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Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Chapter Sixty-Nine: Entering the Cabinet

Translator: 549690339

Tang Guangyu, at forty-three years old, had striking and solemn features, especially his eyes that

seemed to scrutinize everything. Anyone who met his gaze felt like they had been stripped bare,

instinctively causing them to lower their heads as if they had done something wrong.

Why would such a person, a stranger without any previous quarrels, suddenly decide to pick a fight?

Tang Luo was perplexed, feeling he was just unlucky. If he protested his innocence at this point, who

would believe him?

“Esteemed elders of the sect, I have no objections to the son of the First Head of the Martial Hall

entering our Secret Arts Pavilion,” Tang Guangyu pointed out firmly towards Tang Luo.

“However, I believe it is too soon to allocate him the rites of membership.”

Tang Luo furrowed his eyebrows slightly, sitting and observing the long-robed Tang Guangyu

confidently pressing his point.

“Putting aside his relative youth and limited experience, as you are all aware, martial arts and

cultivation methods are broad and profound fields. Many adjustments may seem bright and promising

in the moment, but could easily obstruct a martial artist’s future development. That is why countless

preceding masters have left behind their invaluable insights for reference.”

His speech was loaded with sarcasm. If Tang Luo didn’t consider this targeted at him, then what

would? He gazed bewildered at Tang Guangyu standing before him.

“Tang Luo, allow me to askyou,” Tang Guangyu stared into Tang Luo’s eyes and asked: “Have you

studied Xu Sheng’s ‘Analysis of Spiritual Power’ and ‘Explosive Meridian Musings’?”

As Tang Guangyu’s question fell, a wave of whispers spread through the elders of the Secret Arts


For a researcher of martial arts or cultivation methods, these two works from Yuanzhou’s Xu Feng were

seen as seminal. As the most renowned martial artist in Yuanzhou, Xu Feng gained his saintly

reputation not only due to his ability to employ a single sword to traverse three thousand miles, but also

because he authored several works exploring spiritual power and the mysteries of the human body.

These works allowed future generations to truly understand what spiritual power is and how to apply it.

He didn’t leave any god-level cultivation methods behind, but he left a chisel that would allow future

generations to adjust and even create cultivation methods, which made him revered as a saint by later


As a researcher of cultivation methods and martial techniques, while not everyone was intimately

familiar with these masterpieces, certainly, everyone had read them. To what depth one had studied

them varied according to individual accomplishments.

Therefore, the people of the Secret Arts Pavilion were puzzled by Tang Guangyu’s question. Based on

Tang Luo’s contributions, he should have thoroughly studied these works, otherwise, he could not have

improved so many martial techniques in such a short time.

Tang Luo rose reluctantly, his face sincere. He clasped his hands towards Tang Guangyu and replied, “I

have never read these two works.”

With his response, the entire Secret Arts Pavilion became briefly silent, then erupted in shocked


They found it hard to believe that someone could modify martial techniques without studying these two

books — a slight error could lead to conflict or stagnation in the meridians, potentially ruining a martial

artist’s entire life.

“Without even reading these two works, how could you, Tang Luo, sit alongside us in the Secret Arts

Pavilion,” Tang Guangyu declared judgement, as if passing a sentence against Tang Luo. “Wait until

you are well versed in these two works, then we can consider holding your induction ceremony.”

He’s deliberately picking a fight with me, and he’s done a lot of research beforehand. Tang Luo

frowned, filled with doubt.

After Tang Guangyu’s words fell, everyone in the Secret Arts Pavilion started re-assessing the young

man before them, evaluating Tang Luo’s qualifications anew.

I can’t let things go on like this, or this bugger will ruin my initiation ceremony. Tang Luo was incredibly


If he initially just wanted to attain the position of elder to enjoy its privileges and prestige, now that he

encountered this meddler, he was determined more than ever to join the Secret Arts Pavilion today –

no one could stop him.

“Humph.” Tang Luo exhaled a sigh, then raised his head and respectfully bowed to Tang Guangyu,

“Esteemed Elder, you are absolutely right. I, who lacks knowledge and learning, only learned about

these two impressive works by Xu Sheng today.”

Tang Luo’s respectful attitude evidently pleased the elders of the Secret Arts Pavilion, and they stated:

“Knowing shame is the beginning of courage. In three years or less, you could be sitting alongside us.”

“Despite your young age, you are gracious and respectful. In a few years’ time, you could become a

pillar of this Secret Arts Pavilion.”

Tang Guangyu nodded steadily, indicating that such an enlightened youngster would undoubtedly be

extraordinary in the future.

The atmosphere in the Secret Arts Pavilion finally began to rise once more.

Tang Luo bowed deeply again before asking, “Even though I haven’t read the two works of Xu Sheng, I

have been studying Martial Saint Mountain’s Master Bu Jingyun’s masterpiece ‘Primordial Spiritual

Power Theory.’ I wonder if the eminent elders think this is right or wrong?”

Everyone nodded in realization, no wonder this young man can study martial arts techniques. After all,

who can modify martial arts techniques without referring to the works left by their predecessors? That

would be nonsense. Martial Saint Mountain is after all a sacred place of martial arts in Longzhou, and

it’s incredible that there has been such a researcher.

The people in the Secret Arts Pavilion asked each other if they had read this work. During the

discussion, several researchers nodded to indicate they had.

“The theory of ‘Returning to the Essence of Spiritual Power’ is too obscure. Xu Sheng’s two works are

much easier to understand. You should study these two books first.” This was a fifty-something-year-

old elder with a slightly fat face and small eyes, who gently pointed out the problem with the work.

“That’s right, while the martial arts at Martial Saint Mountain is profound and powerful, it’s too

complicated for you at this stage.” This was an old man sitting next to Tang Guangyu, who looked to be

in his sixties or seventies. He stroked his long white beard as if he very much understood the

‘Returning to the Essence of Spiritual Power’.

Apart from Tang Hongtao, the elder of the tower, there were more than a dozen elders who didn’t voice

their opinions, but several of them whispered that they had read this work, including Tang Guangyu,

who nodded at Tang Luo, implying that people should not aim too high.

The kind guidance from the elders was moving.

Tang Luo stood straight and said after looking around the Secret Arts Pavilion, “I want to say, the name

I just mentioned was made up-

The entire Secret Arts Pavilion fell silent except for breathing sounds…

A few elders who were just boasting and talking with pride to the others had a dark face and they

looked at Tang Luo with killing intent.

“So tell me, why couldn’t I sit in the Secret Arts Pavilion when all these fame-seeking people like younovelbin

could?” Tang Luo asked with disdain, tilting his head.

All the previous respect and reason were torn to shreds, and the young man standing before them

seemed like a sharp blade that was fearless.

Tang Guangyu’s face darkened as he stared at Tang Luo. He could hardly believe that the young man

had the courage to try to put him in his place in the hall of the Secret Arts Pavilion.

Tang Luo swept his gaze around the Secret Arts Pavilion and continued, “You all need to understand. I

didn’t enter the Secret Arts Pavilion because of the identity of the sect head’s son, but because my

contributions are higher than many of you here. Do you understand?”

The people in the Secret Arts Pavilion frowned at Tang Luo’s aggressive attitude, thinking what a sharp

character he was.

“It’s just modifying some Mortal Realm martial arts, what big deal could it be? I can modify dozens such

shallow martial arts techniques in one day. It’s nothing.” The slightly fat elder with small eyes was

seething with anger as he said this.

Tang Luo glanced at him and chuckled, “I wonder if this elder happens to be one of those whose

contributions are even less than mine?”

The slightly fat elder’s face turned red in an instant. He was panting like a bull, not knowing how to


At crucial moments, it’s always the eldest brother who steps up.

“Studying those inferior Mortal Realm martial art techniques in the market is naturally as easy as a walk

in the park. But the Yellow Rank, even the Tongtian Domination Scroll of our family lineage, is our main

research direction in the Secret Arts Pavilion. Just because our esteemed persons in the Secret Arts

Pavilion are passionately committed to advancing our martial techniques, it gave you the chance to

gain contributions through these trifling techniques.” Tang Guangyu still seemed like the embodiment of


It was really irritating to hear that.

“Hehe.” Tang Luo chuckled: “I did a bit homework on your Secret Arts Pavilion’s last research progress

on Tongtian Domination Scroll. If I remember correctly, it should be in the eleventh month of the year

1772 in Longzhou’s calendar? Six, oh no, seven years ago.”

“It was the modification of the Mortal Realm technique ’Wind Dispel’ in the Tongtian Domination Scroll,

enhancing the technique’s power, wasn’t it?” Tang Luo tilted his head, because his neck was sore from

always looking up at people.

But this tilting pose seemed like a mockery to the Secret Arts Pavilion, and a few of the elders banged

the table and stood up.

“Watch your attitude, young man!”

“The Mortal and Yellow Rank techniques in the Tongtian Domination Scroll have approached perfection

and are unchangeable. The ability to advance is much stronger than you researching those trash

martial techniques no matter how many.”

Tang Guangyu raised his hand, stopping the furious elders. It was not because he was kind-hearted,

but because he was already furious.

This technique “Wind Dispel” was his proud work. It not only boosted its power but also reduced the

consumption of spiritual power. Yet this young man dared to treat it with such contempt.

If previously he was only trying to embarrass Tang Luo out of personal reasons, now he was truly


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