Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 390 For Alice Again
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Chapter 390 For Alice Again

The female host in red dress proved Chase's guess soon.

"The name of his performance is "For Alice."

"It's the first famous work of Beethoven, which was made to express love."

"So, why does the genius, Lucas, decide to play it today?"

The host was good at inspiring the audience. Her words cheered the audience up.

"Does he want to express his love for a girl."

"Impossible! I have never heard Lucas loves someone."

"But, the host said this."

"F**k! Who is so lucky to gain Lucas's favor?"

Girls under the stage began to discuss. Lucas was so well-known in this university, from a wealthy

family, good at playing basketball, handsome, and keeping many rewards in the national piano

competitions. He was almost perfect.

"You're all clever. Lucas wants to express his love to the girl he loved much." The host smiled.


"Who is that girl?"

The host's words finally made the crowds boiled. Some girls stood up with excitement. It was great

news that Lucas loved someone!

The host shook her head. "Lucas will inform the girl's name after he finishes his playing."

Then the host walked down the stage, but people were still excited.

"Oh my god. My prince charming loves another girl!"

"It's so sudden! I have never heard of this."

"I just want to know who the girl is and how she can get Lucas's favor."

Some girls even cried and shouted.

Finn's face was cold in the crowds.

He finally knew Lucas's intention.

Then Lucas genteelly walked onto the stage. Under the bright spotlights, he, wearing a white swallow-

tailed coat, was like a prince from the story, charming and bright.

"Ah! I'm going to die!"

"He is so handsome!"

"I love you!"

Lucas was just like a famous star in those girls' eyes, but Lucas was calm and keeping his soft smile on

his face.

He bowed to the audience and then sat down to play.

He was graceful, degage, and dignified.

Every note he played was full of love, making the audience admire much.

Soon, Lucas finished his playing, and then he bowed again to end his performance.

The applause lasted for a long time.

Even those big shots in honored seats nodded with admiration.

Lucas took the microphone and said in a soft voice. "Hello, I'm Lucas, an alumnus from the economics

and management department."

The name "Lucas" caused screams.

Lucas signaled the audience to be quiet and then continued.

"You must have known the purpose of my performance."

"Yes. I fell in love with a girl."

"She is beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful girl before. She is the fairy from heaven in my


Fairy from heaven?

It was the highest description of a girl.

"I fell in love with her at first sight!"

"Wendy Lin, could you please be my girlfriend?"

Lucas shouted with the microphone.


The girl Lucas loved was Wendy?

Who was Wendy?novelbin

Those girls on the backstage stared at Wendy with doubts, admirations, and jealousness in their eyes.

But Wendy was furious.

"What is that a**hole doing? Does he think it's cool to do that?" Nora was also enraged. Lucas pushed

Wendy to face those eyes. Wendy would suffer a lot, no matter what the result was.

"Wendy. I know you're on the backstage now. Be my girlfriend, ok?" Lucas kept forcing.

He was confident. No girl would refuse such a great confession.

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