Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 264: Still trying to steal the limelight?
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Chapter 264: Still trying to steal the limelight?

Chapter 264: Still trying to steal the limelight?


Zhao Da Yong took a deep breath and began to talk about the chronological sequence of events.He mentioned how he noticed that his daughter was acting strange when he arrived home one dayand how he found out his daughter had been sexually assaulted by Han Xian Yu for a long timeafter having a heart-to-heart talk with her.

After speaking, Zhao Da Yong played the recording of the conversation he had with his daughter.

"He... he touched me..."novelbin

"Where did he touch?"

"He touched my... chest..."



Li Qiao Hong started pounding her chest and crying out loudly halfway through the recording. "Mydaughter... my poor girl... my only baby daughter... how is she going to continue living... ? Her wholelife is destroyed by the hands of that bastard..."

Zhao Da Yong clenched his fists. "It's my fault. As her father, I didn't perform my duty as a father. I'mso useless; I can't even protect her and even made her go through such a horrible thing!

"That man is the scum of society; he won't even let a child off—he's an inhumane bastard. It's notenough to even sentence him to death!"

The raging expression of the father, the sorrowful cries from the mother and the unbearablerecording instantly propelled the angry emotions in the room to the max. The comments from thepeople watching the live telecast also flooded through——

"Is Han Xian Yu even human? He won't even let a child off!"

"I already knew the entertainment industry is messy but I didn't expect it to be this messy. Han XianYu's ten thousand times more nauseating than people who secretly live off a rich man or cheaterswho sleep around!"

"He's more than just nauseating—those people are probably just immoral, but he's inhumane! Hehadn't even offered an apology to date! He's too cold-blooded!"

"Pervert! Scum! I can't believe I actually idolized a person like him before! He should be castrated!His entire family should die!"

"Curse his daughter, I hope she'll be XX by someone as well next time..."


Fei Yang read those malicious comments and his expression turned ugly. "Xian Yu, why don't weturn it off..."

Fei Yang's voice trailed off while he paid attention to something at the corner of the screen.

He saw a man in a white collared top supporting his head with his hand and looking at the enragedcrowd before him with an indifferent expression. He didn't seem to have any intention of doinganything.

Just when he was worried that Xian Yu couldn't take it any longer and was about to turn the livetelecast off, the teenager suddenly turned his head and said something to the reporter from Mars


The reporter listened attentively with his body tilted and then, his eyes glistened as he nodded.

After that, the Mars Weekly reporter, Gao Feng, suddenly stood up and exclaimed, "We have thetestimony from the witness and irrefutable proof presented, yet Han Xian Yu still refuses to pleadguilty. He's insane! It's because of people like him that the entertainment industry is so messy!"

Mars Weekly was known to be swift in getting news out—they published many explosive tabloidsand was very famous in the industry. But in recent years, they were getting from bad to worse; theyeven copied the news that other publications had published regarding Han Xian Yu's case.

On stage, Yan Zheng Yang saw Gao Feng stand up to speak and a hint of disdain flashed in hiseyes-- what number one correspondent in China? He's just a paparazzi who's past his prime.

It's my home ground turf, yet he's still trying to steal the limelight?

Gao Feng first roared indignantly, then turned to Zhao Da Yong on stage and spoke with humility,"Mr. Zhao, I'm Gao Feng from Mars Weekly. I'm very sorry for what you've been through. May I askyou a few questions?"

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