Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 1248 - Breaking up is impossible
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Chapter 1248 - Breaking up is impossible

Cn the wall, Nameless Nie sniffled. “Ah! So moving...”

Spray of Flowers, who had climbed up at some point in time, used a handkerchief to wipe his tears. "Wahh, listening to this made me cry!"Devotee said, “Merciful Buddha! A good deed, a good deed!

Spray of Flowers asked, “D*mn Dacist priest, when did you change religions?”

Devotee replied, “When I discovered being a monk makes a better living!

Cn the stage, Ye Wanwan placed down her microphone after she finished singing the song.

No matter how unwilling she was, they had to part ways.

Tomorrow, Nameless Nie and his group were leaving. This song was her final present for Tangtang.

After the music ended, the spotlight alse dimmed.

The stage was empty once again.

Nameless Nie furtively called out, “Ancestor?”

When he didn't get a response, he turned the phone around and discovered that Tangtang had ended the call already.

Nameless Nie sighed and shoved away Spray of Flowers, who was laying on him. "Disband, disband! Disband already! We have to wake up earlytomorrow!

He had to hurry back and personally look into the matter with his sister!

Gong Xu skipped forward with glittering eyes as soon as Ye Wanwan came back. "Brother Ye, Brother Ye! Who's buggy? Is it me?”

Ye Wanwan glanced at him. “...”

Ye Mufan glanced at his sister from the corners of his eyes. “You sang with such deep emotion. You didn’t sing for that pretty boy, right?”

It didn't seem like it though. Although there was emoticon in the song, it didn’t seem romantic. Moreover, that pretty boy wasn't here, so why would shebe singing it for him...

Ye Mufan didnt know what he said wrong, but Ye Wanwan's expression darkened a few degrees after he said that.

Ye Mufan goughed and inquisitively.glanced : at her. “What happened?.-You don't seem to be doing sowellthe last few days... Could it be... youbroke up?” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org ig

Gong Xu was in the same camp as Ye Mufan on this rare occasion, light radiating from his eyes. “Really? You broke up?!”Ye Wanwan rolled her eyes. “Break up? That's impossible in this lifetime!"

For some reason... even though she learned Si Yehan basically “killed” the true her, she still unconsciously protected him...Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

It was very late at night by the time she got home.

Ye Wanwan knew too many thingshappened regently, so she needed torest well and maintain her energy. ~Howevet she couldn't sleep much”that night and merely napped for aittledsit Her dreams were filled withgratesque and multi- colored”fragments. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

The next morning, she was woken up by a phone call."Wanwan, something happened at home...”

Liang Wanjun’'s anxious and panicked voice came from the other end.

"Mom, what happened?” Ye Wanwan frowned. “Calm down and tell me slowly..."

"Wanwan, your second uncle, he...”

"Second Uncle?” A cold glint surfaced in Ye Wanwan’s eyes. "Second Uncle is bullying you and Dad again?”0... Your second uncle... he died...” Liang Wanjun sighed lightly.

“What?” Ye Wanwan was taken back when she heard that. Second Uncle, Ye Shao'an, was dead?

"How did he die?” Ye Wanwan subconsciously asked.

“They're not sure right now... Hiscorpse. was discovered in hisbedroom. Hurry and come back!”Liang Wanjun stressfully sald.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


At some point in time, she had started treating her daughter as her main pillar.

"Alright, I understand. I'll come back immediately.” Ye Wanwan hung up the phone.

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