Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 1174 - What’s the difference between that and a sheep entering a tiger’s den?
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Chapter 1174 - What's the difference between that and a sheep entering a tiger's den?

Ye Wanwan said, “Go. Why wouldn't we go?”

They needed to use this opportunity to rebuild their connections as quickly as possible.

There was no need to be on bad terms with the Film Association.

Ye Mufan nodded without hesitation. “OK! Dong Zai, turn around! We're going to the banquet!”The car slowly turned around, and Ye Wanwan added, "Go slower. Safety is most important.They did have to go, but they should still put on the proper airs required.

Gong Xu turned anxious as scon as he heard that they were going to the banquet. “Go to what banquet?! Who knows how late it will finish?! Whenwill I finally see Little Candied Plum? How about this—you can all go, but Brother Ye will help me ask Little Candied Plum out so I can go see LittleCandied Plum!novelbin

“No."“Why not?”

Fei Yang broke into loud laughter and teased, “Why else! Of course Brother Ye doesn’t feel safe about letting you see his sister by yourself! What'sthe difference between that and a sheep entering a tiger's den? You're too delusional!

“Nonsense! Am I someone like that?"

“You 100% are, alright? Unless you turned gay!”

“You're gay! Your whole family is gay! This young master is the straightest person in the world!”

Gong Xu loudly protested for the entire journey but had no choice to unwillingly follow the group to the banquet’s venue

As soon as they arrived at the entrance, they saw two staff members from the organizer standing there, anxiously looking around“What should we do, what should we do? Are they here yet?” one of them incessantly urged.

“They aren't!” The other person was also drenched in sweat since there was a whole hall of people waiting

“Have you called them yet? Are you sure they're coming?”

“The president said he called already!”

“Ah, pleasg’come! If they didn't, =~that'd bess “so embarrassing! Everyoneis waiting inside! What a joke wouldit bedf the Best Actors and BestActress didn't show up?” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

The other person instantly complained, “You have no one but yourself to blame! Why didn’t you treat them more politely back then?”“D*mn! How's it my fault? I was just listening to orders!”

While the two people argued, a black minibus slowly parked near them.

Their eyes brightened immediately and they sprinted forward to receive them

“Ah, you're all finally here! Excuse us for not going out to meet you. please generously pardon us! Please enter quickly!”

Ye Mufan was the first to exit the van. He fixed his lapels and pretended to be hesitant. “But we don’t have invitations. Can we enter?”

Embarrassment overcame the staff members’ faces. “Of course you can enter! Why would your group need invitations?! Just show your face!Showing your face is enough!”

“Right right right! Showing your face is enough!A cold glint flitted through Ye Mufan's eyes, but he knew when to stop. He opened the van's back door.

Luo Chen stepped out of the van, and then it was Gong Xu who was dragged out by Fei Yang

After Han Xtanyu got out, he didn'tleave immediately. He placed his”hand below the roof of the van andguided-Ye Wanwan as she got-out.Ther; Ye Wanwan helped JiangYaaran out of the van. Conténtbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

When Fei Yang caught Han Xianyu's considerate actions, he was briefly startled.With every person that got out of the van, the staff members’ eyes grew brighter. They didn’t even blink.


In a short amount of time, the tag“Heavenly Grup of BreathtakingBeauties Saad become one of the ~hottest gearches on the memeThe irapact was even greater whenthe staff members saw thenninsuch close proximity. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org <>

Meanwhile, inside the banquet hall, the senior management members of the organizer all didn’t look so good as they glanced at the hall entrancefrequently.

Why haven't they arrived yet?

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