Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 460: Wasn’t that rapport between us?
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Chapter 460: Wasn't that rapport between us?

Chapter 460: Wasn't that rapport between us?

Ye Wanwan watched coldly by the side as the crew got everything they wished for and prepared forthe live broadcast with high efficiency.

They already concluded that Luo Chen's skills weren't as good as other actors, and they wereeagerly waiting to see Lin Luo Chen used as a stepping stone to advance Xu Ming's career, thusmaximizing the benefits.

Meanwhile, Ye Wanwan was taking advantage of this exact mentality of the crew in addition to XuMing's ego to smoothly execute this live broadcast.

Luo Chen turned to Ye Wanwan, feeling a little guilty for deciding to agree to Xu Ming's bet. "Ye-ge... I... was I too impulsive just now?"

Ye Wanwan laughed. "Impulsive? I thought we were on the same page?"novelbin

The live public broadcast was initiated by her first after all.

By obtaining affirmation from Ye Wanwan, it was like Luo Chen's teetering little boat gained a sail.There was now a determination in his eyes.

At this point in time, the selection of roles for "Terrifying Dragon 2" was a hot topic and the castingdrew even more attention. Once news of the crew changing the casting to a live public broadcastwent out, almost every netizen was filled with excitement.

Ever since live broadcasts were popularized, this was the first time a production actually had a livebroadcast of a casting, so this broadcast attracted many viewers due to its novelty.

Shortly after, the live broadcast began.

All the candidates drew lots for their casting sequence then each individual auditioned in sequence.

To facilitate the live broadcast, the casting venue was changed to a big hall that couldaccommodate up to 100 people. While the artists auditioned, other artists waiting for their turn couldalso watch from the side so that there would be total transparency.

The crew arranged for the stage manager to be the host for this live broadcast and he explained thereason for having a live broadcast this time, embellishing the story.

The main idea was that Luo Chen's staff started the provocation and Xu Ming took up the challengeto prove his abilities, so they opted for a live public broadcast.

In order to build up the hype, the stage manager even mentioned the wager between Xu Ming andLuo Chen.

The bullet screen [1] started to flood with comments and was very quickly taken over by Xu Ming'sfans.

[Damn! What the h***. Aside from Xu Ming, is no one else allowed to play the role of Lin Luo Chen?However perfect things may seem, better actors can always show up. Isn't this a little too arrogant,huh?]

[I admit that the original Lin Luo Chen was indeed a classic, but Luo Chen hasn't acted for threeyears. Who knows whether he can perform as well as before?]

[In contrast, everyone can see our Xu Ming's acting and how diligent he's been ever since hisdebut. He even cleared his schedule to go abroad for a few months to improve himself! This is theattitude needed for the role. Someone who idles his time away, not producing any work for so manyyears and only dishes up the same old stuff to gain popularity won't cut it!]

[Exactly, exactly. Our Xu Ming has "1987," "Three People's Travel" and "Everything is Wonderful"...over ten classic works while Luo Chen only has one - "Terrifying Dragon." Is he only going to counton "Terrifying Dragon" his whole life? He even wants to freeload on the popularity of the casting!]

[Ming Ming, all the best! Make him lose till his own mother doesn't recognize him!]


Aside from Xu Ming's fans, the original fans and some onlookers expressed their concerns.

[Actually, compared to other candidates, I'm most scared that the role of Lin Luo Chen would beruined in the hands of the original actor. The memory of my favorite classic film would be ruined!]

[That's right - if Luo Chen can't handle this role, why not let our memories stop at the beautifulmoments!]


In order to increase the level of excitement and hype, the production team positioned Xu Ming andLuo Chen's castings at the end on purpose.

The harsh fans of the original work criticized almost every candidate like they were worthless. SongJin Lin was also unsatisfied with the performances of many candidates and his brows werefurrowed from beginning till end...

[1]: Bullet screen is a feature on online video sites which allows real-time comments from viewers tofly across the screen like bullets.

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