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Chapter 352

Chapter 352 Fake Act AgainChapter 352 Fake Act AgainIT

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Instantly, she recalled what Yoanna said when she left. A woman’s intuition was often spot on, and Fanny suddenly realized thatYoanna had feelings for Yaxley.

She grew cautious and began to inquire.“Hello. Are you a friend of Angela? What is your name?” Fanny greeted Yoanna with a smile, taking a step closer.Yoanna furrowed her brow and responded, “Yoanna Tuckson.”

She found Fanny’s tone off-putting. Moreover, Fanny had proclaimed herself as almost engaged to Yaxley, which made Yoannaeven more uncomfortable.

“Miss Tuckson, it’s nice to meet you. You...” Fanny was about to ask a question when Angela suddenly rose from the sofa. Sheexcused herself and walked past the two towards Mobius.

Fanny stood frozen, forgetting her next words. Yoanna completely disregarded Fanny and followed Angela.“Mobius, | have some matters to attend to at home, so | will take my leave. Please inform Yaxley later,” Angela said to Mobius.“Alright. Should | walk you out?” Mobius set down his glass of water and was about to move.

However, Angela declined, saying, “No need. Thank you.”

Yoanna, upon hearing that Angela was leaving, frowned and inquired, “Are you just leaving like this?”


Chapter 352 Fake Act Again



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“My ride is already here,” Angela indicated. “I must head home now.”

During their exchange, Fanny suddenly realized that Angela was about to leave. She hurriedly approached and said, “Angela, |just arrived a moment ago. Why are you leaving so soon? It’s been a while since we last met. We can catch up and chat.”

She attempted to draw Angela closer, but Angela evaded her directly.“No need. We aren't that close, are we?”She showed no consideration for Fanny.

Fanny stood motionless, on the brink of tears. “Angela, if you’re not happy because our brothers brought me home, | can refuseand keep my distance.”

Fanny was playing the victim, but Angela found it distasteful.Fanny always sought sympathy from others, and now that she had said this, those around her regarded her differently.“Go wherever you please. | don’t care. But remember, reneging on promises may have consequences.”

Fanny's expression changed, tears streaming down her face. She was about to speak, but Angela couldn't be bothered towitness her theatrics and simply left the villa.

Mobius was taken aback, not expecting the situation to unfold in thismanner.

Upon seeing Angela depart, he contemplated catching up and persuading her to stay, but upon seeing Fanny crying, hehesitated on whether to

console her or not.TEE GUSaprer dog pake Art Agam

After all, one of them was Yaxley’s specially cared—for junior, and the other was his fiancée. He couldn’t make up his mind for awhile.

Yoanna nudged Mobius towards Fanny and remarked, “I will go see Angela off”Fanny watched the two depart, feeling secretly pleased but wearing a troubled expression.

As Mobius approached her, she adopted a sorrowful yet indifferent look and whispered, “I am fine. You should go after Angela.

Upon hearing her words, Mobius felt even more reluctant to leave, so he promptly led her to the sofa and attempted to consoleher.

“Angela must have had an urgent matter at home. Do not dwell on it.”

Fanny hung her head, feeling disheartened.

Coincidentally, Yaxley returned after taking a phone call and was informed by Mobius that Angela had just departed.Yaxley paused for a moment, intending to follow her, but Fanny pulled at his sleeve to stop him.

“What's the matter?” Yaxley’s voice remained gentle.

“| was just thinking, | haven’t seen Angela for a long time, and she left as soon as she saw me. Maybe | shouldn’t have come?”She looked pitiful and aggrieved, appearing helpless.

Seeing that Yaxley was listening intently, she transitioned from pulling at his sleeve to hugging his arm. She held on tightly as ifgrasping at straws, looking as though she couldn't bear to let go.

Yaxley felt a headache coming on but still comforted her. “It’s not your3/6


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Chapter 352 Fake Act Again

fault. She must have something important to attend to.”

From his interactions with Angela and what he had learned from Terence, he knew that Angela wouldn't fabricate excuses todeceive them.

Fanny felt resentment deep down but still replied, “Alright.”Seeing her pale face, Yaxley was concerned about Fanny feeling upset, so he decided to stay and comfort her.

Yoanna returned to witness the two clinging to each other, and her heart began to beat uncontrollably. She walked a few stepscloser to them.

“Yaxley...” When she reached Yaxley, she didn’t know what to say.novelbin

Yaxley stood up and looked at her, then gently removed Fanny’s hands from his arm. “What’s wrong? Why do you look sopale?”

“It's nothing. | just hurried back after sending Angela off.” She felt relieved after Yaxley and Fanny separated.

Yaxley nodded, noticing her slightly flushed face, he touched her forehead to ensure she wasn’t running a fever before asking,“You escorted Angela out. Why did she suddenly leave?”

Yoanna was taken aback by Yaxley’s sudden movement, and she stuttered in response. “Jonathan came to pick her up.”

“| Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

A Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Observing some intimacy betwethe two, Fanny ecareelanxibus'onthe sida Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

But Yaxley was still present, so she could only whisper, “Yaxley, | want to have some water.”

Upon hearing Fanny's request, Yaxley nodded toward Yoanna and said to Fanny, “Wait. I'll get it for you.”4/6

Chapter 352 Fake Act Again

After saying that, he walked towards the center of the crowded hall.

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As soon as Yaxley departed, Fanny stood up and approached Yoanna.

Yoanna was standing in a favorable position. However, Fanny didn’t want Yaxley to notice Yoanna upon his return, so she feltshe had to push Yoanna away.

“Yoanna, you seem to have a close relationship with Yaxley?” She casually nudged Yoanna and then gazed at her expectantly,inquiring.

Yoanna had never been fond of Fanny. When she was nudged by her, she nearly stumbled.She was truly angry in that moment.“Why did you push me?” Yoanna raised her hand and pushed Fanny.

She didn’t use much force, and never anticipated Fanny to stagger back like a kite with a broken string, taking several stepsbefore finally sitting on the ground.

“Ahl"With a soft cry, everyone in the room turned their attention to her.

Yoanna immediately panicked, staring blankly at her hand and Fanny a few steps away, stuttering, “I... | didn’t use muchforce...”

However, no one except Fanny heard her. Instead, everyone rushed to Fanny’s side.Yaxley set down his drink and walked over to check on Fanny.

“What's wrong? Did you get hurt?” Yaxley’s face showed no sign of nervousness, but his movements were swift as he liftedFanny from the

5/6Chapter 852 Fake Act Againground.

Fanny, with tears in her eyes, said, “My leg hurts so much.”

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