Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 331 Take The Unjustly Blame
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Chapter 331 Take The Unjustly Blame

"If I go back now, that two old sons of a bitch will certainly be on guard. They knew that I'm only one

step away from the Transformed Period." Jonny was in a dilemma; He needed a couple of days to

break through the early stage of the Transformed Period after getting rid of the fire toxin. But if henovelbin

returned to Country ML, Dylan and Kazan would definitely take precautions. It would be tough for him

to kill them.

"Do not go back then, bait them to where we at." Finn blew a smoke ring and said.

"Bait them?" What Finn just said made Jonny's eyes brightened, "That's a good idea, but how?"

Finn rolled his eyes; He thought that this question doesn't even need to think about it.

Finn was about to provide Jonny's idea, but his phone rang at the moment, and it was Grant calling.

As soon as he pressed to answer, Grant's hastily voice came over, "Finn. Where are you now?"

"I'm at the hospital. What's the matter, dad?"

"Sigh, the wife of my old comrade in arms just called me and said that the jade you returned to her was

fake." Grant sighed heavily; He received a call from Eveline when he just got home, and Eveline

scolded almost all the foul words at him.

"A fake jade?" There was a chill in Finn's eyes. The jade was on his bag all the time after he took it

from Grant. How could it be fake?

"Yes, the wife of my old comrade in arms said that it was not only the fake jade, but you also slapped

her son twice and threatened her son to take out 150000 yuan."

Finn's face turned gloomy completely, "Dad. Do you believe that?"

"Of course, I don't." Grant blurted out without even thinking about it. "I know your behavior and

personality so well. It's just a piece of jade that you don't even want it. You won't ask him for 150000


"Dad, that jade can't be fake..." Finn told the whole story again; When Grant heard that Stefan was only

willing to take out a thousand yuan to redeem jade, he immediately scolded with anger, "Did that little

son of a bitch really said so?"

"What the heck! What the hell!"

"What does he think I am?"

"A housekeeper!?"

"Does he think that I, Grant, need his stinky money?"

"Dad, don't be angry. I didn't take a cent of his money." Finn said in a deep voice. He knew very well

that Grant was not short of money, and the reason he wanted to return the jade to his old comrades in

arms was that it was a family heirloom of his comrades. He had never thought of asking for any money.

The money was one thing, and your Wang's family's attitude was another.

Suppose Stefan said that his family was in financial difficulties and had no money currently. In that

case, Finn could have given the jade to him for free!

However, Stefan, who was being a jerk, took a thousand yuan to humiliate Finn and Grant.

How could Finn tolerate this kind of bullshit?

"It's fine you didn't take it. We can't take this kind of money." Grant took a deep breath and said.

"We don't need the money, but we can't take the unjustly blame! I'm going to call Eveline right now and

explain everything to her. I need her to ask her precious son that what shady things he has done!"

"Dad. Do you think Eveline will still trust you?" Finn sighed and asked.

It was not difficult to know from Grant that Eveline was a typical person who did not know right and

wrong. If Grant called Eveline right now, she wouldn't believe Grant's explanation; she would think that

Grant was slandering them instead.

Grant hesitated for a moment; Indeed, Eveline would not believe him at all. Finn was his son; he'd

rather choose to believe Finn instead of two outsiders.

"Dad, don't make any call right now. Tell me the address of your old comrade in arms. I'll go to his

house to see if I can make it clear." Finn said in a deep voice; The truth should be that Stefan told

Eveline that Finn had asked him for 150000 yuan. Also, he sold the real jade and bought a fake one.

It was impossible to make everything clear on the phone; A face-to-face confrontation was the only way

to make it clear.

On the other side, Grant sighed, "Finn, I know what you mean. But it's not easy to deal with that kind of

woman like Eveline. She is extremely protective and arrogant. If you go to her house, she will surely

come up with various ways to embarrass you."

"Dad. Human effort is the decisive factor." Finn calmly said, "I can't shrink back because she will

embarrass me. If I don't go to talk to her, it will never be explained clearly."

Finn didn't mind taking the blame himself, but he didn't want Grant to be stigmatized when he was so

old already.

"Well...All right." After a hesitation, Grant finally agreed to Finn's request.

"Finn. When you get to their house, you must first find my old comrade in arms and take charge of


"I know the behavior of my old comrade in arms. He should have nothing to do with this matter. It's

Eveline, and her son messing up everything." Grand said.

"Dad, I see." Finn nodded.

"Also, try to bring out facts and reasons when you get there. If they still don't listen to you, just swallow

the anger and come back directly."

"Don't fight with anyone. Eveline's family has a powerful background in City Z. If you do, even my old

comrade in arms can't protect you." Grant once again told him to be calm. He knew Finn's

temperament so well that Finn was the kind of person who would easily fight others.

It was fine for Finn to do so in City C because he had some influence in city C.

However, City C was not comparable to city Z. There were many hidden talents and numerous

powerful families. Even a brick was randomly smashed down, and it might cause terrible trouble.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll restrain myself." Finn said calmly.

"Well. Eveline's home is at JX Villa..."

Grant told Finn an address, urged again and again, and then hung up.

"Is there any trouble?" Jonny's raised his eyelids.

"Small case. I'll handle it by myself." Finn smiled.

"OK, then we will wait for you at the hotel. After you have dealt with it, you can go to the hotel directly."

Jonny threw the remaining cigarette butt on the ground, stepped on it, and said.

After Finn got out of the hospital, he stopped a taxi and rushed to JX Villa.

While Finn was on the way to the destination, He checked the Internet and found that JX Vliia was a

famous high-end villa area in city Z. The average price of villas in it was about 180000 yuan per square

meter, which meant it cost around 50-60 million yuan to purchase a villa.

He could imagine how rich the Wang's Family was to live in such a place.

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