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Chapter 327 She Needed Some Time AloneAfter learning about the trouble caused by Christopher, Jonathan furrowed his brows and pondered for a moment before saying,“It appears that he’s too comfortable. Rest assured, | will take care of this and ensure he doesn't bother you for a while.”Michael had sent Christopher to Northland for safety, but the younger man didn’t seem interested in seeking refuge. He wassimply looking for trouble.“With Jonathan here, I'm not worried,” Angela remarked without inquiring about Jonathan's plans.Christopher was undeniably bothersome, but as long as he didn’t trouble her, she was finewith it.Jonathan mentioned having accommodations in Northland, so they returned to the hotel, retrieved their belongings, and madetheir way to their lodging.Meanwhile, shortly after receiving the news from Jonathan, Michael phoned Christopher and reprimanded him.When Christopher received Michael's call, he had just secured a house with Fanny.Fanny was exploring the house, and her mood was improving.After ending the call, Christopher sought out Fanny and whispered, “Fanny, | may be occupied with other matters in the comingdays and might not be able to assist you for a while.”Taken aback, Fanny asked with a hint of hurt in her tone, “Chris, are you saying you won't help me anymore?”Christopher reluctantly nodded and added, “Mr. Leigh is based in Northland. With his assistance, you should be able to resolvematters concerning Angela.”Although Fanny didn’t anticipate Christopher's withdrawal at this juncture, she refrained from further comment, merely biting herlip and saying, “Chris, if you're busy, you don’t need to dedicate too much time to helping me, but can | reach out to you later?”Christopher couldn't refuse Fanny, so he casually commented, “You can, but please inform me in advance.”Considering Michael had instructed him to act cautiously in Northland, he refrained from mentioning assisting Angela anyfurther.1/4Chapter 327 She Needed Some TIE PATTAt least outwardly, Christopher couldn't take any further action.Moreover, before Michael had summoned him to Northland, he had arranged a blind datefor him.Christopher couldn't disclose the blind date to Fanny, as it would surely upset herYet, he couldn't decline the blind date either and had to attempt to expedite it, given the unfavorable situation the Sanders Familyfound themselves in after being manipulated by the Martinez Family.With Christopher's assurance, Fanny no longer pressed the issue.Following a brief exchange. Fanny bid Christopher farewell.As she prepared to head to the villa Dylan had arranged for her to retrieve her belongings, she received a call from Dylan.“My dear Fanny, why haven't you returned home yet?”Upon hearing Dylan's voice, Fanny couldn't help but shudder, suppressing her discomfort as she softly replied, “Mr. Leigh, |found a house near the school, and | intend to move in there.”She couldn't afford to offend Dylan, hence her gentle tone.After a moment of silence, Dylan questioned, “Fanny, why are you being disobedient? | specially prepared a villa for you, but youinsist on renting a house. Don’t you think you're hurting my feelings?”tUncertain how to respond, Fanny was taken aback when Dylan continued, “I was planning to introduce you to the sons of someclose friehds of mine. Your father tasked me with finding you a suitable husband in Northland.”“What? Dad asked you to find me...” Fanny was bewildered and perplexed.Dylan remarked, “Indeed, that's what your father intended. | am aware that Angela hast tarnished your reputation in Riverdon,but this information has not reached Northland. Do not fret, dear Fanny. | will certainly introduce you to a respectable family.”Fanny, who was quite charming, noticed that Dylan seemed eager to discuss this. He hoped. that Fanny would marry into aprominent family in Northland.Despite the fact that the Leigh Family was somewhat respected compared to Riverdon families, it did not hold the same statusas noble families in Northland.2/4“Mr. Leigh, there is no need. | have someone | am fond of. Fanny gently declined and added, “I will speak with my father about it,so there's no need to concern yourself.”Upon hearing this, Dylan became visibly upset. “Fanny, what do you mean by that? Are you implying that | would sell you off?”Even through the phone, Fanny was taken aback by this and managed to calm her heart to respond, “No, Mr. Leigh. | apologize.That was not my intention.”racing“In that case, return home obediently, and | will arrange for you to meet someone, Dylan said before ending the call.Fanny hesitated briefly, then phoned George.After receiving confirmation from George and discovering that even Christopher was involved in blind dates, Fanny felt uneasy.Christopher had just left, and she recalled his mention of asking her for advanced notice if she needed his help. She couldn'thelp but draw certain conclusions in her mind.Chris is keeping something from me. This isn't the first time. He's going on another blind date, and he hasn't informed me!Tears welled up in Fanny's eyes, but she fought them back. She glanced at the newly rented. house, dropped the keys on theground, and walked out.There were two keys to the house. When she had received them from the landlord, she had specifically given one to Christopher,but she hadn't anticipated him going on another blind date.Even if he was compelled to do so, he hadn't planned to inform her.

Fanny felt both disappointed andupset. Without taking,a\ear, hererdomy Bode rection andbegan walking. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.novelbin

With a heavy heart, she strolled downthe street, thinking that the latensheFmdianeviihe better. Shenhed some time alone to composeherself. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

In an elegant mansion in Northland, acar was parke qusicel Bledsé teadthe originaidontent atNovelDrama.Org.As Angela and Jonathan exited the car, the sky was gradually darkening.The courtyard of the detached house was illuminated by soft lights, casting long shadows of the flowers along the path-it wastranquil and refined.3/4Chapter Who Aventust wwwwwwyou like it here Jonathan inquired as he led Angela inin hey handUs entering Angels hooked around and couldn'tdetached house, holdingdain her excitement. “This place...”The interior of the house, with its Bursishings and decorations, closely resembled Riverd Simsate EstateIf she hasn't seen the exterior upon arrival, Angela might have believed she was back in Riverchan“This place was set up beforehand, during the establishment of Springgate Estates. It was prepared simultaneously Jonathanembraced Angela and guided her inside. “You arrived in Northland in haste, so | didn't have time to have it cleaned beforehand,Therefore, Angela had to stay in a hotel.After all, Northland was not Riverdon, and Jonathan had very few people he could trust. Progress needed to be made gradually.I love it. | really love it!” Angela exclaimed. “It's not too late. | truly adore this place.”She surveyed the place and noticed it was exceptionally clean. It was clear that Jonathan hadrecently tidied.There were fresh fruits and snacks on the coffee table, and there were likely prepared. ngredients in the fridge as well.

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