Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 411 None Of My Business
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Chapter 411 None Of My Business

The sudden outrage of Maura shocked everyone present, especially Leah. She could not believe that

the domineering woman in front of her was her weak daughter, who used to be easy to bully.

Gloria was also stunned for a moment, but soon she came back in mind.

After that, Gloria became angry from embarrassment and pointed to Maura's nose, then started to

scold in defiance of her demeanor, "You bitch. I Dare you say that again... "


Before Gloria finished speaking, a slap fell on her face and interrupted the rest of her words.

Gloria froze.

Leah also froze.

Raina's face was full of confusion.

Only Maura remained calm, "I told you to keep your mouth clean."

"Why don't you listen to me?"

"You... How dare you slap me in the face?" Gloria covered her face and looked at Maura with a dull

look; It seemed that she was at a loss due to Maura's slap.

"Why not?"

Maura's tone remained calm sill.

Her calm attitude made Gloria exploded with anger instantly.

"Ahh! I'll kill you!"

After a shrill scream, Gloria rushed at Maura with threatening gestures.

Maura raised her hand and slapped Gloria in the face once again with a frigid manner.novelbin


After the crisp hitting sound sounded, Gloria spun in the same place, and five bloody fingerprints

appeared on her face.

"Maura! What are you doing!?" Leah was scared and angry; She didn't expect Maura, who had always

been gentle and modest, to do such a treason and heresy thing. No matter what, Gloria was her elder.

The younger generation slapped her elders in the face. If this matter passed on, people would rave at

her in public and swear at her in private.

"Maura. You... You have gone too far!" Raina's face had reddened with rage, and she couldn't even talk


In the face of their harshness, Maura still looked calm and had no expression.

But Gloria started to howl hysterically.

"Raina. Call the security! Let the security guard come here and kill this bitch!"

"Who are you going to kill?" As soon as Gloria's voice dropped, there was a gloomy voice behind him.

Gloria turned around and found that it's the voice of Karen, who just came out of the private room with


There was also a young man with a big waist next to Karen, his name called Kyle.

They were different in body shape, but the expressions on their faces were surprisingly consistent at

the moment.

They both had a gloomy expression.

In particular, Kyle, his face was extremely gloomy.

Gloria looked at their gloomy faces and couldn't help but shiver: "What do you guys want to do?"

"Don't you want to kill someone? Tell me, who are you going to kill? "Karen said coldly.

"No one. I won't fight or kill anyone." Gloria's neck shrank and quickly shook her head. The two men in

front of her seemed to had a lot of resentment against her. If she didn't stop and continued to have

trouble with Maura, she was looking for death.

"Then get the hell out of here!" Karen yelled in disgust; He came here today to resolve his hatred with

Finn, but because of Gloria's appearance, everything messed up.

Gloria's face turned pale; then she left the club with Raina.

Leah moved her mouth and tried to say something, but when it came to her mouth, she swallowed it


She thought that Karen and Kyle obviously had a close relationship with Finn, and they must be the

sons of the rich. Her attitude towards Finn just now must have been noticed by them.

At this time, if she spoke again, it would only make them feel more disgusted.

"Miss Maura. Kyle and I are friends of brother Finn." Karen smiled and said after a moment's


But Maura didn't even look at Karen.

Karen kept on speaking without embarrassment, "Miss Maura. Brother Finn and Miss Wendy, it's not

the kind of relationship that you think..."

"Their relationship? It's none of my business!"

Maura didn't wait till Karen to finish talking and interrupted him coldly.

After that, Maura turned around and left; she didn't intend to listen to Karen's explanation.

"Karen. What do we do now?" Kyle couldn't help but took a look at Karen. The cause of the matter was

straightforward because he called Wendy a sister-in-law. If he didn't say so, things might not have

developed to the present situation.

"I don't know either." Karen rubbed her eyebrows helplessly. No one excepted that they would meet

Maura here.

And it seemed that Finn and Maura were still sentimentally attached.

But it was precise because of this that today's misunderstanding had been created.

Although Wendy's situation had stabilized, Finn invited Zander through Davin to be on the safe side.

After an examination, Zander came up to Finn with a strange face.

"Uncle Zander. How's Wendy?" Finn asked in a deep voice.

Instead of answering Finn's question directly, Zander asked, "Mr Finn. Are you sure Miss Wendy was

hit by a car before?"

"I'm sure." After a while, Finn permitted himself a small mirthless smile. He had probably guessed the

condition of Wendy.

The next second, Zander verified Finn's conjecture: "There is nothing wrong with Miss Wendy's body


"That's good."

"Mr Finn seems not surprised by Miss Wendy's condition?" Zander could not help but took a look at

Finn. Wendy's situation could no longer be described as a medical miracle.

According to common sense, if a Land Rover hit a person at full speed, the person might be crushed

and died on the spot, but Wendy was only slightly injured.

The more remarkable thing was that the wound she had suffered had healed itself in less than half an


In the medical community, no one would believe that.

"No surprise, I can understand what happened to Wendy." Finn shook his head. In fact, from the

moment his internal power entered Wendy's body, he knew that Wendy would be all right tonight.

The internal power in Wendy's body was too vast and pure.

Before that, Finn also suspected that it might be the internal power of Martial Artists who in the last

stage of the Transformed Period.

But now, Finn no longer had that suspicion.

It could not be the late stage of the Transformed Period.

It could only be a Martial Arts Grandmaster.

Only the Grandmaster level internal power could control life and death!

Only the Grandmaster level internal power could heal Wendy up in less than thirty minutes.

Although it sounded incredible, Finn was sure that all this must be done by the Martial Arts

Grandmaster level internal power.

Now the question was the master who injected internal power into Wendy. Who could that be?

There were only 9 Martial Arts Grandmaster in the whole Country C.

The nine masters were at the top figures in the world.

And they had been retired and no longer paid attention to affairs of human life.

There were even several masters who had not been out of the pass for nearly 30 years.

But the Grandmaster level internal power in Wendy's body truly existed.

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