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Chapter 944

It was not her illusion.

Quill was really slowing down!

Upon realizing it, Vera felt her heart beating faster and faster as if it was going to jump out of her chest."It seems like you're not that slow-witted. You still know your own limits," he said.

Due to what had just happened, Vera suddenly felt that she had replenished her energy. She even felt that it was worth going outside at that moment,even in the cold weather. This was because she knew that he would slow down for her.

She could enjoy recalling it alone for a long time.Thinking of that, she even felt that the weather did not seem to be that cold.

Vera was not sure whether she could feel the warmth because of that matter, or it was because she had been staying outside for too long and thatwas why her body and limbs had been frozen to the point where they had lost all sensation.

"Of course I know my own limits. You wouldn't ask me to accompany you to buy clothes unless you don't want to scold me in front of Minerva.”

Speaking of that, Vera's voice softened a little. "Well, it's my fault this time. If there is a next time, I will definitely not dare to bring Beanie along andleave without informing you,” she said

Upon hearing that, Quill frowned again. He stopped walking and pursed his thin lips together while exuding an aura of displeasure.She was not paying attention at that moment. She suddenly ran into him from behind.

She let out a sigh and then stopped walking

"What's wrong?" She said

"It seems like you still have no idea about what you've done wrong," he said.

She remained silent.

She was looking puzzled. "What is my mistake? Wasn't it because I brought Beanie abroad? As Beanie's uncle, he is worried about his safety andthat is why he is getting mad with me," she pondered to herself.

She had already apologized to him. However, it seemed like Quill was still very angry.

"What's going on?" She thought to herself.

He raised his hand and pinched his nose bridge. He then asked in a very soft tone,

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She did not reply to his question.

She stood rooted to the spot with a puzzled look on her face, and her brain couldn't even function. She did not know if it was caused by the wind.

Initially, she was feeling warm. However, at that moment, she felt so cold that she wanted to sneeze. She was craving a bowl of hot soup and a hotbath. That combination must be satisfying

After these thoughts flashed across her mind, she could not help shaking her head hard again to get rid of these thoughts."How can I think about all these at this time?" She pondered

The most important thing at that moment was Quill, her Prince Charming!

The person she loved!

Vera forced herself to cheer up and explained, "It's not that I didn't want to tell you, I... I just didn't dare to tell you. I was afraid that you would... notallow us to go, so..."

Quill's frown deepened.

This girl...

However, after a while, he managed to figure out some clues

"Why was she trembling when she spoke?"

Was it because she is afraid of me? And she's even trembling as she talks?" He thought tohimself.

"Am I that scary?”

He asked coldly and then turned around.

All of a sudden, their gazes met in the air.

Vera's wish was finally granted. He had eventually turned back to take a look at her.

However, the weather looked promising. Suddenly, a gust of strong wind blew, blowing up her shoulder-length black hair. Under the strong wind, hersoft hair became extremely stiff, and it was even a little painful.

The most saddening thing was when the wind stopped, her hair was messed up.

However, Quill still looked good.

Cn the other hand, her hair was messy and she had totally lost her image.

"Ah!" She let cut a scream. After she had realized something, she reached out and covered her cheeks using her hands. "Don't lock at me!" She said.

She really hoped that he would take a look at her. In that case, everything she had done that day would be worth it. However, she didn't expect thatthere would be the strong wind that had messed up her hair.

He frowned and kept his eyes on her. He shifted his gaze from her face to her body.

He frowned even deeper after seeing what she was wearing at a glance.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

His voice sounded cold, without any emotion

Vera covered her face with her hands and turned her back to him. "The... The wind is too strong. It has messed up my hair," she said.After that, she quickly reached out to tuck her hair and wanted to tidy it upContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Clap! Clap!

All of a sudden, her wrist was grabbed by Quill. She stood rooted to the ground. She was dumbfounded at that moment.

"My Prince Charming took the initiative to hold my hand?" Vera pondered to herself.


He walked to her front. His cold gaze fell on her face.

"What on earth are you doing?" He asked. His tone sounded unpleasant, and there was an impatient expression on his face.She said, "I... I didn't do anything. Don't you want to buy clothes? Let's go. We should reach the shops after a while, and then...""What happened to your clothes?"

He decided to ask her directly.

This time, it was Vera's turn to besilent. She looked down at herclothes androlled her eyes. After along while, she raised her headcarefully and looked at Quill. She:asked; 'I don't look good?" Could itbethat she had picked the wrongcfBthes? Content belongg:toNovelDrama.Org

He was speechless at that moment.

His tightly furrowed eyebrows could not be loosened. The little hand he was holding at that moment was extremely cold as if he had taken a stone outof the water in the middle of winter. There was no warmth in it.

"She had been wearing this all the time? How long has it been?”

Didn't she feel cold? After he asked her what was wrong with her clothes, she even asked him with an idiotic look, "I don't look good?"Quill let go of her hand. Staring at his hand, Vera seemed to feel that it was a pity that he didn't hold her hand any longer.

He didn't know what to do with her. He then asked coldly, "Don't you feel cold?"

Upon his question, she had finally understood what he meant.

It turned out that he didn't find her clothes embarrassing.

"Is he asking me if I feel cold?" She thought to herself.

A glimpse of hope rose in her heart.

"Are... are you showing your concern to me?" She asked.

He narrowed his eyes in displeasure, looking at Vera, who was wearing her thin clothes.

She was already feeling cold.However, atfirst, she was still afraidthat the clothes were not good ~~ >looking. And at that moment, sheeven gsked him if he was showinghis concern to her? Couldn't she bewortied about her own body?

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"Let's go back,"

He instructed in a low voice.

Hearing that, Vera's face turned pale. She shook her head forcefully and said, "No, I'm going to take you to buy clothes.”"There's no need.”

She said anxiously, "How can that be? If you don't buy clothes, what will you do if you stay here for a few days? And you haven't started to scold mevet. I can't go back now.”

Quill was speechless listening to her.Her face and lips had turned pale because of the weather. However, she still insisted on staying stubbornly."I won't go. I won't go back no matter what you say. It is my body and I don't even feel cold,” she said.

He was lost for words at that moment.

Realizing thatthe person in front ofher had become much quieter, Veracould tellthat he must be angry at >that mordent. However, she had noidea haw angry he was. She logkedup caefu ly and realized that-Quillwas-unbuttoning his jacketn frontofher. Content belongs tg~NovelDrama.Org

This scene made her heart beat even faster.

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