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Chapter 47


Seeing Lin Feng’s terrifying killing speed, be it Shui Yuansheng the Crimson Wings, Gao Tianci theTyrant Axe, or Yu Shan, all of them unleashed their greatest power and began killing as quickly aspossible.

At the rear of the dire beast horde, the number of ordinary dire beasts had actually been greatlyreduced already. Replacing them were numerous elite dire beasts and dire beast lords.

This was the base of the dire beasts. It was natural for there to be many powerful dire beasts.

Shui Yuansheng the Crimson Wings was flying in the air and had a natural advantage. With a casualwave of his hand, he shot out a scarlet force akin to flames, which exploded among the horde of direbeasts. Even elite dire beasts could not resist it and were killed instantly. Meanwhile, dire beast lords were inevitably injured as well. They could not hold out against more thanthree shots. Thus, not only was Shui Yuansheng’s speed of killing the highest, there wasn’t muchdanger to it.

Extraordinary talent did indeed provide a huge advantage. It was also through this convenience thatShui Yuansheng could firmly occupy the first place on the merit rankings.

However, Gao Tianci the Tyrant Axe was not bad either. After he entered the berserk state, his strengthincreased greatly. Be it elite dire beasts or dire beast lords, neither could withstand a single blow fromGao Tianci. Moreover, Gao Tianci’s attacks were extremely violent, and his being also emitted a fiendish aura. As a result, almost none of the dire beasts Gao Tianci slew had an intact corpse.

Compared to Shui Yuansheng and Gao Tianci, who could crush almost everything, Yu Shan wasslightly inferior. He was powerful because he could use all kinds of profound martial arts at will. Nomatter what dire beasts he faced, no matter how many dire beasts he faced, Yu Shan could handle

them calmly and with ease. However, as a result, his killing speed wasn’t considered fast, and fell behindeven Lin Feng. At the moment, he was ranked fourth on the merit rankings.

Lin Feng killed dire beasts with one slash each. Fortunately, he had practiced the Lightning Arc SaberTechnique and mastered it. Otherwise, in terms of killing speed alone, he would be far inferior to ShuiYuansheng and the others.

But even so, his merit points were still a bit lower than Shui Yuansheng and Tyrant Axe’s. He wasranked third at the moment.

“This won’t do. In terms of killing speed, Shui Yuansheng has too much of an advantage. Tyrant Axe,who has the berserk superpower, can’t be underestimated either. Although my speed is fast, I’m stillinferior to these two, unless I can kill more dire beast lords.”

Lin Feng was no longer satisfied with just killing the elite dire beasts. He was very strong, and his rawphysical strength had reached eight tons. In addition, he had the Lightning Arc Saber Technique. Evenif he encountered a dire beast lord, he could almost kill one with a slash each. Since his killing speedwas slightly slower than Shui Yuansheng and Tyrant Axe’s, he could only make up for the quantity withquality. If he tried his best to kill as many dire beast lords as possible, his merit points would naturallyincrease very quickly.

Hence, Lin Feng stared intently at the horde of dire beasts in front of him. Without delay, he continuedheading for the back, almost charging deep into the base of the dire beasts.


These dire beasts also seemed to feel provoked. Lin Feng, Shui Yuansheng, Gao Tianci, and Yu Shanseemed to encounter no resistance at all as they slaughtered the dire beasts wantonly, and these direbeast lords could no longer tolerate it.

A great number of dire beast lords charged towards the three of them. Lin Feng in particular wascharging the fastest, and seemed to be constantly charging forward. Hence, the number of dire beastlords that charged towards Lin Feng was also the greatest.


A bolt of joy rushed through Lin Feng. Not only did he not retreat, he continued to charge forward.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Streaks of blade light swung like cutting machines. Any dire beast that was struck by the blade light,even dire beast lords, would die instantly. Lin Feng did not have any agile movement techniques, so itwas impossible for him to not take any hits. However, his powerful physique came into play now. LinFeng could withstand even a blow from a dire beast lord. At most, he would suffer a small injury, andhis self-restorative ability would allow him to quickly recover.

In terms of physique, Lin Feng’s physique was much stronger than even that of a dire beast lord. Thiskind of defense, restorative ability, and even endurance were most suitable for this kind of battlefield.

Lin Feng seemed to be tireless as he slaughtered a large quantity of dire beasts in a frenzy. Gradually,his position on the merit rankings also changed subtly. Lin Feng, who was originally temporarily rankedthird, actually rose to the first place gradually. Furthermore, the gap between him and the second place,Shui Yuansheng, continued to widen.

No, the first place will definitely be mine. No one can take it away!”

Shui Yuansheng had always been the strongest genius in Dragon Mountain Base. How could he allowLin Feng to take the first place?

Thus, Shui Yuansheng flapped his wings and landed on the ground. Then, he charged into the midst ofthe dire beast lords. He actually stopped flying and began fighting directly.

Apart from his ability to fly, Shui Yuansheng was actually very powerful as well, and not inferior to GaoTianci. As Shui Yuansheng began to unleash his power, his merit points also rose rapidly.

Of course, Gao Tianci the Tyrant Axe would not give in to others. He also charged into the encirclementof the dire beast lords.

As the few of them slaughtered in a frenzy, the competition also became more and more heated. Theirmerit points were all very close to each other. When the 16 inhuman experts behind saw this, they werealso very satisfied.

After amassing such a generous reward this time, they had no intention of allowing someone to claim itso easily. If they did not enter a hard battle, and enter life-or-death situations, how could they possiblybreak the genetic lock?

Right now, Shui Yuansheng and the others were surrounded by a horde of dire beasts, and there was alarge number of dire beast lords. It was actually very dangerous. If they were injured and there was noone to support them at the back, they might even die.

Long Duo nodded and said, “These little fellows are all very good. Yu Shan is indeed a little inferior,and his talent is a little lower. He’s at somewhat of a disadvantage in such a competition. However, hiscomprehension ability is very strong. It’s not impossible for him to break the genetic lock in the future.”

“Chief Commander, that Lin Feng is even better. He can actually master the Lightning Arc SaberTechnique, and his comprehension ability is very strong. However, his strongest aspect is his physique.

In my opinion, his raw physical strength must even exceed five tons!” “Five tons? I’m afraid you’ve underestimated him.”

Long Duo smiled, but did not explain in detail. In the entire Dragon Mountain Base, Londo had thehighest authority. After some investigation, he had naturally found some clues.

Lin Feng’s physical strength might very well far exceed five tons, reaching more than eight tons!

Eight tons of physical strength was actually very terrifying. At least, even some of the genius martialartists that Long Duo valued did not have such terrifying strength.

He did not know if Lin Feng had any superpowers related to strength, but with such strength, there wasno doubt that his physique must be good. He had great potential that was not inferior to ShuiYuansheng and Gao Tianci in the slightest.

“Chief Commander, shouldn’t we take action now? These four little fellows are indeed quite good, butwe still have to win this war.”

“That’s right. Winning the war is the most important thing. Have you confirmed the location of thosedemons?”

“We’ve confirmed it long ago, there are six demons in total!”

“All right, let’s do it then.”

Long Duo nodded as well and gave the command to the other 15 inhuman experts. The most essentialthing to winning this war was killing the six demons!novelbin

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