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Chapter 42

Chapter 42 The fact that Trevor threw his phone across the room indicated that his discussion with Wesley hadbroken down. Wesley did not call again after that. Zachary rubbed his chin and analyzed the situation meaningfully. “The award winning actor Wesleyseems to have unusual intentions toward Emma. Logically speaking, you are the investing party.Wesley and the others should be desperately trying to please you. Even if there was a dispute with thescreenwriter, the screenwriter is usually the one who would be fired instead. How can they ask theinvestor to assign another person to be in charge of the project?” In his opinion, there could only be two reasons for Wesley’s attitude toward Trevor either Emma wastruly that talented or Wesley had unusual intentions toward Emma. Wesley was protecting Emma, notfrom the standpoint of an employer toward his employee but from the standpoint of a man facing thewoiman he loved. Trevor gave Zachary a cold look. Grabbing a bottle of wine, he poured himself a glass and downed thecontents in one gulp. He had already seen through Wesley’s unusual intentions toward Emma, but henever expected Wesley to confront him for Emma’s sake when he was the investing party. When Zachary saw that Trevor was drinking too much, he decisively asked the waiter to remove thealcohol from the room. It was to prevent Trevor from drinking too much and causing his stomach issuesto worsen. After all, there was nobody who would take care of him round the clock anymore. Although he had Crystal by his side now, Crystal had always been a pampered young lady who hadeverything handed to her on a silver platter, so how could she possibly take care of him? One should not be fooled by her good wife and loving mother behavior where she took on the role ofthe perfect wife now that she was semi-retired from the entertainment circle. All of that was nothingmore than an illusion. Just from the details alone, it was easy to see how much she actually caredabout him. It was said that Emma had not known how to cook either when she first married Trevor. However, sheinsisted on learning how to cook after witnessing one of the instances where his stomach issues hadnovelbin

flared up. She had carefully prepared all three meals a day for him from that day onward. But, what about Crystal? Zachary felt that she was simply putting on a show so that she could post pictures on her Instagram. Asfor whether the food she cooked was actually edible, she was theonly person who knew. In any case, he did not believe that a shrewd person like Trevor could notdiscern her perfunctory behavior. Could it be that Trevor only likes her for her appearance? Her looks and figure were certainly the bestamong women. There was nothing wrong if Trevor was only interested in her for her looks and figure.Men weré lustful creatures after all. Zachary glanced at Trevor’s sullen expression and did not say anything that would provoke the latterfurther. He had to admit that Emma was certainly experiencing quite an exciting night tonight. Not only did ahandsome young man visit her, the mature award-winning actor Wesley was also secretly supportingher from the shadows. I wonder whether Trevor still thinks that Emma is playing hard to get. Emma stayed over at Susanna’s place that night. Although both of them drank a lot, that did not stopEmma from getting up the next morning to prepare a sumptuous breakfast for Susanna. Susanna clicked her tongue while eating. “Speaking of which, it’s all thanks to Trevor that I can nowtaste your cooking from time to time. Your cooking skills were only dedicated to Trevor in the past.” Emma simply smiled and said nothing. She felt that her emotional investment into Trevor in the pastwas extremely foolish, so she would rather not mention il. Susanna asked, “Are you really planning to withdraw from this script?” Emma lowered her eyes lightly. Her tone was self-deprecating and depressing. “Il took me a whole yearto finally get over the pain of heartbreak and divorce. Those people and those matters are mynightmares. Looking at them only serves to remind me of how subservient I used to be. It makes mehate the useless me from the past. That’s why, it’s better to just withdraw from the project. I won’t get emotionally affected again if we nolonger interact with each other.”

She had known that Trevor was the investor from the beginning. Even so, she accepted the scriptbecause she felt that she could draw a distinct boundary between her work life and her private life. Who could have known that so many issues would crop up from the very beginning? No matter howmuch she tried to draw the line between them, it would seem that! Crystal was unable to accept thesituation. Susanna reached out to grip Emma’s hand tightly. “I support you.” Just as they finished eating breakfast, Emma received a message from Wesley on her phone. “TheBateson Group has replied to me. There is no need to change the script. The project will proceedbased on the current plot. Also, the person in charge from the Baleson Group will be replaced by Treyor’s special assistant, Cerys Penrose. You can work on thescript with peace of mind in the future. Emma held the phone for a long while, unable to recover from her shock. There’s no need to changethe script? I thought Trevor would have to comfort Crystal after the commotion she caused last night,and the price of comforting her would be changing the script according to her will. In addition, why didthe Bateson Group replace the person-in-charge? It was true that she had no intention of meeting Trevor, but who was so in-sync with her to make thesearrangements? As she was unable to figure out the conundrum, she quickly called Wesley. Wesley did not hide anything from Emma “I knew you didn’t want to have any interactions with him, so Imade it clear to him last night. Either you quit from the project and we replace the screenwriter or hechanges the person-in-charge on his side.” His response rendered her speechless. She had to admit that he was very bold. Moreover, as anemployee, his support moved her very much. “President Zurich, thank you,” she thanked him gratefully. It was just that she never expectedsomebody as proud as Trevor would actually compromise. Wesley laughed and comforted her. “li’s nothing. I had the confidence to make such a request. That isbecause our script is amazing. Even if we screw up the deal with him, I can just find another investor totake his place.”

His appreciation for the script she produced moved her so much that she didn’t know what to say.Thus, she secretly vowed to herself in her heart. I’m going to make it this script even more perfect.That’s the only way I can repay his appreciation toward my work. He did not say much else. He simply asked her to finish writing the official script as soon as possiblebefore he hung up the phone. After the call ended, Emma hugged Susanna happily and cheered for a long time. It was great thatEmma no longer needed to revise the script. More than that, life was even more amazing now that sheno longer needed to meet Trevor.On the other hand, Susanna, who was being hugged tightly by Emma, murmured under her breath inconfusion, “Trevor actually compromised? That’s unbelievable.”. Having been in the entertainment circle for some time now, she had more or less interacted with Trevoron various occasions. Although Bateson Group Films was only a small and inconspicuous part of theBateson Group’s business empire, Trevor and the way he managed the productions were very strict. Inall the projects they participated in, they would take charge of everything. Outsiders were forced toobey all their whims. I can’t believe he actually compromised this time around. No, it’s possible he compromised for Emma’ssake. I wonder what he is thinking. Afterward. Susanna went out to film her scenes and Emma took a cab back to her house. Adam left not long after she departed last night. Apparently his company managed to lure his fansaway, which allowed him to escape successfully. Emma wanted to tell him not to cause trouble for her again in the future because she wanted to workon her script in seclusion. Adam left behind a large package of snacks and junk food that he brought with him. There were alsosome ointinents for scratches and burns inside. She glanced at the injury on her arm and couldn’t help laughing. She never expected him to be soconsiderate despite his young age.

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