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Chapter 467

Chapter 467 Persuading Him

Florence felt a twinge of annoyance, deerning the encounter a waste of her time, With an eye roll, she declared, “I’m busyanother day. No need for a chat.”

Without bothering to gauge Spencer’s reaction, she turned on her heel and departed without a second glance. A smile tuggedat Spencer's lips as he watched her leave.

Meanwhile, Angela and Jonathan descended to the basement garage and boarded the car.

On the first floor, James encountered Florence’s associates. Frustration was evident on his face, and he explained to Florence'sbodyguard that she was in discussion with Jonathan.

After relaying this information, James attempted to depart but was once again intercepted by Florence’s entourage.James calmly explained, “Miss Shelton is in a discussion with Jonathan. They've been in contact before my arrival.”

After conveying this, James attempted to depart but found himself halted once more by Florence’s associates. His demeanorstiffened visibly.

“You're free to leave when she’s ready,” one of them stated firmly.

James suppressed his frustration and disappointment, though he felt a pang of heartache. Resigned, he chose not to cause ascene and silently took a seat beside them.

Although confined to waiting, James was permitted to use his phone. Frustratedly waiting for Florence’s descent, he noticed aflurry of missed calls and messages from Hugh.

Having previously silenced his phone to avoid disruption during negotiations with Angela, he hadn't noticed until now. Uponglimpsing the messages, James‘ expression shifted abruptly.

He immediately called Hugh back. Although Hugh’s text message had already explained the situation, there were some detailshe still needed to clarify.

Soon, Hugh answered the phone. “Is what you told me true?” James inquired, hoping against hope that Hugh’s message was ajest.

“It's confirmed,” Hugh affirmed, dispelling any lingering doubts. James felt a throbbing headache emerging. He had soughtHugh’s confirmation regarding Zacharias’ intention to donate a kidney to Fanny, a decision he had tasked Hugh with monitoringto prevent any

clandestine actions.

Unexpectedly, Zacharias seemed eager to arrange the procedure without informing Scarlet



Chapter 467 Persuading Him

or himself shortly after being discharged from the hospital. After a brief pause, Hugh inquired, “What’s your strategy?”

James, still reeling from Angela’s confrontation, felt a surge of frustration and confusion. Uncertain of his next move, he asked,“Does Fanny have any knowledge of this?”

Believing Zacharias‘ emotional state could be manipulated to disrupt the plan, James aimed to prevent the transplant byensuring Fanny’s lack of cooperation.

I'm not certain, but your brother has a meeting scheduled for tomorrow,” Hugh informed, advising James to maintain composureuntil then.

Relieved that the meeting was notimmediate, James saw a glimmerhope to inteyene'caa Yeu ‘assistrho foPhortow, Hugh?” James,reflecting on the day's events, soughtsupport. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.novelbin

Hugh, always willing to lend a hand,readily agreed. “Of course. |'ll et)you ee Ie ing thechi es remained uneasy,unnoticed by Florence's bodyguards.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Contemplating his exit strategy, hespotted Florence emerging fr 6elevator, “Miss stl) Ske ch, amesgrodtéd warmly. Florence regardedhim with disdain. “Why are you here?”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

James’ expression stiffened. “Your people won't let me leave.” Perplexed, Florence addressed her staff, “Why are you detaininghim?” Upon receiving her order, Florence's staff escorted James out. “Mr. Kins, please accompany us.”

Despite his frustration, James seized the chance to depart, recognizing Florence’s unpredictable nature. As the car drove away,James finally breathed a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, Fanny engaged in conversation with Christopher, eagerly awaiting his arrivalin Northland and inquiring about the specific time.

She hoped for an earlier pick-up time and for Christopher to provide reassurance. Christopher, sounding slightly impatient,continued their conversation.

Fanny could hear other voices in the background, indicating Christopher was with friends, which made her uneasy. “Aren’t yousupposed to be back at school for classes?”

Christopher, who had been joking around with friends before answering Fanny's call, lightly responded, “What can one learn atschool? Fanny, have you learned anything?”

Fanny was momentarily speechless, realizing she had no right to demand anything from Christopher. As the conversationcontinued, a voice teased, “Still chatting? Is it Fanny?” Christopher replied, “Yes. I’m chatting with her.”

He assured Fanny that he would inform her of the pick—up time once confirmed, as it was not solely his decision. Fanny, feelingless dissatisfied, accepted his explanation. Before ending the call, she urged him to return home promptly, but he disregardedher plea once the call

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