Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 362 Jessica Feng
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Chapter 362 Jessica Feng

After booking a suite at the front desk, Finn Chen, Nora Xiao, and other people went upstairs.

Wendy Lin hadn't woken up yet because she drank too much.

Finn had to take the girl back to her suite, then called Betty over and let Betty Jiang take care of the


After thinking for a moment, Finn decided to go and see Nora.

Although he didn't know what guild PK Nora said, he knew that PK was important to Nora.

So, Finn decided to help Nora. After all, Nora saved Wendy tonight. Without Nora, Wendy would have

been lying in Karen Liu's bed by now.

Coming to the front door of Nora's suite, Finn knocked on the door, and then a crisp voice came from

the back door: "Who is it?"

"It's me, Finn."

"Wait a minute. I'm changing. I'll be right over."

A few seconds later, the door opened.

A beautiful and flawless face caught Finn's eye.

It's Nora after taking off her makeup.

Unlike Nora before, who wore heavy makeup, Nora now had bright eyes and white teeth, and smooth

skin. Besides, she looked clean and pure, not quite as flirtatious as before.

"Sorry, I've kept you waiting." Nora opened the door and stepped aside so that Finn could come in.

Finn nodded his head. After entering the door, he discovered that Nora was wearing a small black vest.

Finn could see Nora's white skin exposed outside.

It seemed that Nora found herself wearing too little. Nora blushed and hurriedly walked to the hanger,

picked up a black cloak, and put on.

"Well. What can I do for you?" Nora looked up and stammered.

"Nah. Just come over and ask you which platform to broadcast live." Said Finn.

"Why ask that? Are you going to send me presents?" Nora giggled and asked.

"Yeah." Finn smiled and said that although he seldom watched the live broadcast, he knew the live

broadcast's general process. The so-called PK was nothing more than who gave more gifts.

"Thank you for your kindness, but you don't have to give gifts. Just the guild's president sent me a

message saying that tonight my PK opponent is the top anchor of another guild. She has dozens of

times more followers than I do."

"So, I can't win, and you'll waste the gifts if you send it to me."

"What the President means is, let me try it and just go through the process." Although Nora said it

calmly, Finn knew she was a little depressed. The news of the president hit her hard.

"You haven't started PK yet, why do you conclude that you can't win?" Finn asked with a smile, he

appreciated the tenacity and indomitable characteristics in Nora, and he would try his best to help Nora

once if he could.

Nora was shocked, and Finn's words made sense. Although her opponent was Jessica Feng, she

shouldn't be afraid--she was excellent, too.

"Tell me. Which platform is it? I will ask my friend to support you." Finn laughed.

"Your friend? Is it Uncle Shi? "Nora couldn't help but ask, if Finn's friend was Davin, she might win in

the PK.

Davin was more likely to have a high status, the modified Range Rover he drove alone was no less

than five or six million yuan. With such a rich man on her side, she had a great chance to win.

"No, it's another friend." Finn shook his head. Although Davin was the vice-president of the Warriors'

League and had a high status in the league, he didn't have much money, and his wealth was not even

as much one percent of Finn's.

"Another friend?" Nora hesitated. She felt that Davin should be the most powerful friend of Finn. Others

might be ordinary people like Finn. Even if they had money, they didn't as rich as Davin.

The competition of guild PK was not how many fans there were on both sides, but how many rich men

were supporting them.

Finn and his friends would not have any impact on the outcome if they were not wealthy like Davin

even if they sent her gifts.

Thought of here, Nora had a decision.

"Finn, I appreciate the kindness of you and your friends, but don't send gifts. You can watch my live

broadcast and type me a few bullet screens." Nora said that if Finn and his friends gave her gifts,

there's a good chance that the gifts were wasted, and they would not receive any money they sent out.

She didn't want to trouble Finn.

"All right." Finn nodded helplessly. Nora said so, so he was too embarrassed to stick to it.

After leaving Nora's room, Finn went back to his room. After thinking about it, Finn downloaded Douyu


He decided to see Nora on the platform.

After clicking into Nora's live broadcast room, Finn discovered that PK had already started.

Nora was competing with an anchor with a face like an online celebrity and a sweet voice.

That was Jessica, one of the top ten female anchors on Douyu Live.

Jessica was quite good. She sang well, had big eyes and a sharp chin. Every time she sang a song,

the audience praised her on the bullet screen.

There were also various gifts.

Although it was just the beginning of PK, several rich men sent Jessica several rockets out.

By contrast, Nora's live broadcast room was somewhat bleak.

Perhaps because of being abandoned by the guild, Nora's live broadcast room has only over 30,000


However, there were 530,000 onlookers in Jessica's live broadcast room.

Besides, Jessica received a lot of gifts from fans, much more than that of Nora's in the live broadcast


Except for a few fish balls, there were only two planes. These gifts were not as valuable as rockets sent

by any rich man in Jessica's live broadcast room.

The gap between red and blue bars, which represented both sides' popularity values, was getting

bigger and bigger.

Nora was far behind Jessica. Although in this state, Nora was not frustrated. Instead, she was singing

with a smile, and she enlivened the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

After all, the viewers could see her excellent performance. Soon, the audience in Jessica's livenovelbin

broadcast room noticed Nora.

Although Jessica sang well, in terms of appearance, she couldn't match for Nora.

Especially tonight, Nora was broadcast live without any makeup.

The mobile phone lens showed her beautiful and elegant appearance entirely, and many viewers were

shocked by her beauty.

Besides, a few spectators went directly from Jessica's live broadcast room to Nora's to cheer for


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