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Chapter 36

“SOS! We encountered a massive number of Proboscis Beasts. There are eight Proboscis Beast lords,over a hundred Proboscis Beast elites, and innumerable ordinary Proboscis Beasts. The situation isextremely perilous. Nearby martial artists, especially martial artists with over 10,000 merit points,please come to our rescue quickly.”


This distress call appeared very abruptly, making both Lin Feng and Feng Xiu slightly stunned.

“Eight dire beast lords and over a hundred dire beast elites. Tsk tsk, he’s in big trouble. And what’s thatabout needing over 10,000 merit points?”

Feng Xiu was a little puzzled. Why would saving lives require higher merit points?

Lin Feng thought for a moment and said, “Perhaps they think that only martial artists with more than10,000 merit points have enough power to save them. However, this is an opportunity. It’s very rare toencounter so many dire beasts. Killing all of them would give a lot of points and merit points.”

Yes, this was indeed a fortuitous opportunity. Of course, this was only an opportunity for powerfulmartial artists. For martial artists with insufficient strength, it would be a huge problem. Even rashlygoing in would be life-threatening.

“Brother Feng, you want to save them?”

“That’s right. Mostly for the points.”

Feng Xiu naturally had no objections. With Lin Feng around, how could there be any danger?

Thus, the two of them quickly rushed over according to the coordinates on the communication device.

On a slope, three Myriad Academy students were trapped on the hill.

“Brother Li, the distress message has been sent. We can still hold out for another half an hour. Butwhat if no one comes after half an hour?”

“If no one comes in half an hour, we can only break out at all costs.”

Brother Li also didn’t know what to do. The three of them were all Grade Nine professional martialartists. They had not been deployed to the frontline, and had instead taken advantage of the timing ofthe frontline battle to sweep through the wilderness.

They even intentionally released bait to lure many Proboscis Beasts over.

Their plan had succeeded. The Proboscis Beasts did arrive. Unfortunately, their luck seemed a bitabysmal. There weren’t ten or so Proboscis Beasts, but a massive horde.

Thus, they were trapped on the mountain slope, holding out desperately using the terrain of themountain slope.

Just the sight of so many Proboscis Beasts was enough to make one despair. However, there wasnothing they could do now. They could only wait and hope for a miracle.

Time passed by slowly. Before they knew it, twenty minutes had passed. The three of them were allinjured to varying degrees and could not hold out for much longer.

“Brother Li, are we going to die?”

Li shuddered. That’s right. They came from the Myriad Academy, and were all the prodigies of theMyriad Academy. They had never thought that they would die one day. Previously, their journey in the

Outland had been smooth sailing. In just a year, they had accumulated hundreds, then over a thousandpoints.

It seemed that they had never encountered any danger before. However, they were in danger now, andit was life-threatening danger. This was the Outland, not the Virtual Battle Chamber. They had to facedire beasts, not virtual opponents.

Death seemed imminent.

The three of them were afraid. They were terrified. They were hoping for a miracle to happen. However,they knew very well that most of the professional martial artists had gone to the frontline. Even if therewere people at the base, how strong could they be?

A few ordinary professional martial artists wouldn’t be able to save them. This time, they were indeed indanger.

“Beep-beep-beep. Where are you guys?”

Suddenly, a new message appeared on his communicator.

“Someone is coming to save us?”

“Brother Li, we’re going to be saved.”

The three of them were overjoyed. They had not expected that there would be a turn for the betterwhen they were on the verge of despair.

Hence, the three of them hurriedly sent out another message.

“We are on a hill not far from the coordinates. By the way, how many of you are there?”


Brother Li’s expression fell. There were only two people, but could they be experts?

Thus, Brother Li asked again, “Do the two of you have more than 10,000 merit points? I don’t mean tobe rude. The situation we’re in is very dangerous. If you come here without due consideration, I’mafraid you’ll be in danger too.”

“We arrived at the base from the academy today. We don’t have any merit points.”

Brother Li and the others all fell silent. They had woken up from their ecstasy. These were actuallynewbies without any merit points. How strong could students who had just come from the MyriadAcademy possibly be?

Even if both of them were Grade Nine professionals and were the cream of the crop in the MyriadAcademy, this was the Outland. Grade Nine professional martial artists were a dime a dozen. Evenveterans like the three of them had to form a team before they dared to go to the Outland to combatand kill dire beasts. What could two newcomers do?

A wan smile appeared on Brother Li’s pale face. In the end, he replied, “Thank you for coming to saveus despite the danger. However, it’s too dangerous here. You can’t save us. It’s better if you stop now.You don’t have to come here.”

With that said, the three of them looked at each other. Their previous ecstasy had long disappearedwithout a trace.

“Brother Li, so what if we die? We were already prepared to die when we came to the Outland.”

“That’s right. If the three of us die together, at least we’ve fulfilled our initial promise.”

“Haha! It’s just dying together. Even if we must die, we’ll take more dire beasts with us.”

This also evoked the ferocious side in the three of them. Since they knew that death was certain, whatmore was there to fear?

At this moment, Lin Feng and Feng Xiu, who were rushing over, were rather surprised. The otherparty’s last message was clearly telling them not to go over.

“The person asking for help is quite interesting. Feng Xiu, hurry up or we’ll only be able to collect theircorpses.”

Originally, those dire beasts were what Lin Feng valued the most. After all, those dire beasts meant agreat deal of points and merit points. But now, he was more concerned about the situation of theperson seeking help.

Soon, the two of them saw many Proboscis Beasts charging up the hill from afar. There were threemartial artists that were attacked by the Proboscis Beasts. They should be the ones who had sent thedistress call.

“All of them are still alive. That’s good.”

Although Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief, eight dire beasts lords, over a hundred elite dire beasts andinnumerable ordinary beasts did not make for a simple lineup. Even three or four ordinary peak GradeNine professionals would definitely not dare to attack so many beasts.

This was also why Li felt despair when he heard that there were only two people on Lin Feng’s end,and that they were newbies who had just arrived in the Outland. The trouble they encountered was notsomething that could be resolved by two newbies.

“Feng Xiu, go and protect the three of them. I’ll scatter these Proboscis Beasts first.”novelbin

“Brother Feng, you want to disperse so many dire beasts alone?”

Even though he knew that Lin Feng was very strong, even Feng Xiu felt that it was too insane for LinFeng to attack so many dire beasts alone.

“Don’t worry, I won’t do it if I’m not confident.”

Lin Feng took a deep breath, gripped his blade, and stepped back.


It was as if the ground was shaking. Lin Feng charged into the horde of beasts like a cannonball.

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