Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 368 A Warship Costs One Hundred Thousand Yuan
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Chapter 368 A Warship Costs One Hundred Thousand Yuan

"Thanks for your support, and thank Brother Knight for giving the gift to let Jessica win the player

killing. Jessica will make persistent efforts in the future."

Before Jessica's voice had died away, the top of the live streaming chat room suddenly went pop!

A Sci-fi super warship came into everybody's view slowly.

Shock, confusion, and astonishment……

Everyone was stunned at that moment.

What kind of gift was it?

Was it like some warship?

Why did everyone never see that before!

Everyone was completely stunned!

Moreover, not only the audience in the chat room, but also Jessica herself was stunned.

How could Douyu Live have this kind of space warship as a gift? Why did Jessica never hear about

that before?

Nobody knew what the space warship meant.

Except for Jessica's guardian knight that was in front of the screen.

The moment on seeing that space warship, the guardian knight's pupils suddenly got narrowed. He felt

like a hefty punch struck his heart, and he began to have difficulty breathing.

How could it be possible?

How could it be the space warship?novelbin

Jessica's guardian knight was roaring insanely inside. He could not wholly understand why the space

warship appeared in Nora's live room.

Was that man out of his mind?

Did not he know that a space warship cost one hundred thousand yuan?

Did he treat one hundred thousand yuan as paper and sent the space warship as he liked?

Jessica's guardian knight's eyes were blood red, and his chest rose and fell. He did not think that a

mysterious rich would do that in Nora's live room at the last minute.

The guardian knight refused to concede defeat!

At this moment, there was only one idea in the guardian knight's mind. He could also afford to send the

space warship that cost one hundred thousand yuan.

He was never allowed to be defeated in this way at the last minute.

The guardian knight took out his phone with quivered hands and got ready to send Jessica another

space warship.

He had already sent the gifts that almost cost three hundred thousand yuan. One hundred thousand

yuan was also not a big deal.

Once the space warship was sent, the guardian knight could completely conquer Jessica.

The guardian knight gritted his teeth and prepared to buy the space warship. At this time, Nora's live

room shone again.

Another Sci-fi super warship popped up from the top of the live room. The whole screen was instantly

full of stunning visual effects.

Then the second warship, the third warship......

Until the ninth one!

Nine space warships appeared in succession and overwhelmed Jessica's guardian knight's last

psychological line of defense. The guardian knight's phone fell on the ground, and he fell in a faint


On the other hand, Jessica felt a little panic at this moment. She found that since the ten space

warships came out, the blue bar that represented Nora's power immediately began to soar. Within just

a few seconds, Nora's blue bar left Jessica's red bar behind by a large margin.

While at this time, only one minute left before the player killing was over. If Jessica's red bar could not

catch up with Nora's blue bar after one minute, then Jessica would have nothing to do but lose the

player killing.

However, Nora's blue bar had already pulled away twice as much as Jessica's red bar! How could

Jessica catch up with her?

Jessica was a little utterly discomfited. She would never think of losing the player killing this time.

Jessica's guardian knight had already sent one hundred and one super rockets to stabilize the

situation. However, ten warships popped out suddenly in Nora's live room at the last minute.

Jessica had been an anchor of Douyu Live for three years. She had never seen this kind of warship at


"Cheating! She must be cheating! There is no gift like this kind of warship in Douyu Live at all!" Jessica

cried out, angrily before the camera.

The audience also responded through bullet screen.

"Cheating? It is impossible. Nora can be cheating in the sight of so many audiences unless she is


"Nora is not cheating? Can anyone explain what the hell of that ten warships? I have been watching

Douyu Live for five years and never seen that kind of gift at all."

"Me too. I am one of the oldest fans of Douyu Live. I have never heard that there is a gift of warship in

Douyu Live."

"Does Nora ask the hacker to send her the warships?"

"I think Nora asks the hacker to send her not only the warships but also those super rockets. Normally,

such a rich man cannot send gifts to Nora, who only has thirty thousand fans."

"Right. Besides, that rich man has just registered a new account in Douyu Live today. It is obvious that

he is well prepared."

Seeing that everyone is pointing the finger at Nora, Jessica could not help sneering. She began to

shout at Nora in the live room, "Nora, don't you want to explain this to us?"

Nora did not know what to do before the camera. She was also stunned after seeing ten space

warships popping out. She had not heard about the warship before as well.

"You do not know how to explain?" Seeing that Nora was speechless, Jessica felt more pleased.

"It is cheating!"

"Nora, don't you feel ashamed? I understand that you want to win, but you cannot fool us. Do you think

we are all blind?"

"It is space warship today. Will it be an aircraft carrier tomorrow?"

Jessica continuously sneered at Nora.

Nora moved her mouth. She wanted to defend herself but did not know what to say because she could

not explain why there was space warship.

"Your so-called guardian knight is also a virtual character, isn't it?" Jessica kept sneering.

"Now I know why such a rich man can support an anchor like you. Because she is employing trickery."

Jessica was very pleased. Although she sneered at Nora, she did not hate Nora. She even wanted to

thank Nora because her guardian knight would not send her so many gifts if Nora did not do this.

More than one hundred super rockets, plus other gifts from other rich men and fans. Jessica had

received gifts that total cost six hundred thousand yuan.

The union and Douyu Live would take 40% of the six hundred thousand yuan, and the rest of the

money would belong to Jessica.

It was using less than one hour to earn more than three hundred thousand yuan. Was it different from

picking up money?

"Some anchors are doing anything for getting famous."

"The network system of Douyu Live is so terrible that the hackers can easily break into and tamper with

the data of gifts."

"I will say that the hacker behind Nora is also an idiot. It will be all right for him to send Nora two

hundred super rockets. However, he sent her the nonexistent space warships."

"You are right. We should have enjoyed ourselves watching Nora's guardian knight send her two

hundred super rockets. However, he fucking sent her ten space warships. What a fool!"

"Where is the super administrator? Why don't you block Nora's live room?" Jessica said with


It would be light for blocking Nora's live room in this matter. More seriously, Nora would be prosecuted

by the legal department of Douyu Live.

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