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Chapter 248

Chapter 248 End the Engagement??Chapter 248 End the Engagement??76% 11:58

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Michael could sense that something significant was unfolding just by observing Christopher’s hesitant expression. His keen eyesscrutinized Christopher.

We had always been candid with each other, whether the news was good or bad. Could Christopher's troubling issue beconnected to that woman, Fanny?

At that moment, Michael's expression darkened.As anticipated, Christopher appeared resolute, then nervously inquired, “Dad, can you assist with Fanny’s predicament?”

Michael snorted. “Assist? How can | assist her? Don’t you understand the trouble Fanny is in? Have you forgotten my previouswarnings?”

Christopher recoiled under Michael’s scolding. He knew his father would not approve.

Just as he was about to speak, Michael seemed to have a realization. He narrowed his eyes and exuded a menacing aura, “Didyou see her today?”

Christopher did not try to hide it..

“Yes,” he met his father’s gaze head-on. Fanny only had him. He could not back down. “Dad. Fanny is my fiancée. She’s introuble now, so | have to help her.”

Michael slammed the table, scolding angrily, “You fool, when will you mature? Is now the appropriate time for you to show offyour abilities to her? If you have the capability, then help her. If you can assist her without utilizing the resources of the SandersFamily, | won't object!”

Christopher sighed inwardly. Every time Fanny is mentioned, his father becomes indignant. When the Kins Family was stillprosperous, the father was already displeased with this engagement. Now that Fanny has encountered legal issues, the fathermust harbor even more disdain for her. He could even perceive the repulsion in his father’s eyes.

Christopher could only plead, “Dad, Fanny is in a pitiful state now. Moreover, none of this is her fault. Her classmates and Angelaenvy her, so they framed her.”

Michael did not erupt angrily but smiled, gazing directly at Christopher, “Are you saying that someone set her up?”Christopher nodded. His eyes were brimming with determination.



Chapter 248 End the Engagement??

He solemnly recounted the words that Fanny had shared with him in the hospital.

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Finally, Christopher expressed indignation, “Do you find Angela excessively malicious? Fortunately, | decisively terminated theengagement at that time. Otherwise, it would have been a catastrophe if | had married her.”

As he spoke, relief seemed to wash over his face.However, Michael regarded Christopher as if he were a fool.

Is this the son | had painstakingly nurtured for over twenty years? Is this the son he had intended to groom to compete withJonathan? he thought.

With such a tender heart, he would not shake Jonathan’s position even if he exerted all efforts to assist him now. If he were nolonger present in the future, he would be completely taken advantage of.

Michael rose to his feet with his face consumed by uncontrollable anger. He pointed at Christopher and scolded furiously, “Ibelieve Fanny has clouded your mind. How can such grave accusations be casually thrown around? Do you think lawenforcement officers are as inept as you? Do you think that they don’t they possess the ability to discern between truth. andfalsehood?”

Christopher was slightly dissatisfied. “Therefore, there is no definitive conclusion yet. The authorities are still investigating, andperhaps Fanny won't face any repercussions. Furthermore, | simply want you to assist me in containing the situation so that wewon't be under constant scrutiny and it won't be inconvenient for others to probe.”

Michael settled back into his chair with a somber expression but remained silent.

He felt that the current Christopher was akin to a king enchanted by the fox spirit Fanny and was unable to heed any counselfrom others.


Christopher continued to implore his father with emotion and logit, “Also, regardless of the circumstances, Fanny is now myfiancée, the future Mrs. Sanders of the Kins Family. At this juncture, even if others can turn a blind eye, if we do the same, we willundoubtedly be subject to gossip behind our backs.”

“If you could be so heartless towards his future daughter—in-law, you would be even more ruthless towards your businesspartners. Could someone with such a demeanor still effectively collaborate? Many individuals may have doubts andconsiderations, which could indirectly impact the company’s operations,” Christopher said with a stern tone.

Michael’s expression became even grimmer after hearing his reasoning. However, he had to acknowledge that Christopher wascorrect in his assessment. Ultimately, it was his moment



Chapter 248 End the Engagement??76% 11:58

of weakness that led to their engagement. Outsiders would not delve into the reasons behind it; they would only see theoutcome.

Michael could not help but relent. “I can assist her, but the condition is that you call off the engagement.”

“What?” Christopher appeared surprised, stood up abruptly, and gazed down at Michael, “Dad, how can you be so snobbish?”Michael sneered.

Was | a snobbish man?

He coldly confronted Christopher and stated without hesitation, “You pride yourself on loyalty and righteousness. Fine, from nowon, you can relinquish your position as Master Jonathan of the Sanders Family. Let's see how long your devotion to her willendure.”

He believed that his son had been indulged and had lost his.way.He disregarded the constant reminders and warnings. How could he compete with Jonathan in this manner? he thought.

Christopher lowered his head, furrowing his brows in discontent, “Dad, why do you insist on me ending things with Fanny? She isa wonderful girl. | can’t abandon her when she needs

me the most.

Michael could not help but feel regretfor his son. What kind of pre igamenthad he landed pinsélPin? His sonwWaretihdr $0 capable yet

disobedient or too foolish anddisobedient. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

He felt as though he was on the brinkof madness. Trying to cides teittemotions, he calmly Stated, * Fannyid Hl ind and innocent, shewouldn't have found herself in thisPlease read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

predicament. Christopher, thi

ey UC Siiades thefo)

original ntent at NovelDrama.Org.

Christopher remained silent. He was at a loss on how to persuade his parents.Should | truly end the engagement? But what about Fanny?

Observing Christopher in this state, Michael grew frustrated with his son’s decision on his partner. He knew that Christopher wastypically compliant, but when it came to Fanny, it was as if his logic had been clouded, and he could not critically reason thesituation.

He understood that he could not push him too forcefully, but this situation with Fanny causing trouble presented a primeopportunity to end the engagement.

Michael's complexion paled, his voice conveying authority, “You state your terms, and I'll state mine. If you agree to end theengagement with Fanny and be engaged to Miss Martinez, | will agree to assist Fanny. It’s time to think for yourself carefully.”novelbin



Chapter 248 End the Engagement??*CF

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Christopher sighed helplessly and contemplated for a moment, “Dad, Miss Martinez, and | have only just met. How can wealready be engaged?”

Seeing his son’s less resistant reaction, Michael softened his tone, “Who said you have to be engaged immediately? There’s stilltime. Just spend more time with Miss Martinez, and feelings will naturally develop.”

Christopher opened his mouth as if to speak but ultimately remained silent.He rose, reflected for a moment, and then uttered, “Let me think it over for a few days.”Michael also recognized no need to rush this matter, so he gestured for Christopher to depart.

As Christopher exited the study, he felt somewhat disheartened. He could not comprehend how things had unfolded in thismanner.


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