Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 316: A lion never turns its head to a dog’s barking
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Chapter 316: A lion never turns its head to a dog's barking

Chapter 316: A lion never turns its head to a dog's barking

In the office.

"Do you have any background in martial arts?" Ye Wanwan asked.

Luo Chen pressed his lips, "A little, but..."

Before, he got some training in order to film "Terrifying Dragon" but that was three years ago afterall.

Ye Wanwan passed him a timetable. "You're probably unfamiliar with it since you haven't practiced itfor so long, so I've arranged martial arts training sessions for you. Just focus on practicing with themaster these next few days; don't bother with anything else and most importantly, don't bother withthose unimportant people; a lion never turns its head to a dog's barking."

Luo Chen nodded seriously and unquestioningly took the timetable. He didn't ask why his managerwas forcing him to go for martial arts training when other managers signed their artists up to singand dance.

He also didn't question why Ye Wanwan made him do the filming today.novelbin

Seeing how obedient Luo Chen was, Ye Wanwan's heart softened. "You can't afford a team for now,so just work with the temps in the company for now. In the future, you'll definitely have a team ofyour own."

Her words seemed like a promise, but it was more like a prophecy--a prophecy that he'd be able tomake it big.

Luo Chen looked at the man's icy-cold face and a sense of warmth entered his dead heart...


For the next while, Luo Chen led a mundane life. Aside from visiting his mom at the hospital, heonly went to the company building for martial arts training.

At the company, everyone waited in anticipation to see what Ye Bai was up to. In the end, nobodywould've guessed that after Luo Chen filmed a video, he wouldn't do anything other than attendinghis training sessions every day.

Why's Ye Bai making his artist attend martial arts training? Isn't it a waste of time? Is he beingprepped to be a martial arts actor?

He really has a weird way of doing things...

Luo Chen ignored all the weird gazes and gossip around him and did whatever he needed to doevery day.

At the same time, Lin Hao took up a role as the main lead in a youth idol drama series.

Being cast to play the role of the male lead after debuting not long ago was enough to make all thenewcomers envious; Lin Hao's future was undoubtedly bright.

Today, Lin Hao came to the office as usual with an entourage of newcomers and interns trying tocurry his favor.

When he walked past Luo Chen, Lin Hao stopped in his tracks and was no longer as sorry as helooked that day when Ye Wanwan fooled him. He was back to his arrogant self as he lookeddisdainfully at Luo Chen like he was looking at a lowly ant. His face looked as if speaking a word tohim would lower his status.

Upon seeing Luo Chen's sweaty body, the group of little fresh meat started sneering at him.

"Eh, senior Luo Chen's really pitiful! He went for training yet again! He's so hardworking; his futuremust be limitless!"

"After all, he's following a dog manager who counts on chairman Chu's support! Oops, wrong, Imeant he's following a capable master!"

"All the best, senior Luo Chen!"

"Senior Luo Chen, please give me your autograph! I'm afraid the next time we see you, we won'teven be qualified to speak to you!"

Everyone started laughing once they were done with their mockery.

Luo Chen wiped the sweat off his forehead. His gaze swept across everyone without emotion andhe left without a word.

Upstairs, in Zhou Wen Bin's office:

Zhou Wen Bin fiddled with the new antique that just arrived as he asked, "How's the young laddoing so far?"

The plump manager quickly replied, "Bin-ge, don't worry. He hasn't done anything yet--he's probablyjust bluffing, trying to act all mysterious!"

"Don't let your guard down," Zhou Wen Bin looked disapprovingly at him.

The man rubbed his hands together as he sucked up to him, "Bin-ge, like what you said before,you're Bin-ge after all and have been in the industry for over 20 years! There isn't anything youhaven't seen before. A youngster like him can't fight against you; chairman Chu will find out verysoon that Dazzling has to rely on you!"

Zhou Wen Bin's mood lifted as he listened to all the flattery. He asked casually, "How's Gong Xudoing recently?"

"Bin-ge, don't worry, Gong Xu's quite well-behaved and hasn't caused any trouble so far. Thescandal from before has subsided as well; he should be able to show up in a few days..."

"En," Zhou Wen Bin blew the porcelain in his hands lightly and nodded, satisfied.

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