Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 349 Break the intention of Gaspar
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Chapter 349 Break the intention of Gaspar

Gaspar just wanted to find a good reason to kick Finn off the company.

He could tell Hinds that Finn was fired because he could fulfill his working tasks.

With his fists clenched angrily, Joe understood that Gaspar was going to fire Finn and him. How could

Gaspar do that?

Joe still wanted to make a compromise with Gaspar. But Finn spoke out some words suddenly, ''what if

we make it?''

''What? you make it?'' Shocked for a while, Gaspar finally understood what Finn meant. Then he

replied with a strange face, ''Finn, do you lost your fucking mind? Or, you didn't hear what Joe said?''

''DT Hospital is an exclusive nursing home for the leaders of City Z! Meanwhile, it is the largest private

hospital in City Z rather than a common drugstore!''

''The cooperation relationship may not be established even if I negotiate with the hospital, let alone

you!'' Gaspar laughed with contempt. Didn't he understand why Finn could be so confident? In his view,

Finn must be mad.

''I said what if I make it?'' Ignoring Gaspar's taunt, Finn said calmly as usual.

Finn's calmness irritated Gaspar. He took a ferocious glance at Finn, saying, ''I will give my position,

the Sales Department manager, to you if you can make it.''

''OK, give me two hours!'' Finn smiled.

''Just two hours?'' Gaspar was shocked.

''You can serve as the manager for two hours. After that, you will be replaced by other people!'' Finn

said gently.

''Are you mad?'' Gaspar sneered at Finn. How could this trash have the courage to challenge him?

''You will see whether I am mad two hours later!'' Smiling for a moment, Finn left the office without one


''Brother, Finn...''Joe was confused by what Finn had said. Did Finn want to embarrass himself in the

DT hospital?

Getting out of the office, Joe caught up with Finn hastily.

''Brother Finn, the fucking Gaspar just wanted to kick us off. He didn't want us to succeed in the

negotiation at all.'' Joe said angrily.

''I knew it!'' Finn replied gently.

''Why were you gambling with him?'' Joe said surprisedly.

''What should we do? We just go to the hospital and negotiate with their staff? What if we made it, but

he takes the credits alone?'' Finn asked Joe with a smile. Now that Gaspar had decided to embarrass

him, he must let the bastard pay some price. Even if they failed, the worst result was both of them were

fired by Gaspar.

''Well, Brother Finn, do you have the confidence to make it?''

''I don't know. But we can have a try.'' Finn shook his head. He had planned to take Joe to the hospital

at first. But he changed his mind when hearing from Gaspar that their destination was the DT Hospital.

He had met the director of the hospital several days ago.

It was Zander.

Although he and Zander had only met once and were not familiar with each other, Zander and Davin

were best friends. Therefore, Zander might not cooperate with Finn, but he would change his mind

because of Davin.

That was the source of Finn's confidence.

''Have a try?'' Joe was so upset that he even looked like a deflated balloon. Joe had thought that Finn

had full confidence so that he could speak out those words. Finally, Finn just wanted to have a try.

They would never make it if their counterpart was DT Hospital.

''Follow me if you trust me! I will make you the manager two hours later!'' Finn smiled. Joe had done

Finn a favor many times, and he had also bothered Gaspar because of him. Therefore, he wanted to

repay Joe.

''Aha?'' Joe was completely surprised. Didn't he know how to judge Finn?

Confident? Or just arrogant?

Even let him be the sales manager.

Although he was suspicious of Finn's words, Joe still followed Finn when Finn left just a few seconds.

They marched to the underground parking lot after getting out.

Although he was the bottom clerk of this company, Joe had bought a car after years of saving.

The car was a second-hand Santana, which was not very valuable. But he loved it very much that he

cleaned it every several days. As a result, it still looked like a new one.

Finn sat on the co-pilot seat, and Joe started the car, and they drove to the DT Hospital directly.

After arriving at the hospital, Finn didn't call Davin at once. He planned to talk with Zander first. If he

could make it by himself, he would not have to bother Davin.

However, he hit a beautiful body when he stepped into the hospital.

''Ow.'' The body shouted painfully.

Finn was shocked. Why is she here?

''Are you blind? Watch your way... Why are you here?'' The beautiful body was covering her forehead.

She had decided to scold him again. But when she raised her head, she was completely shocked by

seeing Finn.

''Hello, doctor Betty!'' Finn smiled. Before him, the woman was Betty, the doctor of Jonny, whom Finn

had met in the hospital several days ago.

''I don't feel good. My head had been hit badly because of you!'' Betty replied with a complaint. She had

doubted whether his chest muscles were made of iron. Because they were as solid as iron plates.

''Sorry, I beg for your forgiveness!'' Finn said with a bitter smile. Fastidious as she was, she was a kind


''There is no need for your apologies! But you must tell me what are you going to do in our hospital this

time? You gonna mess around again?'' Betty looked at him, vigilantly. She didn't forget what he had

done here. He had slapped all the chief physicians of the hospital with only one black elixir. Even

Breeze, the state-level doctor, had not escaped from his trick.

''Doctor Betty, be relieved! I came here for Zander,'' Finn said.

''My father? What did you want to do?''

''Negotiation. I am on behalf of the KM Group,'' Finn smiled.

''You worked for the KM Group?'' Betty was shocked.

''I didn't work for the group, but now it changes,'' Finn replied with a smile.

''Are you here for that batch of anticancer drugs?'' Betty asked after considering for a moment.

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