Maura was in a bad state. Could it be

that--Maura knew the man and woman who had just had an accident?

Maura didn't answer, but took out her mobile phone from her pocket in a panic and dialed Finn's

number with trembling fingers.

Now, Finn had returned to the hotel.

No sooner had he entered the room than his cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller's ID, Finn was silent a little, and then he answered the phone.

Then Maura's trembling voice sounded: "Finn, are you ... are you okay?"

Initially, Finn felt angry and aggrieved, but it all disappeared when he heard Maura's voice.

That was all Finn could feel at the moment.novelbin

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