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Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Chapter Ninety-Seven: Overbearing

Translator: 549690339

The voice infused with Spiritual Power echoed across the entire scene, causing a feeling of tension tonovelbin

well up in everyone’s hearts as they shifted their gaze toward the Pride of Xiling’s face, full of contempt.

“This Star Pavilion, is my property; I make the rules, and every brick and tile within belongs to me. Hua

Ji is nothing more than a manager working on my behalf. Now that something’s happened, you all want

him to pay with his life?”

Tang Luo threw his head back and laughed uproariously, his arrogant demeanor as if he had stumbled

upon the funniest jest in the world.

“Since you all believe the Star Pavilion to be a place of evil, your hatred should be directed at me.

Transferring your hatred to an obedient servant, don’t you find that amusing?”

Tang Luo’s gaze was cold and stern as he mercilessly laid bare the harsh reality.

They band together to demand justice when facing the weak, but cower in front of brutality.

Those people gathered together, not in the name of justice. Some were there for benefits, some were

pawns in others’ games, and still many more were mere blind followers.

Even the truly grieving widows and orphans are misguided in their quest for revenge. How tragic!

Seeing Tang Luo’s stolid stance, a sense of fear arose in the crowd.

The people only discovered the true nature of the Star Pavilion today; but if they had to confront Tang

Luo over the unclear death of a martial artist, it was a poor bargain indeed.

At the edge of the crowd, many had already subtly begun to slip away. Even the Mortal Realm warriors

who fancied themselves as paragons of justice exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of what to do next.

Lou Hongzhi felt a surge of respect in his heart seeing Tang Luo bear responsibility alone.

After all, everyone would wish that their master were a hero of noble character. As each person has

their own master, and since Tang Luo had already made such an unwise decision, he had no choice

but to press on.

“So, the young master Tang Luo means, everything in Star Pavilion is your doing, the Pride of Xiling,

and has nothing to do with anyone else?” Lou Hongzhi’s voice once again echoed, his words filled with

encroaching pressure even in the face of Tang Luo.

Tang Luo cast Lou Hongzhi a sideways glance, ignoring him, then turned to a servant and said: “Bring

the corpse out from the Earth-Jie room.”

Lou Hongzhi was unperturbed and held his ground on the platform, eyes fixated on Tang Luo, quietly


The corpse was quickly brought out by two servants, a body so mutilated that it was unrecognisable,

every drop of moisture drained from it. Every muscle was clearly defined and tightly adhered to the


The circumstances of his death were extremely similar to Old Xu’s, just more severe.

“Put the body next to Old Xu.” Tang Luo casually commanded, pointing at a long bench.

Seeing Tang Luo in front of the corpse with such calm indifference, the people below couldn’t help but

feel a sense of sorrow. If Tang Luo really was a cruel and bloodthirsty person, that would simply be a

betrayal of Xiling’s respect and admiration.

“Go check if there are any ashes or remnants in the Earth Jie room.” Tang Luo barely glanced at the

corpse before speaking again.

This time, before the servants could move, Hua Ji had already dashed towards the Star Pavilion.

With his photographic memory, he knew every inch of the Star Pavilion’s nine rooms. If there were any

anomalies, he would surely spot them.

Tang Luo walked over to a desolate widow and her child, crouched down, and looked directly into the

woman’s eyes.

Since his arrival, the woman’s eyes were devoid of any hatred or anger, left with only emptiness and

despair, even the light in her eyes had started to fade.

Having believed that Star Pavilion was responsible for her husband’s death, she thought she could

seek justice. But when she faced Tang Luo, the Pride of Xiling, all that was left within her was despair

and helplessness.

She held her child, her face stricken with sorrow, could only think in despair: “Husband, your child and I

have come to find you.”

Tang Luo, frowning, asked, “Do you want to find the murderer?”

The woman managed a bitter smile and looked up at Tang Luo: “Even if I do, what difference can it

make? I just beg you to spare my child.”

“Indeed, there’s nothing you can do.” Tang Luo laughed lightly, shaking his head as he stood up.

The woman held her child tighter in her arms and closed her eyes.

Only a moment had passed before Hua Ji, having run back to Di Jie’s room, returned.

“Young Master,” he approached Tang Luo, his face grave, “there is nothing unusual in Di Jie’s room.”

Tang Luo nodded, feeling a pang of regret. Simply to set a trap, it required sacrificing two lives; the so-

called centuries of peace in Xiling appeared so fickle, causing a profound agitation.

Tang Luo turned to beckon at Lou Hongzhi.

“Come here.”

The middle-aged man approached Tang Luo with a faint smile on his face. Just as he was about to

bow, he saw the murderous intent in the young man’s eyes and the powerful energy swirling around his


“No!” Lou Hongzhi’s face drained of color. He had never imagined Tang Luo to be so impulsive. He still

had many tactics up his sleeve, many strategies to employ. How could he just die like this!

His desperate will to live sharpened his mind. Knowing he couldn’t use his killer moves in time, he

turned his spiritual power into a defensive shield.

Spiritual energy transformed into black scales, covering his chest and abdomen in a last-ditch attempt

to withstand the spiraling force of Tang Luo’s fingertips.

Five strands of energy intertwined into a massive spiral, streaming toward his midsection.

His green robe disintegrated instantly and even the seemingly indestructible black scales were ripped

apart in a matter of seconds. Left exposed without the protection of the black scales, a large hole

appeared in Lou Hongzhi’s chest and abdomen within a second.

The white tornado tossed Lou Hongzhi’s body in the air. The shredded fragments of his body were

locked into the core of the twister’s power, resembling a bloody hurricane from afar, soaring into the


To the stunned expressions of the crowd, the energy dissipated and the body, wrapped in bloody

fragments, crashed to the ground.

“Splash!” It was as if a blossom of blood had bloomed on the ground.

“Ah!” A delayed scream echoed from the crowd, filled with terror and helplessness.

Even several dozen transcendental mortal warriors standing on the platform had fear in their eyes.

It was not the awe of the ‘Pride of Xiling’ that terrified them, but his ruthless, bloodthirsty nature that

scorned all rules.

Murdering their leader in front of thousands of people. In what way was this ‘Pride of Xiling’ different

from a demonic star?

Those who had angrily gathered in front of the Star Pavilion were now left with panic and fear, only

wanting to escape from this place.

They feared to imagine the horrors Tang Luo could commit if they remained.

Just when the terrified crowd was about to disperse, they heard a series of beastly roars on the roads

leading to the Star Pavilion.

Accompanied by earth-shaking roars, the ground trembled. Through the rising dust, one could see the

feral, blood-thirsty eyes of several giant beasts.

A silver ape as tall as a small building, a massive three-headed lion, a large red python with deadly

claws, and a black and white iron-eating beast. Each of these rarely seen ferocious beasts had a Beast

Tamer standing on them, surrounding the Star Pavilion from all directions and forcing the fleeing crowd


Under the gaze of the four beasts, some ordinary people without any martial training were so frightened

that they collapsed onto the ground, soiling themselves from fear.

A roar that sent chills down everyone’s spines and echoed in their ears came from the sky, as if a

demon god had descended.

A chariot, full of intense dominance, descended from the rapidly spinning firestorm in the sky, landing

on the platform of the Star Pavilion.

“A quad-beast gilded chariot!” An Ascendant Martial artist cried out in despair.

Blocked by beasts at the back and threatened with the chariot at the front, under the cold gaze of Tang

Luo, the hearts of the self-proclaimed martial artists sank deeper and deeper.

These wild beasts could wipe out everyone outside the Star Pavilion in a matter of breaths..

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