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Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Chapter 167: Seeking HelpSouthern Noble Manor

“Young Master Mi Hou has arrived—” With the doorman’s announcement. Mi Hou rushed into the Noble Manor, heading straightto the council room and throwing himself at Mi Shen’s desk.

“Brother! You must help me this time.”

Engrossed in his work, Mi Shen did not look up. He finished the task at hand leisurely before finally raising his head to look at thehumiliated face of Mi Hou.

“What's the matter?” Mi Shen asked calmly, a trace of mockery flickering in his eyes that shone like stars.

“Brother!” Before Mi Shen, there was no trace of his tyranny back at the Mi Manor, only the pleading of a younger brother to hiselder. “Tang Luo slaughtered all the warriors | painstakingly gathered and even captured my servant!”

Did Tang Luo actually capture Li Shao Yuan? Is he afraid the incident outside of the Fox Immortal Temple would be exposed?

With a raise of his eyebrows, Mi Shen asked calmly, “Wasn't your servant busy inciting the four smaller families to pressure TangSen? How did he end up being captured?”

Upon hearing this, Mi Hou’s face turned pale with embarrassment. “You knew all about it?”

Seeing his brother’s reaction, Mi Shen knew that this was another scheme of Li Shao Yuan, the servant. So he coldly responded,“Not just me. Given the huge commotion, at least a dozen families have their eyes on him.”

Li Shao Yuan had once assured Mi Hou that everything would be done discreetly. Discovering it was instead such a publicspectacle made Mi Hou feel more embarrassed. Nevertheless, considering the deep master-servant relationship and that LiShao Yuan was now in Tang Luo’s hands, he didn’t want to dwell on those minor issues. He earnestly told Mi Shen, “That's notthe point. Tang Luo is mixing with Gong Zheng. He even kidnapped my servant. Brother, you must help me!”

With a shout in the strategizing room, Mi Shen saw several of his strategists furrowing their brows unconsciously. He quietlyscolded Mi Hou, “Enough of this embarrassment, come outside with me.”

Promptly, Mi Shen took Mi Hou out of the council room and into the garden.

“Tang Luo could kill all your Mortal Realm warriors, yet only captured Li Shao Yuan. That indicates he wants to exchangesomething with you. Tell me everything that led up to this.” Mi Shen asked softly, with his back to Mi Hou.

Originally, he didn’t want to get involved since most of his energy was focused on governing the new city. He was alreadyextremely busy managing hundreds of thousands of new citizens, but the situation involving Tang Luo sparked his interest.

Upon noticing Mi Shen’s willingness to negotiate, Mi Hou immediately spilled everything he knew. From his alliance with theRighteous Gang, to his attempt to clear his name after the battle outside the Fox Immortal Temple, to Li Shao Yuan leading theteam to capture Gong Zheng and instead being captured himself. He was alarmingly transparent about it all.

Upon hearing his brother’s actions, Mi Shen became increasingly furious.

“As a noble son of the Mi Clan, you conspired with thugs and competed for profit with civilians! If this matter is revealed, wherewill our father’s face be?” Mi Shen furrowed his brows and rebuked statily.

Warehouses are filled due to knowledge of manners, and with food and clothes aplenty, comes the knowledge of honor anddisgrace. The Mi Family differentiate themselves from small clans. Amongst the differences, apart from pursuing their interests,honor is extremely important.

Put simply, as a member of the Mi Clan, one’s actions must carry a certain class, at least on the surface, and should not bringshame to the family. Collaborating with thugs and nurturing beggars to steal — if this incident was to be revealed, the Mi Familywould become the laughing stock of Xiling.

Knowing he had done wrong, Mi Hou didn’t bother to refute. He just said, “It's done. Now | just want to save Shao Yuan and killGong Zheng!”

When mentioning Gong Zheng, Mi Hou clenched his teeth in anger. Although the person he really wanted to kill was Tang Luo,he knew it was impossible. Hence, he set his sights on Gong Zheng, who associated with Tang Luo. If Gong Zheng hadn't mixedup with Tang Luo, how would his warriors have died!

After a moment of pondering, Mi Shen asked Mi Hou, “How far along are you with your collaboration with the four minor familiesof the West City?”

“Huh?!” Mi Hou’s face was full of confusion. “I’m not clear, all the contact was made by Shao Yuan.”

Seeing the stupidity of his brother, Mi Shen felt a wave of helplessness. He handed over such critical matters entirely to aservant and didn’t even inquire — it was negligent. Originally, if they had reached an agreement of shared hatred with the minorfamilies, this force could have been mobilized immediately for battle. But now, with its status uncertain, actions couldn’t be takenrecklessly.

Therefore, it seemed people from the Noble Manor would have to be dispatched. Tomorrow, they would exchange Gong Zheng’swife and daughter. So, he asked: “How many warriors did Li Shao Yuan take with him to arrest Gong Zheng?”

“Two peak Mortal Realm warriors, and about ten other Mortal Realm warriors.”, Mi Hou replied after some thought.

“How many enemies are there?”

This sudden question made Mi Hou’s face stiffen with embarrassment, followed by him stammering. ‘I...1 did not ask.”

In the panic, he only cared for the safety of Li Shao Yuan and forgot to ask Ding Gaolang how many people the enemy had. Atthis moment, he wished he could just crawl into a hole.

Mi Shen also realized anew the extent of his brother’s stupidity, losing more than a dozen warriors without even knowing the sizeof the enemy's forces. This was simply absurd.

Although they didn’t have accurate information, basic judgment could still be made based on the power exhibited by the enemy.Even though the warriors of the Mi Manor did not understand the Combined Attack Technique, they still constituted a significantforce. If Tang Luo could annihilate them, it showed that he had at least one or two Mortal Realm warriors squads at his disposal.Adding Gong Zheng, there was a scale of at least three peak Mortal Realm warriors — was Mi Shen’s initial estimate.

But this kind of guesswork was not accurate, so he told Mi Hou: “Send someone to inquire how many people are on the otherside, then we'll discuss how to rescue your servant.”

Clan Academy

“Headmaster, you've got a letter.”Tang Kuan accepted the envelope handed over by his attendant. It was marked ‘for Headmaster’ and signed by Tang Luo.

This made him extremely curious since this Pride of Xiling was quite a legend. Nevertheless, with no existing animosity betweenthem, he wondered why Tang Luo would write to him.

He opened the envelope and read the letter written by this young clan elder. The more he read, the more astonished he became.

Tang Luo actually wanted to abolish the ban on cultivation and hoped he would support his proposal at the clan meeting twodays later.

Though he also had reservations about the ban, it was a crucial moment for Tang Zhi’s plan. Hastily abolishing the ban mightgive the Mi Clan a golden opportunity.

However, the conditions offered by Tang Luo almost gave him no reason to refuse.Great Elder's ManorHolding the letter in front of him, Tang Siyuan’s hands trembled slightly with uncontrollable excitement.


Abolishing the cultivation ban wassomething he had no objections tosince even if the pegptepf xitiad WerealtowedNo@ultivate it would notaffect the Tang Clan. However, thepromise made by Tang Luo filled thisaging warrior with hope. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Tang Luo claimed he had alreadydeveloped a single-person fusionmartial technique fay #08 Moral’!Realm. Wie a4Ked to Tang Luo’sproposal at the end of the month, thetechnique would be given to him as agift. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

To become a Tang Clan elder, onemust possess the cultivation level ofthe Fierce Realm. T, peyore, tha tianelders ngrernioStiy der people who

ight have limited knowledge aboutpolitics. However, theirunderstanding and acumen in themartial way were unquestionable.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Upon seeing this letter, he immediately understood the significance of this fusion technique. That was why his hands trembledwith excitement..

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