Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 280 The Black Snake
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Chapter 280 The Black Snake

Even as a warrior in the Obscure Period, Cedar Huo, was a little numb at the moment. He had been

wandering in the world for more than 40 years and had hunted many beasts. However, he had never

met such a huge monster in front of him.

"Young Master Chen! What's this?"

Chen's four brothers and sisters were terrified. These years, they had traveled from place to place but

had never seen such a big black snake.

Finn shook his head solemnly. This thing might have gone beyond the scope of snakes.

"Jimmy Huo! Fight it with me!"

At this time, Cedar ordered in a deep voice. He took a deep breath and looked at the rear.

"Others! Protect Miss Huo!"

The black snake's speed was faster than the wind, and it was also immune to bullets. These

mercenaries of Huo's Family had no use but to fill its stomach.

Only Cedar and another Huo's Family member, two the middle stage of the Obscure Period warriors,

fought together. But it was still impossible for the two to damage the black snake.

Almost as soon as Cedar's voice fell, the black snake spat out its tongue, like a sharp arrow from the

string, biting at Cedar.

Cedar's pupil shrank. Subconsciously, he rolled and avoided the bite of the black snake.

However, Huo's Family mercenaries behind him were miserable. Someone was directly bitten into two

pieces by the black snake. Half of his body left into the black snake's mouth, and the other half was left

on the ground. The intestines fell to the ground, and blood gushed out continuously.


Isabel Huo let out a scream.

This shocking scene finally woke her up in a state of confusion.

But at the same time, her scream also attracted the black snake's attention, its dark green pupil

instantly locked Isabel.

Seeing that the black snake was about to bite towards Isabel, Cedar roared and jumped in the air.

"Beast! Die!"

The long sword was invincible. It seemed that even the air would be cut off.

The black snake seemed to feel a little threat, it gave up Isabel and twisted its body to Cedar.

At this time, the blade had arrived!


Cedar's long knife cut on the scales of the black snake, splashing out a little fire with a trace of blood.

The Blacksnake felt the pain, dark green eyes, across a touch of human anger.

Its big tail swung, with force toward Cedar pat.

Cedar, who was in the air, had no point but to hold his sword across his chest and watch the huge tail

like a train whipping at him.

The giant tail was patted on the long knife.


A clear voice rang out.

The long knife, which was made of many refined skills, was snapped and split into two parts from the

middle section!

The snake's tail had more than enough force to beat Cedar's chest again.

After a burst of intensive click, Cedar's sternum was broken several pieces!

Like a broken kite, he flew out upside down and flew seven or eight meters away. Before he landed, he

spat out blood from his mouth.

Just one move, Cedar, the middle stage of the Obscure Period warrior, lost his resistance!

"Young Master Chen! Let's return!" Zac Chen, who had always been fearless of heaven and earth,


He had never seen anything so fierce and powerful that human power was so small in front of it.

The bullet could not even leave a trace on it, and the long knife of a warrior in the Obscure Period could

only splash a few sparks on it.

If they didn't use heavy weapons like tanks and rockets, they couldn't do it!

"Return? Why? " Finn Chen smiled, "we are for Ice Lotus, retreat? How to get to Ice Lotus?"

"But..." Zac was stunned. He wanted to say that the black snake in front of them was not human. But

after seeing Finn's eyes, the words couldn't be said.

"Young Master Chen, although Ice Lotus is important, your safety is more important," Zac said in a

deep voice. He also saw that Finn was eager to try. But was Finn the opponent of the black snake in

front of them?

Not sure.

Finn shook his head and did not speak. Although the black snake in front of them was terrible, it was

not so awful that it was invincible.

Just as the four brothers and sisters of the Chen's Family and Finn were discussing, the battle between

Huo's family and the black snake started again.

The fall of Cedar made Huo's Family members felt depressed.

Like a tornado, the black snake swept towards the numerous mercenaries of Huo's Family. Jimmy,

another warrior in the Obscure Period of Huo's Family, saw that the situation was not good, so he

grabbed Isabel and fled.

There was no time to take care of the numerous mercenaries of Huo's Family.

Just a moment.

Many mercenaries were defeated.

The black snake rushed into the crowd, opened its mouth, swallowed, and biting the figures in two.

If someone were accidentally rubbed by the black snake's body, he would fly backward, and the

internal organs would be broken into blood foam in mid-air.

Being hit by a black snake was no lighter than the impact of a truck running at a speed of 100

kilometers per second.

Isabel's mouth was wide, and her face was full of tears. At the moment, she couldn't make a sound

when she wanted to cry.

Saw the familiar faces shrieking in front of her, the feeling of tearing heart and lung couldn't be

expressed by words.

Isabel regretted that she would never come to Spring Hill if she did it again.

If she did it again, she would order the retreat when Finn said there was danger at the bottom of the


No if.

It was just that she was on her own.

There were a lot of deaths and injuries.

After swallowing and killing Huo's Family mercenaries, the black snake's sad eyes stare at Cedar, who

had lost the ability to resist.

Cedar hurt it!

Although it was just a tiny wound, it was also a wound!

So it wanted revenge, it tried to bite Cedar into a ball of rotten meat to vent his anger.

Black snake letter huff and puff, not in a hurry toward Cedar crawling away.

"Uncle Huo!"

Seeing this scene, Isabel screamed bitterly, exerting all her strength to get rid of Jimmy's control.

She was going to save Cedar.

Her father died when she was a child. Cedar brought her up. The relationship between her and Cedar

had been like father and daughter for a long time! She couldn't help watching Cedar be swallowed and

killed by the black snake.

"Miss Huo! Don't come here!"

Cedar was covered with blood, he yelled.

Jimmy was also desperate in grief and anger. He seized Isabel, "Miss Huo! You can't go there.

Otherwise, Cedar will die in vain."

In fact, from the moment the black snake appeared, Cedar knew that he needed to sacrifice his life.

As the person in charge of the action, he had to stay behind and protect the whole family.

"Miss Huo! Go!" Cedar miserably showed a smile. Then turned back and ran to the black snake.

"No!!!!! Uncle Huo!"

Isabel cried, tears welled up. The pain in her heart almost killed her.novelbin

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