Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 244 Giving A House
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Chapter 244 Giving A House

Even the senior executives like Hans Shen had forgotten about 508 completely.

Only Hudson Zhang, the sales manager, had the key to 508.

Hudson found a buyer for the house, so he rushed for the money.

After finding out that Leah Lin had no specific background, he asked Fang to take Leah to see the


Everything was going perfectly.

However, he met Finn Chen.

If he had known that this would happen, he wouldn't have sold it even if he could earn RMB one billion!

"If apologies are useful, why would we need the police?" Hans scolded, "Tiger, give him something to


"Yes, President Shen."

"President Shen, spare me, please."

Seeing Tiger approach him without expression, Hudson was about to wet his pants.

Then Tiger rushed to Hudson. With a dagger in his hand, he stabbed Hudson's right wrist mercilessly.


Then Tiger pulled out the dagger.

Blood gushed out wildly from his wrist.

Hudson screamed, he wanted to cover his right wrist, but the dagger made another move.


This time, the dagger thrust Hudson's left wrist.

Hudson's left-hand tendon was torn apart and painted with blood. Hudson laid on the ground and

howled miserably.

The several men behind Hudson shivered.

There was no doubt that Hans was trying to make an example to Finn and other employees.


Fang was so frightened that she couldn't get up off the ground.

"Take them to the police station." Hans took a cold look at Fang. Fang was not an employee of Spring

Hill, so It's hard for him to directly deal with her. However, it was easy for him to make her imprisoned

for a lifetime.

Soon, Hudson and Fang were carried out of the room.

Hans then came to Leah and Grant Shawn with a smile and extended his hand as if nothing had


"Mr. Shawn and Mrs. Lin, I'm Hans Shen."

"Hello, President Shen."

"President Shen, I've looked up to you for a long time."

Leah and Grant were flattered and nervous.

They never thought that they would meet Concord City's richest man before.

But now, Concord City's richest man even reached out to them.

Grant knew that all this was because of Finn.

Even Leah had to accept the fact that Hans shook her hand to respect Finn.

"Mr. Shawn and Mrs. Lin, I'm terribly sorry for the insensible people of my company. At the beginning of

the year, this house…" Hans continued to tell the story without concealing anything.

After hearing this, Grant was speechless, and Leah was exasperated.

She did not expect that the Fang would do such a despicable thing. She sold her a house where four

people had died!

Grant, on the contrary, was grateful. If it weren't for Finn, Hudson and Fang would have tricked them.

"Mr. Shawn and Mrs. Lin, there is still a 200-square-meter house in the mountainside high-grade

residential area. If you allow it, I will take you there to have a look." Hans offered.

Leah waved her hand and said, "President Shen, we can't afford to live in a 200-square-meter house."

The houses in the mountainside high-grade residential area cost RMB 150,000 per square meter. If it's

200 square meters, that's RMB 30 million!

They didn't have RMB 30 million.

Hans was surprised, "Mrs. Lin, you may have misunderstood. I didn't want to sell you to that house."

"You're not selling it?" Leah was stunned, then could it be...?

Hans smiled: "I will give you that house as a token of apology."

The employees behind Hans held their breath.

Hans simply gave them a house worth RMB 30 million!

Even if they were high-ups in Spring Hill, the employees were still envious at the moment!

Leah became ecstatic: "President Shen, are you not kidding?"

Hans shook his head and explained, "Mrs. Lin, I'm not kidding. I think it's most appropriate that I

compensate you for my employee's mistake."

"President Shen, thank you. Thank you." Leah was so excited that she almost knelt in front of Hans.

"Leah!" At this time, Grant glared at Leah discontentedly, he then looked at Hans: "President Shen, wenovelbin

appreciate your kindness, but we can't accept this house."

Can't accept the house?!

The whole room froze. How could Grant refuse a house worth RMB 30 million?

Even Hans was slightly surprised. He had expected Leah's reaction, but Grant's was unusual.


Did Grant hit his head or something? How could he refuse a house worth RMB 30 million?

Pulling Grant aside, Leah lowered her voice and asked, "Why do you refuse the house?"

"Since Hans has given it to us, let's just take it. This house is worth RMB 30 million, not RMB 3 million!"

"Even if it is 300 million, we can't accept it," Grant uttered coldly.

"Grant! Are you stupid?" Leah was distressed: "Then tell me the reason. Are you pretending to be


"What? Nonsense!" Grant scolded: "I don't want this house because of Finn."

"President Shen gave us the house to respect Finn. Without Finn, let alone the house, President Shen

wouldn't even want to meet us."

"So what?" Leah asked, "Since President Shen has given it to us, let's just take it. That good-for-

nothing has stayed in Shawn's family for three years. It's about time for him to be useful."

"What do you know?" Grant seemed stern: "Haven't you heard the saying that no one does something

for free? President Shen gave us a house must be because he could gain something from it."

"To be exact, I think he wants to gain something from Finn. If we take the house, it means that Finn will

owe President Shen a favor…"

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