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Chapter 49

Chapter 49 Trevor certainly felt that Emma had loved him. After his anger subsided last night, he immediatelyrealized that she was lying! It was just like what Zachary had said earlier. He could feel her love for himduring those few years. Zachary withdrew his long legs and walked to the table. Picking up the spoon, he tried a mouthful of theporridge that Crystal brought. “Horrible!” He pulled out a tissue and spat out the mouthful of porridge. After that, he critiqued the foodunreservedly. “Superstar Crystal’s cooking skills are a far cry from Emma’s.” He had eaten the food cooked by Emma before. During the years that Trevor and Emma were married,they would occasionally gather at Trevor’s house for a party. Emma had always cooked for themherself and Zachary had always felt that her cooking skills were good enough for her to be a foodblogger. No wonder Trevor didn’t even bother eating a single mouthful of the porridge. He probably sufferedgreauy from her poison previously. He crossed his leg over his knce and leaned back. Then, he asked Trevor, “Say, what were youthinking? In an attempt to chase Crystal away due to your desire in not wanting to spend time with heralone, you dragged me here so early in the morning to pretend to have a work discussion?” Early this morning, he had been sound asleep when he received a phone call from Trevor. Trevor hadmentioned over the phone that Crystal was going to come and visit him later, so he asked Zachary torush over to pretend to discuss work with him. A trace of impatience flashed through Trevor’s eyes. “I get annoyed no matter who I meet right now.” Zachary clicked his tongue. “Look at your attitude. What’s going to happen when you marry Crystal inthe future?” Trevor frowned. “Who said I’m going to marry her?” Zachary spread his hands wide. “The whole of Jonestown knows that you’re about to get married. Don’t tell me you didn’t know about it since Crystal announced the news to the wholeworld.”

Of course, Trevor knew about it. It was just that he never said a word about his relationship with Crystalbefore. Zachary continued, “If you’re not planning to marry her, then why didn’t you come clean and draw adistinct boundary with her?” || Trevor snapped angrily, “Do you think that it’s easy to draw a distinct boundary with her?” Zachary smiled and sighed. “That’s true. If President Sanders were to learn that you dumped hisprecious daughter, he will surely be extremely furious.” Crystal came from a very prominent family. Her father, Thomas Sanders, was the president of a well-known foreign bank, so he had many close business relationships with major companies. This was the reason why Alice was biased toward Crystal and looked down on Emma. The BatesonFamily would look good in all aspects with Crystal’s family background. On the other hand, Emina had nothing. Her father and her brother ran a small construction company. Moreover, they had been in jeopardy overthe past few years due to their frivolous attitudes at work. After Emma married into the Bateson Family,the Bateson Family had been forced to support both her father and her brother. Leaving aside the variety of methods they used to ask for money, they also constantly threw about theBateson Family’s name in public. There were no words to describe how uncomfortable Alice felt aboutthem. That was why she never treated Emma nicely during the three years of marriage between Emmaand Trevor. Trevor turned to look out the window and spoke with a deep look in his eyes, “I originally thought that itwould be fine to marry Crystal. She is excellent in all aspects, and my family is satisfied with her” Zachary asked, “Then, why is it not okay anymore?” As he was unable to hold back, he teasinglyadded, “Did you realize that you can’t live without your ex-wife after you divorced her?” Once again, Trevor snapped angrily, “Who the f*ck can’t live without her?” Zachary quickly apologized, “Alright, alright. I was wrong. You can live without her. In fact, you’re livingan even better life than before. So, why don’t you want to marry Crystal anymore?”

A pensive Trevor answered, “She changed a lot. Rather, it can be said that I failed to see her true selfbefore.” Zachary rubbed his chin. “That’s true. During the three years you spent living with Emma, you werealso effectively separated from Crystal for three years. I’m sure you’ve become more distant from hercmotionally.” As Trevor’s best friend, he sincerely suggested, “In any case, it doesn’t matter whatdecision you make. It’s best to take decisive action as soon as possible.” Trevor pursed his lips and said nothing. He wanted to lake decisive action too. However, Crystal’s family and his parents would surely put up ahuge battle. Crystal’s father was not somebody to be messed with, and his own mother would surelykick up a huge fuss too. Zachary took out his phone and said, “Since you’re not going to eat Superstar Crystal’s porridge, I’llarrange for somebody to bring something else.” After saying that, he called the manager working at one of the restaurants under his name. It didn’t takelong before a delicious and nutritious breakfast was delivered. He accompanied Trevor until Trevor finished eating. It was only at that moment Zachary prepared toleave. Trevor called out to Zachary. “Next time, don’t flirt with Cerys. You are not suitable for her.” Cerys had a reserved and serious character. If Zachary successfully caught her heart with his flirtatiousbehavior, the only one who would ultimately suffer heartbreak was her. He lazily asked, “How did you know I was flirting with her?” Trevor replied in disgust, “You had a wretched smile on your face when you came in.” Zachary had been his best friend for many years, so how could he not know what the other party wasthinking? Cerys and Cyrus had been working by Trevor’s side for many years now, but for some reason as oflate, Zachary would flirt with Cerys whenever he met her. While he could afford to play emotionalgames, the same could not be said of her. Not only was both Cerys and Cyrus incredibly loyal to Trevor, he also took care of them as though they

were his own younger siblings. That was why he believed that it was necessary for him to warnZachary. Zachary seemingly asked in a casual manner, “How do you know we are not suitable for each other?” Trevor looked up and countered with another question. “Are you really going to say you don’t knowwhether the two of you are a good match for each other? Do you really wish for her to become thesecond Emma?” Emma’s family was relatively well-off, but Cerys came from an extremely poor background. In addition,Zachary’s situation in the Manson Family was also a little special and that alone would make itcxtremely difficult for him to maintain a long terin relationship with Cerys. Trevor added, “Of course, if you’re only planning to fool around with Cerys, I won’t agree to it. Youshould give up as soon as possible.” Zachary’s enchanting eyes narrowed slightly. There was no saying whether he had taken Trevor’swarning to heart. A moment later, he laughed and changed the subject. “Wow! I really couldn’t tell! Itturns out that you actually know about all the grievances that Emma suffered in secret when shemarried into your family!” Trevor looked away and closed his eyes without saying anything. Of course, he knew about all the grievances that Emma suffered. Not only did his mother disparageEmma in front of him countless times, she also humiliated Emma often in person. It was just that hehad been very unhappy with Emma at the time, so he had not bothered to care about her feelings. Whenever he abruptly recalled those events from the past, he felt as though his senses had beeninfinitely magnified. The humiliation and harassment that Emma faced at the time surfaced in his mind.Only then did he realize how cold and ruthless he had been when he stood back and remainedapathetic toward her. Likewise, Zachary turned to look outside the window, an endless pit of emotions hidden in the depths ofhis enchanting eyes. Cerys had a high rate of efficiency at work. Hence, she quickly organized a meeting with all therelevant personnel and informed them that the location would be the meeting room of Alpha

Productions as usual. At Emma’s suggestion, Susanna was also invited to join this meeting as the female protagonistcandidate for the role of the queen consort. Susanna grabbed Emma incredulously and asked, “Do you really think I can play such a calm andpleasant role like the queen consort?!” Her appearance was charming and lively. She had always played animated, sexy, or cool and powerfulcharacters. Therefore, nobody had ever looked to her for the role of the queen consort who was quietand indifferent to the world.novelbin

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