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Chatper 145

Chapter 145: Chapter 141: Subjects under the Skirt

(Seeking Recommendations*)

If the kind-hearted become the powerful, the rules are benevolent; if the wicked become the powerful,

the rules are wicked;

It is meaningless to discuss the correctness of the powerful, because those who hold power are often

the formidable victors.

They do not care about the harm they cause to the weak when they make the rules because they have

their own interests to consider.

To change the rules means to become the rule makers, or to overthrow the existing rule makers.

I will correct this mistake.” Tang Luo spoke casually, his tone full of power.

“Mmm, then I’ll leave it to you.” Old man Xu responded with trust.

The Xu Clan of Yuanzhou was unlike any other clan of saints. In that barbaric era, the masters of the

Fierce Realm were the continent’s top masters, while those of the King Realm could be consecrated as

saints. The path of martial arts was merely a stage for geniuses to compete.

It was during that time that various families contended, together resisting the biggest enemy of the

Human Race—the Demon Race.

To say they were resisting is not quite accurate. The Demon Race lived on the roads, hunting when

hungry and drinking water when thirsty. Humans were just a part of their diet.

Before the rise of martial arts, the Human Race was no different from other creatures, living a life

hunted and driven away by magical beasts.

Until the first saint of the Human Race, Bu Cangsheng, appeared.

Bu Cangsheng was the ancestor of Martial Saint Mountain and the first Human Saint. After him, many

other saints rose to power, leading to the rise of the

Human Race.

That was a time when saints were lonely. Bu Cangsheng fought alone in the world. Old wounds

remained as new ones appeared. He hunted various Demon Kings, earning breathing opportunities for

the Human Race.

“Martial artists should remember Cangsheng.” The saint of the Bu Family, unique in the whole world.

For a full fifty years, Saint Bu single-handedly held up the Human Race, securing a peaceful land innovelbin

Zhongzhou for millions of people.

Then seeing the powerful warriors at the King Realm stage, the people of Zhongzhou’s Human Race

indulged in martial arts. The An Family, Han Family, Xu Family, Li Family, Wang Family all had saints

emerging, known in history as the simultaneous rise of various saints.

In that era, Xu Feng was the most unusual among the saints.

At a time when other saints held their own exclusive teachings sacred, he had “Spiritual Power

Analysis” printed on the monoliths in the south of Yuanzhou for all to appreciate.

The other saints were shocked and could not believe it. Because this unassuming named scripture,

despite not containing any exclusive mystical methods, simply and directly displayed the essence of

magical arts in front o everyone. Knowing this scripture meant that creating one’s own martial arts was

no longer a difficult task.

No one could believe that Xu Feng would be so generous, not until the first civilian-created Mysterious

State martial arts method appeared.

After that, the real rise of martial arts began, and the name of Saint Xu, along with this classic, spread

in all directions.

One can say that the state of martial arts as it is today is inseparable from Xu Feng’s decision. Any

practitioner of martial arts would thus inevitably study the works of Saint Xu.

The Xu Clan of Yuanzhou did not isolate themselves from the rest of the world by occupying spiritual

mountains and fairy islands like other sacred lands, instead, they built a city in Yuanzhou and gathered

the homeless common folk.

Hence the Xu Clan had such a status in the world.

Old man Xu turned around to look at Mi Bai, and said, “When we enter the city, I will arrange for your

accommodations. As for the Clear Water county, I hope Brother Bai will consider it carefully. Although

my younger cousin is young, he is thoughtful and would not lie about this matter. This Clear Water

county may not be a kind place.”

Mi Bai gave a bitter smile and said, “What you say is very true, Brother Xu. However, we have already

caused you enough trouble. Now that the Righteous Gang is gone, we shouldn’t trouble you any more.”

His tone was full of refusal. How could Old man Xu not hear it? But there was a serious problem here

that hadn’t been resolved yet!

“NO you can’t leave me.” Old man Xu reacted like a cat whose tail had been stepped on and

immediately became agitated. This scared the little girl in Mi Bai’s arms so much that she buried her

face in his chest.

Mi Bai patted the little girl’s shoulder and asked puzzledly, “Why? His tone was full of calm. That was

because he considered Old man Xu a good person.

“Hm.” Old man Xu’s face turned red. He wanted to find an appropriate explanation. He couldn’t just tell

the other person that the gang boss had escaped and tarnished his face as a member of the saint

family, could he. The saying that necessity is the mother of invention proved to be true. Given his

frantic situation, he suddenly thought, “Because I still need to learn from Brother Bai about calligraphy.

If we live too far apart, it would be very inconvenient.”

At this moment, Old man Xu felt he was a genius. He had managed to come up with such a flawless


Mi Bai smiled in understanding and said, “That won’t be a problem. I will set up a stall in West City

every day selling calligraphy and paintings. Brother Xu, feel free to come.”

Now that he had left the Fang family and the Righteous Gang would not bother him again, he planned

to do what he loved most. The thought made htm very happy.

But when he thought about the possibility of Mi Bai meeting Gong Zheng alone and his lie being

exposed, Old man Xu became extremely uneasy.

Wearing a face of sadness and despair, he said, “Brother Mi, why don’t you want to live beside me?”

His tone was sorrowful and pleading, like a woman abandoned by her lover pleading.

Tang Luo was full of goosebumps upon hearing this. Mi Bai looked very uncomfortable. He stared into

Old man Xu’s eyes and asked seriously, “Brother Xu, if there is a problem, just say it.”

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But who could that kind of dejected tone fool?

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Mi Bai looked at Old man Xu’s troubled face, thinking that he had encountered some difficulties that he

couldn’t help him with. All he could do was say, “Then I wish you prosperity, Brother Xu.”

“Prosperity, prosperity…” Old man Xu echoed soullessly.

Tang Luo, who was standing by the side, couldn’t hold back his laughter. In the end, Old man Xu

brought the children back to the abandoned residence in Fengqing Alley.

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-You don’t know how many weird sects out there want to lure young masters like you to become their


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