Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 235 I Act On My Own Principles
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Chapter 235 I Act On My Own Principles

Grant was about to turn into his old age this summer, and it's time for him to enjoy his life. Finn couldn't

let Grant live in this dilapidated resettlement community.

Finn's original intention was to find a suitable opportunity to take Grant to his villa in Spring Hill after

leaving the hospital and hired some servants to take care of him. But Leah was kind of mess up his

plan, and he was at a loss.

The next day, early in the morning, security captain Hector came to Hank's office in a hurry.

"President Hank. Something went wrong." Hector rushed in without knocking the door.

"What's wrong? What happened?" There was a sense of uneasiness in Hank's mind.

"None of the brothers I sent out came back."

"None of them came back?" Hank was also shocked.

"Yes, none of them. And today I went to visit the Ye family and found that the entire manor was empty,

no one was there even a dog." Hector said in horror; The big Ye family disappeared overnight as if all

traces had erased by an invisible hand, which was terrified.

"You mean..." Hank's face turned white; The whole Ye family had disappeared, including those sent by

Hector. Although they were still alive, they probably didn't want to contact again, because the other

party did not give them any chance.

"President Hank. I'm afraid that was all done by that loser!" Hector bit his teeth and said; In fact, he

couldn't believe that Finn had done all this. But now, he would have to think it that way because Maura

didn't have that much power.

Hank's body trembled; If it were all done by Finn, he would not have dared to think about it.

Finn quietly got rid of a first-tier family, the "old brand" first-tier family.

Hank trembled with fear again.

"Hector. Are you sure that the loser did it? Can it be that the Ye family offended others?" Hank asked

while swallowing his saliva; He still couldn't believe that Finn had such tremendous power because he

had always been a coward.

Although Finn had suddenly become more robust in recent months, Hank still couldn't imagine how

Finn worked with the mysterious giant organization of erased the Ye family.

Hector hesitated for a moment, "President Hank. It is possible, but... The probability is very small. The

Ye family had existed in City C for more than 20 years. If someone wanted to destroy this family, it

should have been destroyed already. But it just happened yesterday, which is quite a coincidence."

It was apparent from Hector that this matter had a lot of connection with Finn.

"If it's that loser that destroyed the Ye family, why didn't he come to me for trouble?" Hank was not

reconciled to ask; If Finn had that power to destroy the Ye family, Finn would definitely know that he

sent Grant to Ye's house. So Finn should have come to trouble him yesterday. But now Finn had donenovelbin

nothing to him.

Hector shook his head and said, "President Hank. I don't know either... Maybe he has scruples?"

Hank's expression changed like uncertain weather. Scruple? Would Finn get scruples of him?

Hank didn't think so. The reason why Finn didn't do anything to him yet must be some other


"Hector. Tell your subordinates to be more careful and cautious, the company's security system must

be working well. And hire a group of bodyguards for me, they must have excellent strength. The price is

not a problem." Hank said with a sullen face. Now, things had become evident that it's Finn who got rid

of the Ye family.

Hank thought that Finn hadn't done anything to him was because Finn was contemptuous or had some


The only thing he needed to do now was to accumulate strength to resist Finn's possible retaliation. He

didn't want his life in the hands of others.

"President Hank. I got it. I'll do it right now." After a moment of silence, Hector nodded and left.

Hank sighed and stood up, and he couldn't help walking back and forth. In fact, what he was doing now

is in vain. If Finn could get rid of Ye family, the so-called bodyguards he hired would be as weak as

insects to Finn, and they could be killed easily by Finn.

"Grant. Get up quickly and go to see the house with me." Early in the morning, Leah woke up Grant.

"What house? Leah. Have you finished talking yet?" Hank woke up just now, and he got a little mad; He

tried to persuade Leah last night, but Leah didn't hear a word at all.

"Grant! What do you mean by that? I'm not finished. I want you to go to see a house with me, not to

pay for a house. Why are you so mad at me?" Leah got mad as well.

"Yes. You don't want me to pay, but you're going to let Finn pay." Grant said with anger.

"What's wrong with that loser paying for it? If we purchase a house, we are not the only people to live

in. Besides, if we die in the future, the house will be left to that loser. Right?" Leah curled her lips.

Leah was annoyed because she saw Grant was still indifferent, "Grant. What kind of drug did that loser

feed you? Understandably, Maura chose to trust him. But how come you are standing at his side now?

Am I the only outsider in this family?"

"Leah. Can you stop making trouble out of nothing?" Grant's eyes widened and said, "When did I get

on Finn's side? I only act on my own principles! Do you think it's easy for Finn to make money? You're

making him pay millions for you. What makes you think he'd do it for you? The money of Finn was not

fallen from the sky!"

"Anyway, I don't care. You can still go see the house, but don't let Finn pay for it! Otherwise, I feel

shame at it!" Grant said.

"Grant. Your face is a face, my face is not a face?" Leah asked angrily, "Do you think I want that loser

to pay for it? It's all because I made a new friend in the past two days, her son-in-law works in the

Sales Department of Spring Hill and can get the internal preferential price for purchasing a house. If it

hadn't happened, do you think I would ask that loser for money?"

"What? Internal preferential price?" Grant was shocked,

Leah put her hands around her chest and said, "I went to the beauty parlor for a spa a few days ago

and met a sister named Fang. The son-in-law of Sister Fang is the sales manager of the Sales

Department of Spring Hill."

"Sister Fang told me that her son-in-law has a very high position in the sales department and can get a

discount that others can't get. When others go to spring hill to purchase a house, they can only get a

10% discount at most. However, we have a relationship with Sister Fang, and her son-in-law can give

us a 20% discount!" Leah said assertively.

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