Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 346 The New President
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Chapter 346 The New President

"Everyone looks weirdly absent-minded," Joe Li glanced at Finn Chen. He found that Finn fixated on

his desk after sitting. It's like all others were invisible to him.

"Absent-minded?" Finn raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "So what?"

"So, don't you want to know why they act so?" Joe continued.

"Not really," Finn shook his head.

"All right."

Then Joe announced, "Dude, do you hear that our company will have a new president today."

"Yes," Finn nodded faintly. In his mind, that had nothing to do with him. The only reason he's here was

for Jonny Huang. He perhaps would return to City C after settling all things.novelbin

"The new president is a woman."

"A woman?" Finn raised his head curiously. It occurred to him that Rachel Qin told him last night that

Maura Xia was about to go to Rachel's company as president. Is "Rachel's company" the KM Group?

Finn thought.

Joe was a bit happy to see Finn's response. He used to think Finn had no interest in girls at all. Now it

turned out that Finn pretended to be that. He's interested in the new female president.

"Do you know who the chairman of KM Group is?" Finn asked hurriedly. If he knew the chairman, he

would figure out whether KM Group belonged to Rachel.

Joe glanced at Finn in doubt. Why would he ask that?

"Johan Liu. What are you asking for?"

Finn frowned. It seemed that he thought too much.

Then he intended to call Rachel for the answer. At this moment, the whole floor became noisy.

"It's our new president!" someone exclaimed.

Many employees got up and looked at the direction. So did Finn. He was stunned at the figure.

Although the woman left quickly, he recognized it's his Maura.

Finn had mixed feelings. Was that something romantic between them or just a coincidence?

They had separated for two days, but now they reunited, in a pretty embarrassing manner.

He became a worker at the bottom-line, while Maura was a powerful president.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Finn's mouth.

"Finn. Do you see the new president? She looks stunning," Joe was a little excited. After all, a stunning

female president made him more proud than an old man.

"Yeah. She's pretty," Finn took a deep breath and got his calmness again.

"What about us looking at her again?" Joe got very curious about the president's appearance after

Finn's comments.

"Sure," after hesitating for a while, Finn nodded. He missed Maura so much.

Maura headed for the meeting room on the top floor.

Today was her first day in the office. She needed to meet all the executives of the company.

The elevator was filled with people. Joe gave up to see the beautiful boss, and said with a bitter smile,

"Um. It seems that we're not alone. So many people expect to see the president."

Finn nodded lightly without saying anything. He kind of predicted that. Everyone was curious about

their new beautiful boss.

Joe was about to return to their office. There were still many opportunities in the future.

"I'll go," Finn informed firmly: "Let's turn to the stairs."

"Huh? Stairs? But the conference room is on the 36th floor! That'll kill me," Joe screamed, his eyes


He couldn't understand Finn's crazy proposal. They're just strangers. Why would he be so interested?

When Joe was still thinking about the reason, Finn strode up the stairs. Joe had to follow him.

Finn was so strong that it only took him less than two minutes to reach the 36th floor.

But at the same time, Joe was just on the eighteenth floor.

Finn located the meeting room the moment he got to the top floor.

But the door was closed, only thunderous applause coming out from time to time.

Outside the door were many employees like Finn. No one dared to open the door.

After all, they were not the top executives. If they walked into the room, they would get fired the next


So, later many left sighing.

Finn wore a wry smile. Of course, he could push open the door. But he didn't know how to face Maura.

He was an employee of KM Group and also her ex-husband.

Finn knew he could not do so. It's not a proper time to meet Maura.

After taking a deep breath, he was about to leave.

However, at this time, Joe came up out of breath.

"God! Are you a Superman? You're so, so fast?" Joe gasped hard.

Finn smiled and didn't say anything. Joe was just an ordinary urban white-collar worker. He didn't talk

too much, but he's a nice guy.

"Have you seen her?" Joe continued panting.

"No," Finn shook his head.

"No?" Joe glanced at Finn suspiciously. He picked up on that the moment he saw the closed


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