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Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Chapter Seventy-Eight: Mark of Struggle

Translator: 549690339 00

The eighth of April is suitable for a burial, worshipping ancestors, and avoiding marriages, breaks,

adoptions and forming alliances.

“Brother, why are you looking so drained?” The young kid was genuinely worried as he stared at Tang

Luo, who had dark circles under his eyes.


With a poker face, Tang Luo slapped the kid upside the head, moving his light-obstructing head aside,

“Go practice. These are the battle scars of fighting for our clan.”

Okay.” The kid clutched his head, retreating into the training room with every third step he took.

Only after hitting the young kid did Tang Luo finally feel a good sense of satisfaction. Since the day he

delegated martial arts responsibilities, he hadn’t had a good day’s sleep.

“What you guys are doing is inhumane by making us work overtime.” Tang Luo had pointed out the

unhealthy work conditions in the Secret Arts Pavilion several times, but they turned a deaf ear to him.

Competing for stamina with a group of middle-aged men, who were at least at the peak of transcending

the mortal realm, Tang Luo admitted defeat. Could these individuals, who recuperated with zest after

an hour of meditating, truly be considered human?

He could only marvel at them for transforming complicated martial arts techniques, which could only be

understood by researchers, into volumes of iron scrolls that warriors could learn from. It was a real

waste not to put them into scientific research.

He also learned why newly developed secret techniques had to be turned over to the Secret Arts

Pavilion before they could be printed in volumes for martial artists to learn. That was because you

could never imagine how martial arts practitioners from their youth could be so academically barren.

For each martial arts technique that Tang Luo revised, the bulkier ones had about seven or eight

pages, and the slimmer ones only two or three. The rest was all content that was already included in

the original martial arts method, and didn’t need to be reiterated.

But after the heavy reprographics of the past few days, he realized just how profound those contents

that supposedly didn’t need to be mentioned in the Secret Arts Pavilion were.

Even martial artists who had been practicing for over a decade couldn’t state the precise location of

their acupuncture points. The routes they’ve practiced since childhood were all memorized by rote.

Leaving aside the minor collateral channels in the human body, even the proper channels and

extraordinary meridians weren’t completely recognized. To Tang Luo’s surprise, a martial artist who

could clearly identify the twelve divergent channels, the twelve tendon channels, and the twelve skin

regions was considered learned.

But to someone who wanted to research martial arts, these things were but the basic knowledge of an


So what the Secret Arts Pavilion had to do was to simplify the names of those minor channels into

easy-to-understand guidelines. They would then highlight which routes the spiritual energy should take

from an introspective angle.

The content of a single page, after being translated, could become ten or more pages. If it involved

complicated channels, this number could be further multiplied.

As for submitting martial techniques, to outsiders, it was as simple as submitting their ideas. But within

the Secret Arts Pavilion, a significant part of their job was to evaluate the value of a piece of martial arts

and to translate it.

Then they would teach it to designated instructors or martial artists, with the goal of spreading it widely.

While others were breezily translating three to five martial arts segments and calling it a day, Tang Luo

had to translate a total of ninety-seven.

Among them, the route of martial arts was incredibly complicated.

The elders of the Secret Arts Pavilion finished their work in the first few days, and then helped Tang

Luo with his translations.

And Tang Luo’s dark circles were the result of these days of tirelessness.

So even with his spiritual power accumulating to 2941.2, he couldn’t feel any shred of happiness. He

just felt like he had no energy to do anything.

And he himself had established the rule that the Secret Arts Pavilion wouldn’t keep idlers, so even in

his agony, Tang Luo had to keep his spirits up and continue revising martial arts.

Luckily, the Tang Clan had a rich inventory, and there were plenty of martial arts with lofty ambitions for

him to modify. If not, he wouldn’t know what to do.

“It should be fine when I reach the Mortal Realm in a few days.” He comforted himself in this way while

fighting against his discomfort.

Once in the Mortal Realm, he could start studying martial arts of the Yellow Rank. His work pressure

would instantly be cut by five times, and he would no longer be as exhausted as he was currently.

Tang Mansion Dining Hall

As both brothers weren’t around, the generally hustle and bustle of the mansion was slightly dismal.

Fortunately, Tang Sen returned home every night to have dinner with Xu Shuhui. Otherwise, if it were

only her, she wouldn’t know how she could stand the cold quietness.

Having Tang Sen at the dinner table meant it would always be extraordinarily lively. That was because

he was a martial artist who found everything delicious and ate excessively.

The entire table could only hear his gulping noises. Tang Luo always suspected that Tang Nuannuan’s

chubbiness was partly the work of their father.

“Slow down, I have something to ask you.” Xu Shuhui held Little Nuannuan with one hand and slapped

Tang Sen, who was hunched over his meal, with the other.

Mm.” There were still grains of rice on the corner of Tang Sen’s mouth as he raised his head with a

puzzled look, looking as naive as ever.

“After having three kids, how can you still act so childish?” Xu Shuhui removed the grains of rice from

Tang Sen’s face and teased him.

“Heh heh.” Tang Sen smiled, looking both honest and simple.

“What’s making you so happy, dolt?” Xu Shuhui rolled her eyes in annoyance and shoved the grains of

rice into his mouth before getting down to business.

“Do you think that if Luo Er really awakens some sort of bloodline power, our nephew this time might

want to take him back to Yuanzhou?”

She couldn’t help but worry. Originally, she thought it impossible for Tang Luo to awaken any bloodline

power. But since the Secret Arts Pavilion meeting on the first day of April, more than ten clan and sect

elders had paid her deliberate visits.

After some small talk, they all mentioned that Tang Luo was a veritable martial arts genius. They felt

relieved that they could trust the future of the Secret Arts Pavilion to him, and so on.

This heightened her concerns. She had a deep understanding of the Xu Family’s dominance.

If it wasn’t for her brother risking his life to create an opportunity for her all those years ago, there was

no way she could have eloped with Tang Sen.

She was well aware of how the Xu Clan treasured those with bloodline powers. If Tang Luo hadn’t

awakened, it would have been fine. But once he did awaken some sort of bloodline power, even if it

was a useless power,

Given the Xu Clan’s temperament, they would forcefully take him away. As a family that has had a

saint, the Xu Clan always had an air of superiority. Although the Xu Clan was no longer the strongest

family, their pride remained unchanged.

This worried her greatly.

Tang Sen could sense his wife’s unease. Extending his hand, he clasped Xu

Shuhui’s hand and murmured, “Don’t worry, I’m here.”

Xu Shuhui smiled at Tang Sen, gripping his hand in return. The hand was still as sturdy as before,

instilling a sense of security.

Tang Sen held Xu Shuhui’s hand in this manner and resumed eating.

Gulp, gulp, gulp.

Watching her husband efficiently eating with one hand, Xu Shuhui involuntarily giggled.


The City of Baling Mountain

The elegant room of Hundred Fragrances Inn

“Bring out all your girls-” The young noble with peach blossom eyes casually asked of the innkeeper,

throwing over a golden leaf.

“Very well, sir, please wait-” The innkeeper, back bowed, pocketed the gold leaf and left the room, lifting

the door curtain.

Soon after, more than a dozen girls filed into the room with a sensual sway, smiling coyly, “Greetings,

young master-”

“You, you, you, you, you, you, and you, stay, the rest can leave.” The young man casually pointed and

kept eight girls..

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