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Chapter 67

Chapter 67Susanna and Emma had treated Cerys to a meal the last time, so Cerys wanted to take them out todinner too.She gave Emma a call, but when the call connected, she heard the loud slamming of a door, followedby a man‘s raging screams.Cerys got a fright and quickly checked in on Emma. “What‘s happening?”“Nothing much. A drunkard‘s making a ruckus out in the corridor. What‘s up?” Emma replied calmly.“Are you free tonight? I want to invite you and Susanna out to dinner–“Before Cerys could finish hersentence, she heard thundering sounds of someone kicking the door over the phone, and she wasstartled once again.“I‘m afraid not, Cerys. I‘m not free today. Why don‘t we meet up some other time?” Emma‘s voicetrembled slightly as she rejected the offer courteously.“Alright, but are you sure everything‘s fine over there?” Cerys asked.“Yeah, everything‘s fine. I‘m hanging up now,” Emma answered before ending the call.However, just before the call dropped, Cerys could hear the sound of a man screaming again. “EmmaYates, open the door right now!”Cerys had a gut feeling that Emma was in trouble.She sat in her office in thought before suddenly jumping to her feet.TheyThat man‘s voice… She suspected that it was Emma‘s older brother, Simon. Cerys knew about Emmaand Trevor‘s history together, so naturally, she knew that Simon would be up to no good.She had heard about Emma transferring all of her savings to Simon and her father, Steven Yates,before leaving the country. Emma had done so for the sake of cutting all ties with the two.Even though Emma never mentioned it to Cerys or anyone else, Cerys could tell from the voice in thatphone call that Simon was hounding Emma again.Cerys went straight to Trevor‘s office and knocked before rushing in. “Mr. Bateson, I think Emma is introuble.”

“Why do you say that?” Trevor took his attention off work and frowned at Cerys.“I was giving her a call earlier and I heard someone trying to kick down her door. I think that could‘vebeen… Simon Yates.”The moment Cerys said Simon‘s name, Trevor leaped to his feet.He knew better than everyone just how greedy, shameless, and unscrupulous Simon was. If he wentlooking for Emma, then it would be only for one thing–money.With the state that Emma was in right now, there was no way she could give the man any money.When Emma had been Mrs. Bateson, it was Trevor who had to deal with Simon and Steven‘sbotromless greed.To him, the money that he gave to that father and son duo every month was nothing more than sparechange.However, to Emma, it would be akin to a nightmare.Hah! She got herself into this when she insisted on getting a divorce and abandoning her status asMrs. Bateson!That might have been what Trevor thought, but he still got his keys and said, “I‘ll go over and take alook.”“I‘ll come with you,” Cerys said.She was well aware of how much of a poor communicator her boss was whenever he had to talk toEmma, so she decided to follow along and smooth things over if necessary. WBy the time Trevor and Cerys arrived at Emma‘s house, they found that the police were there too. Oncethey got to Emma‘s doorstep, they saw two policemen restraining Simon, who was still screaming hishead off, while two other policemen were talking to Emma.There were a few neighbors from units on the same floor who came out to observe the commotion, butthey were beginning to leave after being advised to by the policemen.Trevor did not spare Simon a glance. He greeted the two policemen with a grave expression, “Hello,officers. My name is Trevor Bateson. I‘m a friend of the owner of this apartment and I came over to seewhat was going on.”novelbin

It would be hard to find someone in Jonestown who did not know who Trevor Bateson was, so themoment he said his name, the two policemen whipped out their smiles at once.“I sec, Mr. Bateson. Please go right ahead.‘ The two policemen stepped aside and dragged Simonalong with them to clear a path for Trevor.When Simon saw that Trevor had come, he was shocked into silence.A year ago, Emma had sent him and their father a message to inform them that she and Trevor hadgotten a divorce. She theni wired them some money and disappeared without a trace.Simon and Steven had thrown a raging fit at the fact that she divorced Trevor, whom they had regardedas their personal bank account.When they could not get in touch with Emma, they decided to look for Trevor and tried to kick up afuss, but Trevor silenced them by brandishing the divorce certificate at them.They intended to demand a sum of money from Trevor, but he simply instructed the guards to throwthem out.Simon was over the moon right now as he never thought he would get to see Trevor today, so much sothat he forgot what he was going on about.As soon as Trevor entered the apartment, he spotted Emma standing in the middle of the living room.She was wearing a set of white loungewear; her face was pale, and her shoulders were shaking as sheanswered the police officer‘s questions.She spoke with her eyes lowered and one hand against her waist.Trevor looked down to her waist and saw a large footprint, after which he figured that Simon must havekicked her.She must still be in pain, or otherwise, she would not be holding her waist right now.When Trevor recalled her slender frame, he felt a growing urge to wring Simon‘s neck.How could Simon be this cruel? How could he have kicked Emma like that? She was his sister!Trevor had a younger sister too. At that moment, he considered Simon a complete monster.Emma was shocked to see that Trevor had come, but immediately, her shock was replaced withawkwardness and humiliation.

Why was he always showing up whenever she was in such mortifying and miserablesituations?Were the heavens trying to aid Trevor by feeding him with enough fodder to mock her time and timeagain?Furthermore, Simon and Steven were the reasons why she had never been able to hold her head uphigh when she was with Trevor.Emma averted her eyes in chagrin because she did not want to face him. During the call with Cerysearlier, she tried her best to pretend like nothing happened because she did not want Trevor to knowabout this.However, in the endThe police officer who was questioning Emma greeted Trevor and tried to clarify, “May I know whatyour relationship is?”“She‘s my friend.”“We‘re not acquainted.”Both of them gave completely different answers.The police officer did not know what to say as he glanced back and forth betweenthem.Trevor clenched his jaw and glared at Emma. She says we‘re not acquainted! What an ungratefulwoman. Has she forgollen who helped her to gain revenge by teaching Joseph and the rest a lesson?!“Hey, Trevor!” Simon snapped out of his daze and yelled excitedly. “Trevor, my brother–in–law!”Emma had a mortified expression as she looked for a hole that she could jump in to escape thisawkward situation. She had remained calm ever since the police arrived, but she immediately hobbledover and shrieked at Simon, “Shut up!”She and Trevor had been divorced for an entire year now, so why was Simon still addressing Trevorthat way?His actions had incinerated all hope of her maintaining her last shred of dignity in front of Trevor. Also,she did not want anyone else to know that she and Trevor were once married.

She did not want others to know that she was a divorcee.Others would surely assume that she must have been greedy and delusional to try and gain Trevor‘slove, and that the divorce was the outcome she brought upon herself and deserved.

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