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Chapter 239

Chapter 239 Do You Dare To Swear?

Chapter 239 Do You Dare To Swear?

Norcen repeatedly hesitated, torn between the desire to speak and the restraint that held her back.

Her indecisive demeanor made Britney extremely anxious.

“Oh, Noreen. At this moment, what is it that you find difficult to express? Mike is gone, leaving us asorphans and widows. What could be more challenging than this?” Britney clasped her hand.

Her voice trembled with sorrow, mourning her own misfortune.

Noreen took a moment to reflect, not articulating directly but inquiring, “How did Mike pass away?

Didn’t you mention his condition had improved when you returned?”

Britney sighed, a touch of sadness on her face. “His illness is unpredictable. The doctor also

mentioned it’s all up to fate. Every day is different. A few days ago, he even mentioned he wanted to

eat the strawberries grown in his own yard, claiming his appetite had improved. But then suddenly he

couldn’t breathe, and the doctor couldn’t save him… sigh…”

Noreen consoled, “Don’t be disheartened. Fate is beyond anyone’s control.”

“Why this sudden inquiry?” Britney was curious.

Noreen was conflicted; she sighed, then expressed, “My child overheard people discussing, suggesting

that Mike was murdered.”

Britney gasped in shock at these words. She promptly sat up from the bed, tightly gripping Noreen’s

hand and asking, “W–what did you say? M–murdered?”

Noreen bit her lip. “A few days ago, my child visited the hospital and happened to run into some

classmates. During their brief conversation, they mentioned that someone had gone to the police

station and reported that Fanny hired someone to kill her father.”

“W–what?” Britney was astounded.

Noreen continued, “Additionally, the police conducted an investigation at the hospital. Although they

didn’t reveal any details, certain rumors have emerged. They suggest that Fanny, for some reason

related to household registration, plotted to harm Mike… There are even claims of witnesses seeing

Fanny approaching Mike surreptitiously, as if with harmful intentions. The information has spread

widely and is known to everyone in the hospital. The police are still actively probing the matter, and

Fanny is currently under surveillance by their personnel. It’s anticipated that following Mike’s funeral,

they will likely apprehend her.”


Chapter 989 1

Bruney was so meensed that lurt entire body trembled. “I how dare the

1pon saying that she was alwait to rise from the bed to confront Fanny

Noreen quickly held himney back, saying: “Britney, Ljust wanted to advise you to be cautious. The

police currently lack concrete evidence, and even if you confront her new, she likely won’t contes.

Nevertheless, the rumors are circulating widely. Many people are discussing it. even those who are

unaware that it involves Fanny. According to my child’s findings. everything matches up their

backgrounds, the specific patient, the ailment, and the timing of their passing

“This deceitful hule b*tch! How dare she commit murder. S–she is truly audacious… Britney struggled

to get out of bed but was gently pushed back by Noreen, who said, “Britney, you need to compose


Britney clasped Noreen’s hand and declared, “Help me summon her. Then, wait outside. I–I want to

interrogate her.”

Noreen nodded. ‘Sure. The police will ask about this sooner or later anyway. It’s better if we confront

her first”

Noreen left and called for Fanny

Upon Fanny’s entrance, she gazed at Britney with an unfriendly expression. “What’s the matter?”

Observing her demeanor, Britney sneered, “Your father has passed away. Why aren’t you displaying

any sorrow?“

Fanny pursed her lips. “I am grieving. I am deeply sorrowful inside. But not all grief needs to be

exhibited outwardly.”/

“Hmph.” Britney rose slowly. “Do you anticipate him returning tonight to seek retribution against you?”

Fanny paled and looked at Britney. “What are you saying?”

“Do you not realize what you have done?” Britney’s expression turned fierce as she gazed at Fanny,

who appeared innocent on the surface. Britney couldn’t believe the darkness in her heart.

Turning her head away, Fanny avoided eye contact and said, “It’s getting late. If there’s nothing else, I’ll


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Chapter 239 Do You Dare To Swear?

heaven, come back and seek justice. Someone heartless enough to harm her own father is capable of

any evil deed.”

Startled by Britney’s accusations, Fanny asked, “What are you talking about?”

Recalling the unsettling words Angela had spoken earlier, Fanny pressed, “Did Angela say something

to you? She has always harbored ill feelings toward me, constantly trying to tarnish my reputation.

Don’t let her manipulate you.”

Getting out of bed, Britney approached Fanny slowly. “Regardless of Angela’s faults, I raised her for

years. I know her character. She is timid, hardworking, and never complains. She would never do what

you are accused of. Despite your wealth, deep down, you are just like


Britney pressed on, “Maybe my husband and I are no longer useful, but we’re the ones who broughtnovelbin

you into this world. You…..grew up in luxury, thinking you could get away with anything. You went so far

as to have your own father killed just to avoid changing your registration…”

Fanny went pale, looking shocked. She pondered, How does she know all this? It must be Angela who

discloses the information. But I am always present whenever Angela visits. There’s no chance for them

to speak privately.

Backing away slowly, Fanny felt a sense of fear creeping in. “Mom, please calm down. This is all a

misunderstanding… Who told you these things?”

Pointing toward the door, Britney spoke sternly, “Then go swear in front of your father that you are

innocent. He will return tonight. Dare you swear?”

Feeling a sudden chill in the air, Fanny hesitated.

Initially dismissing the superstitions, Angela and Britney made her uneasy by repeatedly mentioning

events after death.

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“You truly did such a thing. You heartless creature! How could you commit such a heinous act? I will

teach you a lesson on behalf of your father today!” Britney gritted her teeth.

Before Fanny could react, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, followed by a warm sensation



Chapter 239 Do You Dare To Swear?

She screamed in agony.


The knife slipped from Britney’s hand to the ground.

She appeared bewildered.

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Looking at the blood on her hands and then at Fanny collapsing to the ground, clutching her stomach,

Britney felt momentarily lost.

It was not intentional.

She had grabbed the nearest object to discipline her disobedient daughter.

But she had not expected it to be a fruit knife.

Noreen pushed the door open and witnessed the gruesome scene.

Instant regret washed over her. I should not have intervened.

Onlookers gathered, offering assistance. Some called for an ambulance, and some rushed barefoot to

seek the village’s doctor.


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