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Chapter 241

Chapter 241 The Karma

Chapter 241 The Karma

When Fanny finally achieved her goal, she stopped crying.

Constantly scheming and calculating had been exhausting. Although her injury was not serious, she

had lost a lot of blood. It was something she had never experienced before.

Scarlet arranged a VIP single room for Fanny,

It was not as luxurious as Angela‘ previous room, but much more comfortable than the ordinary rooms.

Daily meals were sent to her, and dedicated medical staff took care of her. Despite being in the

hospital, her days here were far more comfortable than those spent at the Lynches.

One afternoon, while Fanny was lying on the couch reading a book, someone entered the


Assuming it was Scarlet, she didn’t bother turning her head. She casually said, “Mom, did you forget

something again?”

To her surprise, a mocking laugh filled the room.

Fanny turned around to see Linda standing there in designer clothes, with a designer bag and exquisite


Linda questioned, “Hasn’t your household registration been transferred to the Lynch Family? I heard

your mother is still detained at the police station. Who are you calling for?”

Linda’s eyes held sarcasm as she added, “You should really change your habit of falsely recognizing a

mother, or people will think you have no shame.”

Fanny demanded, “Who let you in?”

Ignoring her, Linda placed a fruit basket on the table and said, “I came to see you, my old

you welcome me?”

friend. Don’t

Fanny coldly snorted, her eyes filled with disdain. “Are you really that kind–hearted?”

Linda casually tossed her hair, cast a critical glance at Fanny, and remarked, “I just dropped by to

witness your streak of bad luck. Tsk! How did things turn out like this? It seems that karma catches up

with those who indulge in too much mischief.”

Fanny grasped that Linda was there to revel in her misfortune.

Clean tenet, Patung jodord inwand the dam and declared. I don’t welcome you here.

Maturally, Lands paul na feed in Tanny’s request. She strutted a few steps, counted onto the runch and

casually crussed her legs. “Don’t you want to know why Writney daddad quer

Fanny’s expression shined repeatedly, a trace of confusion in her eyes. “You know?”

Linda nodded, stating, “I was the one who exposed it

“Treported you” Linda laughed heartily, showing no fear of fanny. She went on. “I knew about your

attempt to hire someone for murder, so I reported it. And then…

A sense of satisfaction played on her face as she continued, “I gathered a few people, discussed it in

the neighborhood where you live, and things turned out like this. However, 1 didn’t expect Britney to go

this far. I just wanted her to give you a good beating, but she turned out to be more formidable than I


Fanny was furious. “Linda, you b*tch! Making a false report can land you in jail. You’ve gone to such

absurd lengths just for revenge.

Compared to Fanny’s exasperation, Linda remained more composed, She sneered, “You know best

whether it’s false or not. You may think it’s fake, but here I am, sitting comfortably. In a few days, I

believe the police will come asking you questions. Do you think you can escape this time?”

Fanny was stunned. How is this possible? What I did is obviously a well–kept secret. How could Linda

know? She’s currently relying on Dad, but even with some money, it’s not plausible for her to be aware

of these things. This just doesn’t make sense.

Upon seeing Fanny’s expression, Linda became even more convinced that the information Angela had

provided was accurate.

Despite Angela’s motives, they were at least in agreement when it came to dealing with Fanny,

A look of panic crossed Fanny’s face. “Stop talking nonsense! I’m fine… Linda, do you think I’ll be

afraid of your vague words?”

Linda shook her head innocently. “Why would you be afraid? You are the precious daughter in the Kins

Family. But I wonder if the Kins Family would be shocked to know how ruthless. you can be?”



Chapter 241 The Karma



92% 10:47

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“You killed your own father to avoid the household registration. What if…” Linda’s red lips parted

slightly, her voice carrying a hint of coldness. She pressed on, “What if the Kins Family disappoints

you? Would you resort to the same tactics?”

Fanny forced herself to remain calm and said, “I will sue you if you continue to accuse me.”

Linda was undeterred. She stood up from the couch and said, “Go ahead. I can’t wait to expose this.

Do you think the Kins Family can cover everything up? This will not end well.”

The sky outside gradually darkened, with few people coming and going on the VIP floor.

Because of Linda’s words, the ward became even eerily quiet.

Fanny’s heart raced, her limbs weak.

“You should focus on clearing your name.” Linda’s voice rang out again. She looked at Fanny with a

sense of satisfaction.

Then, she asked, “Do you remember what you did to me?”

Before Fanny could respond, Linda added, “Fanny, this is karma. But compared to what I endured, this

is nothing. You will never have peace again.”

There was a vengeful pleasure on Linda’s face, her voice sharp and piercing.

Fanny remained silent, staring intensely at Linda.

Linda smirked, “Enjoy what’s to come.”

With that, she left.

As she exited the hospital, she took a deep breath.

Since her family’s bankruptcy and her humiliation, this was the most satisfying moment for her.

Thinking about this, she made a phone call.

“She’s very angry.”



Chapter 241 The Karma



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“Thank you.” Linda said sincerely.

“No worries. I just do what I can when I come across injustice,” Angela calmly replied.

After a moment of contemplation, she advised Linda, “Although venting your anger may feel good

momentarily, the goal is to defeat the enemy.”

Linda frowned.

Angela continued, “Fanny will surely gain sympathy from the Kins family through this incident. She was

transferred to Riverdon Hospital overnight, wasn’t she?”

Linda’s expression turned serious. “She’s playing games. I wonder about the intelligence of the Kins

Family; not a single, smart person among them.”

“So…” Angela said, “There is no concrete evidence yet, and investigating will take time. If the Kins

Family finds a loophole to clear Fanny, all your efforts will be in vain.”

“I understand. I will ensure this is brought to light and not allow the Kins Family to bury it,” Linda said

solemnly. novelbin

The call ended.

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