Perfect Secret Love (Ye Wan Wan)

Chapter 1159 - I didn’t disappoint you
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Chapter 1159 - I didn't disappoint you

It wasn't?

How did it turn into Luo Chen?!

Producer Xue’s expression froze on his face and his extended arms awkwardly hung in mid-air. Ye Yiyi nearly jumped up.The venue was in an uproar!

It wasn't only the audience. Luo Chen himself was foolishly sitting there, unable to process what he just heard.

Meanwhile, Cai Yongsheng and Chu Hongguang both had a deep frown as they looked at the stage. They didn’t believe Ye Bai managed to make acomebacknovelbin

As though the female host realized the easy misunderstanding that this name could cause, she kindly repeated, “The winner of this year’s GoldenOrchid Award for Best Actor is the actor who played Shen Yue in, Luo Chen! Congratulations, Luo Chen!”

The female host's words were akin to a drop of cold water splattering into a pot of oil.

Ye Mufan emotionally shot up and pulled Luo Chen over to embrace him tightly. “Stop spacing out! Luo Chen, it's you! You're the winner!”The only calm person in the venue was probably Ye Wanwan.

Ye Wanwan stood up and opened her arms as she looked at the stupefied Luo Chen. “Luo Chen, congratulations.”

Luo Chen dazedly stared at Ye Wanwan, his figure lightly trembling and his eyes reddening. He excitedly embraced her. “Brother Ye... I succeeded...I succeeded... I didn’t disappoint you...”

The large rock that dangled above his heart finally settled. Luo Chen felt like he had received a new life.

Gong Xu was also dumbfounded for a long time before he finally reacted. His heart felt itchy and he stared at Luo Chen like he was staring at hiswife's lover. “D*mn! I guarded myself against everyone, but it turns out an internal thief stole it! You punk!

It was clearly a complaint, but his voice was brimming with joy.Luo Chen looked at Gong Xu, unease flitting through his eyes.

They were both nominated, they both worked hard, and Gong Xu truly didn't expend any less effort than Luo Chen this time, but only Luo Cen wonthe award...

Perhaps other people weren't awareand only saw Gong Xu’'s careless"

side, butLuo Chen witnessed ~

firsthand how hard Gong Xu workeddurig the special training. Gong Xueven made him hide it from BrotherYé.. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Everyone present was surprised and had their own opinions about the surprise win. While Cai Yongsheng gritted his teeth angrily. while Jiang Yanranwas secretly clapping for them with immense joy.

As for Ye Yiyi,2ei Heng, ProducerXue, and the¢est of their group, theynearly couldn't maintain their “composure as they watched thiscyunexpected outcome. Only PeiHengmanaged to maintain a acongratulatory expression due to hisyéars of experience. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.OrgYe Yiyi and her group weren't the only ones who reacted this way. No one else expected this year’s Best Actor would go to the most unfavorednominee.Ye Yiyi’s mind swiftly spun, and she made herself calm down.

They merely won a Best Actor... With Emperor Sky’s strength, it could keep suppressing them without a problem; just a bit more effort was needed...

The host said, "Please welcome Luo Chen to come up and accept his award!

At this time, the guest presenter on the stage, Sun Dongyu, suddenly interrupted the host. “My apologies for the interruption. I didn’t finish speaking.The winner for Best Actor... there’s one more!

Everyone had yet to recover from their earlier shock and were stunned again by this sentence.Sun Dongyu continued with a faint smile. “That's right, the other winner is... Gong Xu!”

If Sun Dongyu had splattered water into a pot of oil when he said the name Luo Chen, then he essentially shocked a pool of water with lightning justnow.

Gong Xu had just stood up toembrace Lu Chen when he abruptlyheard his nafhe. He was stunned on.the spot¢ Three seconds later, he _blinkedwith a perplexed expression.‘Um Brother Ye... I think... I thinkI've:gone crazy from wishing-to seeyou in a dress... I'm even Ravingdelusions...” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

‘Idiot!!!’ Luo Chen finally couldn't hold back his tears anymore. Tears poured down his face as he hugged Gong Xu tightly. “It’s not a delusion! It’sreal!

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