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Chapter 283 1 Simply Desire the Outcomeby the opposite end, the individuals sent by the Sanders Family discovered that Fanny was neither in the rental house nor withthe Lynch Family..Without even attempting to warn Fanny, they were unable to catch a glimpse of her, thus returning empty—handed.Michael was displeased, realizing that Fanny had concealed herself after teasing Christopher.Although Michael could have discovered where Fanny was hiding if he wanted to, quicker option would be to inquire withChristopher.theHowever, Christopher was presently on a date with Sophia, making it an inappropriate time to ask him.Furthermore, Christopher was currently infatuated with Fanny, so even if he inquired, Christopher likely wouldn't divulge theinformation.Fortunately, his men promptly ascertained Fanny's whereabouts.Teresa was concerned that Fanny's actions might disrupt the marriage alliance.Upon learning that Fanny had returned to the Kins Family, she pondered for a moment before remarking, “Didn't Christophermention that the Kins Family had expelled Fanny? How is it that she has returned?”Teresa had been informed about Zacharias' life-threatening situation and subsequent rescue by Angela from Christopher.At that time, she was irritated by Fanny's involvement with Christopher, so she was pleased to hear that Fanny had beenexpelled.“Did you mention Angela?” Michael suddenly interjected, recalling something. “I have a plan.”A cafe near Lake Cladra.Christopher was on a date with Sophia, but his spirits were low.“Christopher, did you not sleep well last night?"Sophia sat across from Christopher, still smiling as brightly as ever.“I had a restless night.”1/4Chapter 283 1 Simply Desire the OutcomeChristopher immediately perked up at the sound of her voice and smiled at Sophia.Upon hearing Christopher's response, Sophia promptly shared various methods that she had heard of for improving sleepquality. Christopher listened and responded with a smile, but his mind had already wandered elsewhere.He had spent a long time consoling Fanny the previous night and had been reprimanded by Michael that morning. It was oddthat he was feeling content now.More importantly, he was still concerned about Fanny, worried that she might not be eating properly due to the incident withScarlet.Scarlet was comatose, and he had already arranged for a good doctor to visit. He had received a message early in the morning,but the results seemed unfavorable.He had not yet informed Fanny of the results, fearing it would upset her further.After conversing for a while without eliciting a response from Christopher, Sophia finally realized that he was lost in thought.“Christopher, what's on your mind?"Christopher quickly snapped out of his reverie. “Nothing. It's just a trivial matter. Weren't you considering watching a movie? Let'sgo catch a film.”He suggested watching a movie to avoid further conversation with Sophia, knowing that even if he became lost in thought, itwouldn't be an issue.Sophia was skeptical, but upon hearing Christopher propose watching a movie, she set aside her doubts.“Let's go. There's a movie I'm eager to see. Christopher, let's go watch it now.”Linking arms with Christopher, she noticed his lack of resistance and felt even more content with him.Angela had been reading at home for a while when she received a call from Cassie inviting her to go out.Eventually, she was persuaded by Cassie's persistent calls to join her.“Angela! Over here.”Upon arriving at the designated meeting spot, Angela could hear Cassie's cheerful voice from a distance.2/4JIMB BBBBBChapter 2831 Simply Desire the Outcome=Looking up, she saw Cassie waving enthusiastically at her.Angela hurried over, and Cassie immediately linked arms with her.“You finally decided to come out, Cassie remarked.IN91037Glancing at Angela, Cassic stretched lazily, took a deep breath, and sighed. “I was getting sobored.”“What's the matter?” Angela inquired, curious about her complaint.Rolling her eyes, Cassie began to vent. “It's all because of that wealthy guy from the Sims Family. My dad scolded me, so I'vebeen stuck at home besides going to school.”Cassic, always lively and active, felt cooped up at home for days, which nearly drove her crazy. It was only when her momintervened that her dad finally allowed her to go out and have some fun.As soon as she got the chance to leave the house, she contacted Angela.“Well, I understand.” Angela sympathized, subconsciously comparing Cassie to Jonathan and realizing he was much better.Feeling guilty for thinking of Jonathan, Angela wanted to comfort Cassie and distract her.But Cassie's mood shifted quickly. Before Angela could console her, she was already dragging Angela towards the shoppingmall.“Let's go, Angela. Today, let's enjoy shopping at the mall and then relax in a hot spring. What do you think?”

The weather was just right forsoaking in hot spi heads (4dthe originaidontent atNovelDrama.Org.

Considering the tension of thefew days, Angela gareetit was timeyah sAd joined. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.novelbin

Cassic. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.While shopping in the mall, Angela received a text message that upset her.“What's wrong? What happened?” Cassie asked, concerned.“It's nothing major. Just give me a moment to make a call,” Angela replied.It was a recurring issue in the Kins Family, and she didn’t want to worry Cassie unnecessarily.Seeing Angela's silence, Cassie urged. “Go ahead and make the call. We can continue3/4TNChapter 283 1 Simply Desire the Outcomeshopping and then head to the hot springsHaving made a reservation. Cassie was determined to help Angela relax.Angela found a quiet spot to call Joseph.“Angela, why are you calling suddenly? Is it about Zacharias* treatment?” Joseph asked in a neutral toneAngela relayed the information she had received in a straightforward manner.Upon hearing this, Joseph promised. “Let me confirm and get back to you.”“I just want the outcome, and if this recurs, you know the consequences, Angela stated firmly. only interested in the result.After the call. Joseph's expression soured, feeling Angela was being too arrogant despite helping Zacharias.Impatiently, be called James to verify if Fanny had indeed returned home.James sensed trouble and admitted, “It's my fault for allowing her to return home. I'm not sure how Angela found out so quickly.”“Who knows how she found out?” Joseph grumbled, pondering whether someone was leaking information to her.“Perhaps. James agreed. “I need you to handle the situation with Fanny as I'm swamped at work.Concerned about persuading her again, Joseph agreed to go home and address the issue. Upon arriving home, he found Fannyseated on the sofa, enjoying a delicate cake.

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