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Chapter 53

Chapter 53It was already late at night when the gathering ended for the four people. As usual, Emma stayedovernight at Susanna‘s place. Cerys called for a designated driver while Wesley went back to his ownhouse.The next morning, Susanna had to go to the filming site and give Emma a ride as she needed to dropby Trevor’s place to take her things.Just as they were about to arrive at Trevor‘s place, Susanna‘s manager, Britney, called SusannaBritney broke down and cried, “Oh dear, you‘re trending now. Word has it that you like women.”Susanna almost spat her coffee. “I like women?”“Yeah.” With a headache, Britney said, ” Did you and Emma engage in intimate behavior when youwere out together?”Susanna made her debut under Briincy‘s care and manageinent, and she had been by Susanna‘s sidesince the start of her career. Hence, Britney knew Susanna was good friends with Emma.Susanna answered truthfully, “Yeah, I drank too much last night and am still having a hangover, so Ileaned on her shoulder while walking.”After that, she said in anger again, “Didn‘t you say that my neighborhood has great privacy? Wherewere the paparazzi hiding”Helplessly, Britney said, “You‘re popular now. The paparazzi will find a way to watch whatever you do,and we cannot stop that.”Emma listened in on their conversation and understood the situation. She was speechless as well.Before this, Emma had heard Susanna criticizing that certain media had no consciousness. They wouldmake up stories with eye–catching titles just to attract viewers. However, Emma did not think it could beso absurd.They were just walking together in close proximity for a short distance, and now the media wasspreading the word around about how Susanna liked women.Fortunately, Emma and Trevor were divorced by now. Otherwise, this news would‘ve humiliated Trevorif he had a wife who actually liked women.

If that were to happen, Trevor would not be hospitalized because of his gastric, butbecause he passed out from anger after hearing such shocking news.Susanna was fuming as well. She twirled her blonde, wavy hair with her finger as she asked, “Whatshould I do now?”Britney said, “What should you do? Of course, you need to clarify things.”That only made Susanna roar angrily, “Fine then. Listen to me carefully. I like men! I love men!”“The man I like is…” Susanna was so mad that she almost blurted out the name of the man she liked,but at the thought that the man, who was miles away from her, might have already given up on her, sheleaned back into her scat in low spirits.Britney was frustrated by Susanna. “What‘s the point of you screaming all that in front of me? It‘s notlike I don‘t know the truth. The most important thing right now is to have the netizens believe that youare straight.”Susanna could feel that her headache was getting worse. Not only that, her mood was ruinedcompletely.She did not want to think about it anymore. She just leaned on Emma‘s shoulder as Susanna toldBritney hopelessly, “I don‘t care how you manage this, but both Emma and I are straight.”Britney said, “I‘ll upload a statement for that and see how it goes.”Then, Britney asked again, “By the way, did you offend Crystal recently? Because I found that thosepeople who are slandering you might be working for her.”At the mention of Crystal‘s name, Susanna blew up. “Who the hell offended her? I couldn‘t care lessabout that stupid b*tch.”Emma seemed to understand something when she heard Crystal‘s name and said softly, “It must bebecause of me.”Crystal disliked Emma, so she must have done all that to Susanna because she was friends withEmma.It might be targeted at Emma too, and Susanna was slandered by mistake.

Regardless, Crystal killed two birds with one stone. She managed to tarnish Emma‘s reputation andcreated a crisis for Susanna, who was popular right now.Emma was not bothered as she was just a scriptwriter that nobody knew about. Only those people whoknew Emma in real life would recognize that it was her in the photo, but it was a different case forSusanna.Susanna gritted her teeth and cursed, “Crystal is such a b*tch! She better not let me get any dirt on her,or I‘m going to make her life miserable!”After Susanna ended the call with Britney, Emma apologized, “Sorry, this happened to you because ofme.”Susanna did not want Emma to feel that way, so she said in an unbothered tone, “What‘s there to besorry about? We‘re not guilty of anything.”Then, Susanna started to vent her anger again. “Is Crystal mad or something? Isn‘t she getting marriedto Trevor soon? Or… is it not happening?”“I‘m waiting for the day her dreams of marrying a rich man crumble down. I‘m going to book a fireworkshow for a few nights by the beach to celebrate for her.”Emma was speechless after hearing what Susanna said.Suddenly, she looked over and hugged Emma in dejection as she said, “If we‘re still not married by thetime we are forty, let‘s get together.”“Sure,” Emma agreed to her plan without any hesitation.After experiencing a painful and failed marriage with Trevor, Emma had no expectations for loveanymore. She had even thought about living by herself for the rest of her life.A moment of silence later, Susanna murmured, “He‘s left the country for so many years. He‘s comingback this year, right?”Emma knew who Susanna meant and replied, “Yeah.”Susanna asked again, this time in a self–macking tone, “Do you think he still hates me?”The man Susanna liked was Connor Juniper. They went to the same high school.She was terrible in her studies while he aced all of his classes. The two had dated cach other in secret.novelbin

Later, he was going to give up on an opportunity to study abroad for her. To ensure that he would havea bright future, she chose to break up with him so he could leave without any hesitation.theSince then, the two have left a painful imprint on each other‘s hearts. Connor then began to hate her.To Susanna‘s question, Emma did not know what to say as she could only sigh softly.Susanna‘s car stopped at Trevor‘s place. After Emma got out of the car, Susanna went to the filmingsite.Standing in front of the exquisitely crafted door, Emma took in a deep breath before she entered thepasscode to the house.She was stunned as soon as she stepped into the house. Trevor did not change anything in the houseat all. The house still looked the same as how she decorated it before they got a divorce.Emma had to admit that he was mentally strong for not being affected by living at such a place.Or rather, he never cared for her, so anything that related to her did not bother him.This thought made Emma lower her gaze and ascended the stairs quickly. In the safe in Trevor‘s study,she found the albums. She planned to leave right after taking herthings.When she reached the door, she heard a sound. It was Trevor opening the door before he came infrom outside.He was dressed in a casual black shirt, and he appeared to have lost some weight.Cyrus followed behind Trevor with a mini luggage in his hand. That should be the things Trevor usedwhile he was hospitalized.Due to the fact that Emma was too surprised, she froze in her spot for quite some time.Didn‘t he say that he would be in the hospital for a couple of days? Why did he come back suddenly?Cyrus explained, “Mr. Bateson just got discharged from the hospital.”Emma finally came back to her senses and replied with a soft okay. She looked down on the groundand was planning to leave, but Trevor was blocking the door. Hence, she could only wait at the side forTrevor to enter the house first.

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