Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 298 Pay For It
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Chapter 298 Pay For It

"Sister Gloria, I won't renege on you." Leah Lin said: "sister Gloria, don't worry, if the trash destroys

your Bentley, I will ask him to pay 800,000 yuan for you."

"What if he doesn't have money?" Gloria Lin asked. She knew that Finn Chen's status in Shawn's

Family was pretty low. He couldn't pay for 800,000 yuan.

"Sister Gloria, don't worry. I will ask the trash to pay 800,000 yuan for you anyway." Leah assured. She

didn't know if Finn had case-dough, but she believed that Finn had 800,000 yuan.

"Well, bear your words in mind. If Finn can't pay me 800,000 yuan, you will pay for it." Hearing Lin

Lan's assurance, Gloria was relieved.

"No problem."

"Sister Gloria, take the car and come back first. It's pretty cold today," Leah said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you this time." Gloria hung up the phone. However, she still felt angry when seeing


Gloria and the girl opened the back door and sat in the back row.

"Go! What are you waiting for?!"

Seeing that Finn hadn't accelerated yet, Gloria shouted again.

Finn frowned but didn't care about Gloria. He just stepped on the gas.

The road was bustling because they hit the rush hour.

Got stuck in traffic a few times, Gloria became angry again and yelled at Finn: "Can you drive? Can't

you drive faster? If you miss my business, can you pay for it?"

Finn also got angry. He braked and coldly stared at Gloria: "then, you drive it?"

Gloria suddenly shouted: "you are such trash. It seems that I am so polite to treat you! You are a

cowardly son-in-law of Shawn's Family. How dare you challenge me?"

"I can let you get out of Shawn's Family!"

"Stupid." Finn sneered. Gloria might be used to bossing servants around in the past and reckoned that

everyone was her subordinate. Finn would not treat her as a master.

Being rebuked by Finn, Gloria almost got mad. Seeing Gloria go crazy, Raina Tang frowned and

couldn't help stopping her mother: "Mom, don't be mad. Why do you care for this incompetent son-in-


Raina looked down upon Finn. In her opinion, a man with ambition would not become such a cowardly


Only such an incompetent guy would consider being a son-in-law of Shawn's Family this way.

"Okay, I listen to you. I'll ignore the trash. It is foolish to argue with the trash." Gloria comforted herself

again and relieved.

Finn sneered and shook his head. Then, he stepped on the gas and came to the hospital.novelbin

Seeing Finn park the car near the hospital, Gloria was upset again.

"Didn't you say to go home? Why the hospital?"

"Leah is in the hospital." Finn glanced at Gloria. Then, he turned around and left.

"How did Leah tolerate the trash? This uneducated guy dares to call her by name." Gloria scolded and

followed behind.

Finn stepped into the ward at first. Seeing Finn, Leah questioned: "Finn, how dare you smash the car

of your aunt? You cannot complete anything!"

"Do you ask me why I smashed her car?" Finn said coldly.

"You can't smash her car anyway. Your aunt's Bentley is worth more than three million yuan. Now that

you smashed it, can you pay for it?!" Although Leah knew Finn had reasons to do so, she didn't plan to

ask for causes. She just focused on money.

At this time, Gloria and Raina entered.

"Leah, what a good son-in-law you have." As soon as Gloria walked in, she began to mock.

Leah smiled and said, "sister Gloria, how's your life?"

Gloria snorted and was reluctant to talk to Leah.

Leah was not embarrassed and gazed at Raina aside.

"She is Raina, right? I haven't seen her for a few years. Raina has grown up and looked more and

more beautiful." Leah flattered.

Raina reacted coldly. In her mind, Leah was a typical poor relative and was not willing to admit it.

If not, Raina's family would usually contact with Leah.

"Come and have a seat, sister Gloria and Raina."

Leah treated them as distinguished guests.

Gloria frowned, and said in disgust, "Where to sit? This place is so dirty and full of bacteria. What if our

expensive clothes become dirty?"

Leah's face became stiff, but she smiled and said: "sister Gloria, I'm sorry. Maura Shawn was injured a

few days ago, so we are in the hospital these days..."

"Maura?" Gloria glanced at Maura who was sleeping sideways, and couldn't help asking: "Leah, you

said Maura was the manager of the Spring Hill project, is that real?"

"Of course, it's true." Leah was a little surprised, wondering why Gloria mentioned this suddenly.

"You didn't lie to me?" Gloria looked suspiciously at Leah. Shawn's Family was just a small family in

City C? How can it be possible to cooperate with The Group of Pinnacle?

"Sister Gloria, why did I lie to you? You can go out to ask about it." Leah was a little upset. She initially

thought that Gloria came over suddenly because of her conscience. From Gloria's words, Leah

understood immediately.

Gloria came here not to help Leah, but to mock her.

"Well, it's okay." Gloria suddenly became unhappy. If Leah said so, it was true.

Maura was the leader of the Spring Hill project indeed. Although Gloria didn't know how Maura got this

position, she was indeed shameful because Leah told the truth.

"Since Maura is the leader of the Spring Hill project, she should know Shane Lin, the general manager

of The Group of Pinnacle." Gloria paid her attention to Maura.

"Yes, Maura got the Spring Hill project through negotiating with Shane." Leah nodded. She relieved

and felt a little happy. Gloria came to ask Maura for help, without a doubt.

"Really?" Gloria looked happy: "Now that Maura knows Shane Lin, ask her to get up and do me a


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