Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 1252 - Accusation
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Chapter 1252 - Accusation

Chapter 1252: Accusation

Henyee Translations

Henyee Translations

Who would've expected Ye Shao'an would die so shortly after...

Moreover, what did Steward Huang mean

"What are you saying?" Ye Mufan looked at Steward Huang and snorted, "Could it be that you're saying my dad and I killed Second Uncle?""I didn't say that." Steward Huang glanced at Ye Mufan. "Sir asked me about the contents of the surveillance, so I answered honestly.”

"It's you... It must've been you... You harbored a grudge against Shao'an and hated Shao'an for replacing you... You are so cruel! Shao'an was stillyour brother and uncle!" Liang Meixuan howled in grief immediately.

"Bullsh*t! What the h*ll does this have to do with me? You can eat sh*t however you want, but you can't f*cking spout sh*t willy-nilly like this!" YeMufan shouted indignantly at Liang Meixuan.

It wouldn't matter if it was anything else, but how could she wildly make a claim like this that involved a human life?!"Mom, don't talk nonsense... There's no way Uncle and Mufan would do something like that..." Ye Yiyi looked at Liang Meixuan and shook her head.

"No way... What's impossible?!" Liang Meixuan screamed at the top of her lungs. "Don't you know how much their family hates your father and hatesus... The surveillance footage captured it clearly! Only those two entered your father's room before your father's death! Who else could it have beenother than them?!"

"Enough!" Ye Hongwei glared at them angrily."Dad... You... You must find out the truth! Shao'an died unjustly... You must obtain justice for him, my daughter and me!" Liang Meixuan sobbed.

Ye Mufan turned to look at Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting. "Shaoting, Mufan, what happened?!"

"Dad, it's like this!" Ye Shao'an hastilyexplained to his father. "Two nightsago, Shao'apscalled me and said hehad sometfiing important to say tome but déuldn't do it over the phare,so he 10 fd me to come home. 1)happened to be with Mufan thatnight, so we came back together.However, Shao'an was drink anddelirious at that time, so Mufan and Ileft right after we helped Shao'anonto the bed." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"Something important?” Ye Hongwei had a deep frown on his face. "Then did Shaoc'an say what it was?"

"He didn't singe he was drunk..." YeShaoting shadk his head. "However,Shao'an didn't look like he was in a.good mod as though there was Nsomething heavy weighing on hismind e looked like he wanted tosay. something tous severaltimes,tat he swallowed back hisswordsevery time." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"You're concocting a cock-and-bull story!" Liang Meixuan shouted angrily. "Shao'an has been in a great mood the last few days. It's nothing like yousaid!"

"Ha ha, Second Uncle's corpse is still here. It's not like the alcohol level in his body can't be tested," Ye Mufan snorted.

"It must've been... it must've been you two! You purposefully got Shao'an drunk then murdered him while he was drunk and couldn't resist!!!” LiangMeixuan sharply shrieked.

"Meixuan! You can't run your mouthoff about thigkind of matter!" TanYilan instantly stood up lookingdispleasgd. "Shaoting is my son. =How could I not know his characteras hig-hother? No matter howmuch of a scoundrel he wag:before,He wouldn' tbe so wicked that he'dkill his own brother!” Content

belongs to NovelDrama.OrgContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"We'll look at the surveillance,” Ye Hongwei stood up and told Steward Huang.

"Yes, sir!" Steward Huang nodded and led everyone toward the surveillance room.

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