Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 182: I’m waiting for you
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Chapter 182: I'm waiting for you

Chapter 182: I'm waiting for younovelbin

As Ye Wanwan passed a small forest on her way back to the dormitory, a figure suddenly appearedout of nowhere, almost scaring her to death.

Her first reaction was to touch her face.

Luckily, she'd been very careful this time. Even though it was already late at night, she made sure toput on a slab of makeup like she was about to act for a horror movie in order to prevent an incidentsimilar to the one with Si Xia from happening again. She was safe.

When that person noticed her, it was evident that he was in a greater shock than she was.

She heard the person's gasp very clearly.

She took a few steps forward. Under the glow from the streetlamps, Ye Wanwan managed to seethe other person's face.

"Si Xia...?"

What's this guy doing out here in the middle of the night?

After the 'ultimate move' she'd made previously, this guy kept his distance from her and because hewas also quite busy himself, they didn't even speak much these past few days. She'd forgotten allabout this 'bomb' and pushed it to the back of her mind.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" Ye Wanwan casually asked.

"Hm, I was thinking about you so I couldn't fall asleep."

"..." Ye Wanwan was speechless.

"Wanwan..." The low voice of the teenager travelled to her ears.

"Huh? What?" Ye Wanwan regained her senses.

"Why aren't you asleep, were you waiting for me?" he asked. His pupils reflected the moonlightseeping through the gaps of the leaves, like a demon who could trick people off the righteous path.

Ye Wanwan: "...!!!"

He stopped bothering me for only a few days! Why's he back at it again?!

Does he think my life is too long and boring?

Ye Wanwan strongly felt that this couldn't go on anymore. She had to find a way to get rid of himonce and for all.

After she took a deep breath, Ye Wanwan forced herself to calm down. After that, she replied slowly,"Yup, I was waiting for you!"

His eyes lit up instantly with a little suspicion and disbelief, "Really...?"

Ye Wanwan faked a look of honesty without a trace of deception, "Of course! I knew you went towork so I waited here especially for you!"

With that, Ye Wanwan looked down shyly and hooked her fingers nervously, "Well... Si Xia...actually... actually, I've liked you for quite some time..."

Si Xia was stunned, he totally didn't expect the sudden confession from her, "What?"

Tsk, now he knows how scary it is to be confessed to?

Ye Wanwan concealed the mischievousness beneath her eyes, plucked up her courage andcontinued, "I... I like you too..."

Ye Wanwan spoke while taking a step closer to him, "I fell for you from the first time I laid eyes onyou, but I never held onto any hope that I'd have any chance to be with you. I really didn't expectthat I'd be so lucky to be your deskmate and even get the chance to act in the play with you, youdon't even know how happy I was..."

Si Xia became even more surprised, "I thought... you wouldn't part with Si Ye Han unless heavenand Earth collided?

Ye Wanwan smiled bitterly, "Of course I was lying to you..."

Ye Wanwan spoke and suddenly raised her head excitedly to look at Si Xia, "But I didn't expect thatSi Xia, you... you would actually... are you... really... really in love with me? Or... were you justfooling with me?"

Si Xia's constant, calm gaze finally showed some hesitation. He paused for a long time beforereplying, "To me, you're... very special... unlike the other girls... not just because of yourappearance..."

Ye Wanwan's eyes glistened and burned intensely, "Well then... let's complete the greatest harmonyof our lives tonight!"

"What?" Si Xia was stunned.

Ye Wanwan acted very excited. Her face was flushed and she was extremely emotional. Taking thischance when Si Xia was paralyzed on the spot, she suddenly pounced on him with all herstrength...

The two of them fell and rolled into the nearby bush.

"Wanwan, you... wait wait..."

Si Xia was about to get up but was immediately pushed down by Ye Wanwan, "What's wrong? Don'tyou like me? I like you too! I like you so much... so much... don't you want to be with me?"

Si Xia retreated, "No... you need to calm down a little..."

"Look at how beautiful the night is tonight, we don't have to wait for another day!"

How could Ye Wanwan calm down? She stretched her arms out and started to unfasten the buttonson his clothes as she puckered her lips and prepared to kiss...

He watched as his collar was grabbed and sat in shock, looking at the face worse than a horror filmlooming before him like it was about to engulf him in the next second...

Suddenly, with a great force, he broke away from her and at the same time, shouted angrily——

"Get lost!!!"

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