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Chapter 117

Chapter 117: Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: Remediation

Translator: 549690339

In the blink of an eye, another year had passed. Tang Luo stepped out of his residence, glancing back

at the heavy snowfall in the yard before tightening his robe.

This robe with golden patterns was a symbol of the Tang Clan’s elder patriarchs, usually stored

indoors. However, it had to be worn during holiday festivals as a show of status.

At this time last year, his spiritual power was less than a thousand, but now it had reached 11567.4.

Exceeding the peak of Mortal Realm by close to two thousand points, this meant that within two more

years, he would achieve the spiritual power standard of Fierce Realm: 29999 points.

After reaching the Fierce Realm, he could refine even more mortal grade stellar seeds which, with the

operational system of the Star Pavilion, would once again catapult his cultivation speed.

The Concealment Technique and fusion martial arts that he was most concerned about had also found

their footholds; he estimated that within at most one year, he could have results.

Everything was moving in the direction he desired. Even with Tang Luo’s maturity, he couldn’t help but

feel excited.

Xiling was merely a city within Longzhou, Longzhou a region among the eight parts of Xiehe!

Since he had come to this world, how could he rest content without admiring the very finest


If someone was destined to be unparalleled in the world, why could that someone not be him!?

With a defiant dominance, he ducked into his chariot.

Tribe annual convention, the Sect Head could not be absent.

However, compared to the bustle of past years, this year’s convention bore a different atmosphere.

Tang Zhi’s chieftain position was reserved through wartime regulations, originally meant for pre-war

preparations of the Tang Clan. However, from the recent movements, the Tang Clan showed no

changes, except for the Wancheng Treasure Ship setting sail to gather citizens in Chengzhou.

This made the clan members who already had opinions about Tang Zhi resent him more. As Tang

Cunfu said, the side-branches were eager for the military technology that Tang Zhi knew, yet he

remained indifferent, undoubtedly guided by Tang Zhi’s ideas.

Therefore, at this annual gathering, the clan members who had opinions about Tang Zhi all claimed to

be ill. This was undoubtedly a taunt to him.

In the usual crowded banquet hall, only half of the seats were filled, this was truly a spectacle.

Tang Sen led his family to the sect head’s seat. With his usual expression, he began to dine, as if

oblivious to the empty seats around him.

“Strange.” As Tang Luo walked in, he noticed something peculiar.

If the side-branch household heads were leaving due to their dissatisfaction with the chieftain, it could

still be seen as normal. But the sudden absence of half the disciples was puzzling.

After all, the clan head stood by Tang Zhi’s side. Would these disciples take an opposing stance?

The back half of the banquet hall was empty, while the seats near the front were all filled. They

watched the singing and dancing performance, seemingly oblivious to the situation at the back.

Tang Luo just went with the flow, no longer looking back and focused his attention on the dancing on


In the cold winter month, the dancing girls were scantily clad, leaving much flesh exposed through their

thin veils, making their dancing appear quite seductive.

But repetitive dance performances could make one weary. After a short while, Tang Luo found it

unexciting and prepared to lower his head to eat. As he looked down, he felt a fervent gaze from

beside him fixed on the high platform.

The young boy’s eyes hadn’t moved from the dancers since they started.

The young lad is growing! Tang Luo chuckled inwardly, a boy of eleven was just coming of age. It was

normal to feel attracted to older girls, recalling his own days.

All those teachers… Tang Luo smacked his lips, recalling many stirring memories-

As he turned to look at the young boy, who seemed completely mesmerized, Tang Luo felt that as his

older brother, he should take care of the boy’s physiological status. So he suggested to his mother, who

was serving food to Little Nuan’n: “Mother, I think it’s time to arrange a maid for my little brother.”

Hearing his brother’s words, the young boy who was engrossed in the dance performance blurted out

in panic: “I don’t need a maid! I don’t want one!”

The little face was flushed red, head down, and eating like a madman!

Seeing the chibi’s expression, Xu Shuhui realized that Tang Luo was messing with him again. She

sternly said, “There’s no 11-year-old who needs a bed-warmer, especially not martial artists. It’s best to

wait until after transitioning from the Mortal Realm.”

The chibi was blushing and munching on his meal with his head lowered, but his ears seemed to perk

up, as if he took everything in.

Tang Luo, pretending to be serious with a smirk, patted the little guy’s back and joked, “Get some

veggies, don’t just eat white rice. Did you hear that? Mom said, after you transition from the Mortal

Realm, she will arrange a bed-warmer for you.”

“Big Brother!” The little boy looked up, his face flushed like he was about to bleed, his eyes pleading as

he looked at Tang Luo. The message was clear: “Mom and Dad are still here, can’t you give me some


Tang Luo chuckled and didn’t tease the little chibi anymore. Just as he was about to start eating, Xu

Shuhui spoke again: “Son, you are fifteen this year, and a grown-up too!”

???? Tang Luo looked up, dumbfounded. Is this implying what he thought it was?novelbin

“It’s about time to find someone to warm your bed.” Xu Shuhui sighed.

“What!?” Tang Luo was shocked, never had he thought that his little joke would come back to bite him.

It truly was self-inflicted.

Immediately, he waved his hand and said, “No need! I’m alright! I don’t need a bed-warmer!”

This wasn’t Tang Luo pretending to be serious; having lived two lives, though the second one wasn’t

long, he drew from life a profound lesson.

Youth doesn’t realize the value of what they have until it’s gone.

One should not waste life frivolously, especially in this land where one can marry several women. To

squander one’s essence is a great extravagance.

So when it comes to a bed-warmer, Tang Luo was unwilling to accept it.

But Xu Shuhui would not let go of Tang Luo so easily. As a resourceful and wise mother, she had

planned everything in advance, “If you don’t want a bed-warmer, then let me tell you about a marriage


Upon hearing Xu Shuhui’s words, Tang Sen, who was eating, thought for a while and said, “That could


Tang Luo watched as the two of them talked among themselves, pulled the corner of his mouth, and

said helplessly, “Your son is dedicated to martial arts and has no plans to marry or take a concubine.”

I fucking trained for over ten years, not just to take control of my life. My own marriage being arranged,

what the hell am I training for!

Seeing Tang Luo’s refusal, the little chibi became anxious, “Yes, yes. Brother, what Tang Zheng said is

really interesting.”

The dining table went quiet, and the three people’s gaze fell on Tang Xing’s face, scaring him into

bowing his head to eat faster.

As the leader of the battle team, aside from teaching the little chibi how to fight, Tang Zheng seemed to

have imparted a lot more extracurricular knowledge. Tang Luo thought angrily, I should really take

some time to get closer to him.

Just as he was about to speak to the little chibi, the singing and dancing on the high stage stopped,

prompting everyone to instinctively look up.

Tang Zhi stood on the stage, his face calm, as if preparing to make an announcement.

The noisy dining hall fell silent in just a few breaths, and all eyes fixed on him.

“I once promised the representatives of each lineage that the purchase of the new grain would include

land in North City.” Tang Zhi’s gaze fell on the empty seats at the back of the hall, feeling an

uncontrollable sense of disappointment.

Perhaps it was because the family business had grown too large. Each person had their own selfish

intentions. He thought that hiding part of the truth wouldn’t cause much trouble, but each vote against

him seemed like a audible slap in the face.

A promise was made and must be fulfilled without delay, even if there were greater goals.

Perhaps this was a wake-up call. Fortunately, he was still able to fulfill this promise.

A few stewards walked onto the stage with boxes, lining up behind him.

“Inside these boxes are the land in North City that I promised you all. Representatives of each lineage,

please come up to receive them. Then,” Tang Zhi paused, glanced at the nearly empty seats, and

waved his hand weakly, “divide them among yourselves..”

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