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Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Chapter Eighty-Eight: Big News

Translator: 549690339

April 27th, Young Master’s Mansion

“Bro, I’m here to see you.”

A cheerful, clear voice echoed through the large courtyard of the mansion. Everyone who was familiar

knew that this was the voice of the young master.

Although Mi Hu had more than a dozen wives and concubines, he only had two sons, both born to the

same wife. This meant that the two brothers had a close relationship.

Despite this, their talents and qualities were worlds apart. Mi Shen was so exceptional that Mi Hou, his

younger brother, aspired to be an irresponsible character who only ever sought extravagant pleasure.

He had no interest in martial arts. Instead, he had mastered chess, calligraphy, painting, and numerous

other pastimes. He was considered one of the best idlers in Xiling.

Mi Shen knew his younger brother very well. He suspected that Mi Hou’s visit to see him was more

about needing his help than anything else.

After all, Mi Shen had become used to cleaning up Mi Hou’s messes from a young age.

Swinging his way into the strategizing room, Mi Hou casually pulled up a chair next to Mi Shen’s desk

and sat down.

“Bro, I’ve got big news for you,” he said, grinning from ear to ear, a smug look on his face.

Mi Shen simply glanced at him, expressionless, then lowered his head to continue working on his files.

The Mi Clan’s Wancheng Treasure Ship was about to return from its journey, and Fenling Port was

extremely busy. Mi Shen didn’t have the time or patience to indulge his foolish brother. Whether he

talked or not didn’t matter, Mi Shen didn’t believe that his brother could bring him any critical news.

Seeing Mi Shen’s indifferent demeanor, Mi Hou became irritated. With a threatening tone, he said,

“Bro, this news is incredibly important to you. Unless you pay me … five hundred thousand gold, I won’t

tell you.”

Mi Shen didn’t even bat an eyelid or raise his head.

Feeling his loyalty was wasted, Mi Hou gave Mi Shen a shove and said furiously, “This news is really

important. Don’t you want to hear it?”

A Mortal Realm person cannot push an individual of the Transcendent Realm, a truth that needs no

explanation. The unmovable Mi Shen placed his pen down and calmly said, “The value of information

depends on the desire of the other party. If I’m not interested in your information, then it’s worthless.”

If it’s worthless, then it’s worthless. Mi Hou thought sullenly. Originally, he had planned to use the news

to scam some money, but if it didn’t work, then there was no harm done.

However, Mi Shen had finally acknowledged him, exciting Mi Hou: “Bro, are you dueling with Tang


“How did you hear about it?” Mi Shen asked. He had just received the challenge two days ago. Since

Zhang Xinghe wasn’t one to be gossipy, Mi Shen wondered how Mi Hou got the information.

“It’s all over Xiling.” Mi Hou said nonchalantly.

Mi Shen frowned slightly, puzzled. With Mi Shen’s forewarning, everything made sense, and it occurred

to him that it must have been spread by Tang Luo.

Even if Martial Saint Mountain made an error about Tang Luo not having the Innate Hollow Body, the

fact of Tang Luo being eleven years younger than him remained a reality. Tang Luo might appear

arrogant, but he wasn’t stupid.

Making the challenge known to everyone and then being embarrassingly defeated would no doubt be a

lethal blow to his reputation. His public proclamation must have been based on a confident advantage.

Before Mi Shen could react, Mi Hou pressed on eagerly with gritted teeth, “Bro, I have big news about

Tang Luo for you!”

From the look on Mi Hou’s face, Mi Shen deduced that the two must have had an issue. He asked,

“What kind of dispute can you have with Tang Luo?” “Didn’t my dojo in North City get demolished by

Tang Luo last year?” Mi Hou grumbled angrily. The Mi Clan’s intelligence system wasn’t dead. Although

he’d been panicking after being startled by Tang Sen’s influence back then, he felt even more

humiliated when he later discovered that the person on the carriage was Tang Luo.

Intimidated by a thirteen-year-old child, he not only felt frustrated but was even angrier that the

profitable martial arts arena was overthrown, exposing the Mi Clan’s bottom line. Various kinds of

issues arose with the arena afterwards; one day the land rent would expire, another day the fighters

would be absent. It was clear these were underhanded manoeuvres by the Tang Clan, and the person

behind the exposure was Tang Luo. Therefore, he harbored a great deal of hatred.

“So, this is what you wanted to tell me?”

“Of course not!”

Mi Hou leaned towards Mi Shen’s ear and whispered, “Tang Luo’s great reliance is none other than

Tang Sen’s four-beast gold-rimmed chariot!”

“I see.” A flash of understanding crossed Mi Shen’s eyes. He finally understood Tang Luo’s biggest


No wonder he dared to challenge him.

No wonder he wanted to make a big fuss known to everyone.

So, the best chariot in Xiling was being used by this young brat.

A chariot that could fight against the Fierce Realm and sweep through everything when driven, that

was truly an invincible force.

If he wasn’t prepared, he would surely be thoroughly embarrassed.

The least useful brother had brought such vital news, which greatly surprised Mi Shen.

“Well done.” Mi Shen praised Mi Hou.

Mi Hou looked shocked. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He had grown up being scolded by his older

brother and was not used to being praised.

“Bro, what did you say? I didn’t hear clearly.”

Mi Shen shook his head, ignoring the mischievous little brother, and called over an accountant, “Take

two million gold from the mansion’s coffers and send it to the young master’s mansion.”

The value of information was closely related to the level of need of the subject. For Mi Shen, this piece

of news was worth that much.

“Bro, why are you being so formal? It’s as if I came to report the news only for the money,” Mi Hou said,

a lit bit shyly.

“Then you don’t need it.” Mi Shen readily tried to call back the accountant.

Before he could raise his hand, Mi Hou held it down, “No bro, you, as the Pride of Xiling, can’t go back

on your word.”

Mi Hou felt like slapping himself. He shouldn’t have behaved humbly after taking advantage. Ever since

the Lunjiang Martial Arts Arena went bankrupt, he couldn’t afford to live lavishly anymore. This two

million gold was essential to him. If he lost it all because of a humble statement, he felt like he wanted

to die.

Mi Shen looked at Mi Hou with a vague smile, knowing his brother better than anyone else.

Tang Family Dining Hall

At the end of every month, Tang Luo would bring the little boy home. Even though their past visits were

uneventful, this time was completely different. “Son, you’ve finally grown up and learned to fight with

others!” Xu Shuhui said with immense satisfaction.

“It’s a duel.” Tang Luo tried to correct Xu Shuhui but to no avail.

“It’s all the same.” Xu Shuhui casually laid it out, “Boys need to be strong. Only then can they protect

their family, and also win the hearts of beautiful girls. Back in the day, your father defeated countless

people to win my heart.”

“Four hundred twenty-seven.” Tang Sen, who had been quietly eating, suddenly looked up and

mentioned a number before lowering his head again to continue eating.

“Sss.” Tang Luo gasped. He knew that Tang Sen had met his mother in Yuanzhou, but he never

expected such huge challenges. It was truly amazing. “Big brother, you will definitely win!” The little boy

encouraged Tang Luo with sparkling eyes.

The family’s trust in Tang Luo was not blind. It was only after they saw Tang Luo manifest thenovelbin

Transcendent Realm aura, that they believed the young man, who could independently wield the

Combined Attack Technique, would have an evenly matched duel with Shen, regardless of the

difference in Spiritual Power..

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