Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 381 Lord, Spare My Life
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Chapter 381 Lord, Spare My Life

"You think too much. My hatred for Sabin isn't enough to make me kill him." Finn smiled; Although

Sabin said many obscene languages, which had a massive impact on Maura's reputation, Finn

wouldn't kill him because of it.

But at the very least, Finn would give Sabin a lesson.

"Finn. Are you going to..." Joe had a puzzled look at Finn.

"Send me to a place then I'll tell my plan to you." Finn said.

"OK." After hesitating for a while, Joe finally nodded. Finn asked him to drive the car, which clearly

meant that Finn trusted him! Otherwise, Finn wouldn't let him know anything.

So at this moment, he would never let down Finn's trust.

Finn and Joe got on the car after throwing Sabin into the trunk.

Thirty minutes later, the car stopped outside an abandoned factory.

If Feng were here, he would have recognized that this was where they were going to ambush Finn last


"Finn. What are you doing here?"

Perhaps the factory had been abandoned for so long, it seemed very desolate, and there was even a

sense of inexplicable gloom, which made Joe panicked.

"Go in and you'll find out." Finn said with an attractive smile; then he picked up Sabin, who looked like a

corpse in one hand and stepped into the factory.

Although Joe was confused, he nodded and kept up with Finn.

Two minutes later, they came to the side of a small lake. It was more suitable to say it was a vast

reservoir than a small lake because the whole lake only covered less than 200 square meters.

If it weren't due to the warning sign that showed the depth of water, most people would not think this

was a lake.

"Finn. What are you going to do here?" Joe was still confused; There was nothing strange and unusual

about the lake in front of him. If it was to kill people and throw away their bodies, the dead bodies might

float up the next day.

"Get me those nylon ropes from the trunk." Instead of answering Joe's questions, Finn looked at him

with a smile and said.


Joe nodded and then walked away.

Finn smiled and looked at an old willow tree by the lake.

The old willow tree was rooted in the middle where the water and ground connected so that half of its

branches hung down to the ground, and the other half hung down to the surface of the water, which

was not far away from the lake.novelbin

A minute later, Joe came running breathlessly with a bunch of nylon rope in his arms.

"Finn. Here's the nylon rope."

"OK." Finn nodded and took a look at Sabin, who was on the ground, "Tie him up."

"Tie him up?"

Joe hesitated for a moment, but soon he followed Finn's instruction.

In the process of binding, perhaps because Joe was pushing too hard, Sabin woke up.

After waking up, a trace of confusion appeared in Sabin's eyes, and he instantly figured out his

situation at the moment. When Sabin found that he was in an abandoned factory and not far away was

a lake; He was terrified, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Kill then get rid of the corpse in order to destroy all traces." It was all Sabin could think of at this


"Spare my life, Lord. Please forgive me, Lord! Don't kill me..." Sabin immediately cried for mercy with

tears; he begged and screamed.

Joe looked at Finn with some embarrassment. Under the circumstances, Finn's actions were not like to

let Sabin go.

Would Finn really kill Sabin?

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Finn walked up to Sabin and looked at him with a poker-faced.

"Yes, yes... Lord, I'm scared." In the face of life and death, Sabin gave up all his dignity, and he was like

a dog that begging for mercy.

"Really?" Finn sneered, "It might be a little late to be scared now!"

A little late?

Sabin's heart trembled again, and he shook his head with tears: "Lord. It's not late, it's not too late."

"Lord. Please, give me a chance. I will never do that again. I can give you a lot of money, 10

million...100 million!"

"As long as you let me go, I can do anything for you."

Joe had a very complicated feeling when he saw Sabin's appearance of fawning and begging for

mercy. He never thought that one day, the superior Sabin would show such humility in front of himself.

Joe thought that when these rich people faced death, they would be more afraid than poor people like


"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Finn shook his head. From the beginning to the end, he did not intend to

kill Sabin. The only thing he wanted to do was to teach Sabin a lifelong unforgettable lesson.

"You're not killing me?" Sabin was shocked at first and then burst into tears, "Thank you, thank you,

Lord. Thank you for not killing me."

"Don't be hurry to thank me. It's not too late for you to thank me when you survive from them." Finn

sneered and showed a smile that made Sabin became more scared.

"Lord... What do you mean by that?" Sabin had a smile on his face that was even worse than crying.

He couldn't understand what "them" mean by Finn.

"You will know soon." Finn smiled, walked up to Sabin, lifted him with one hand, and walked to the old

willow tree next to the lake.

Joe had no idea about what Finn was going to do. Did Finn want to tie Sabin onto the old willow tree?

The next second, Finn confirmed Joe's conjecture.

He did tie Sabin to the branches of the old willow tree close to the lake so that Sabin was only three

meters away from the lake's surface.

After tying up Sabin, Finn did not leave for the first time. Instead, he took a look at the bottom of the

lake as if waiting for something to show up.

Joe, who was stood by the lake, became even more confused.

What was Finn planning to do?

"Finn. You......" When Joe was about to ask a question, his pupils suddenly tightened, and he was

complected shocked.

If someone saw Joe's pupils at this moment, he would also see a very frightening scene.

In Joe's sight, there was about a one-meter long crocodile.

The whole body of the crocodile was covered with tough scales, and its bloody mouth opened. Its

sharp teeth exuded a ferocious chill.

There was no doubt that Finn and Sabin, who were on the willow tree, were the ferocious crocodile


"Be careful, Finn!" Joe roared out in amazement; At the moment, he had no time to think about why

crocodiles appeared in this small lake. His only thought was hoping Finn could survive.

After Joe roared, Finn did not have any response; he had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth


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